I was born and brought up in XXXXX. With sample residency interview questions and answers, you can see how to craft engaging responses to some of the questions you might face. by Emily Tan | Nov 16, 2016 ... Circle back to those top characteristics you’ve been highlighting all along to build that comprehensive picture of yourself. Tell me about a time you made a mistake and had to tell a resident or attending. You will also get some behavioral and situational questions along the way. Both yoga and hiking with your family demonstrate a love of community, reaching goals together, and supporting others. We strongly recommend that you prepare to talk about your strengths, what sets you apart. Then proceed to talk about your most recent position, past roles, and why you're excited about the potential opportunity. Why are you sure medicine is suited for you? After all, who knows you better than…You? Tell me about yourself You'll be opening yourself up to the interviewers and that can feel vulnerable in general, let alone to someone you don't know, so make sure you feel comfortable and confident to tell them what makes you you, as well as where your passions, dreams, and aspirations lie. A General Answer to “Tell Me About Yourself” Possible Answer 1: “I am a self-starter with strong interpersonal skills. We strongly recommend preparing thoughtfully for each of these. How to Answer the “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question . Naturally, a DUI arrest is a big deal. Have you ever cared for a patient who doesn’t speak the same language-if so, what did you do? Some interviewers will ask for your thoughts on the future of medicine or the future of your specialty. Overall, when you practice your answer, you want to tell a great story about yourself that you can share in no more than two minutes. Many interviews begin with the question, 'Tell me about yourself.' 19 thoughts on “ The Most Important Residency Interview Questions and How to Answer Them ” oben ojong 29 October, 2017. Now let’s take a look at some “tell me about yourself” sample answers. Most of these are fairly straightforward. Behavioral Interview Questions . Naturally, they will also be interested in evaluating your fit for the specialty. This information is already available to the interviewers, and if they want to know about a specific detail, they will ask. A great place to start is to understand the reasoning behind the question. ©️ 2020 Skillful Communications, Inc. | Big Interview and Interview Roulette are trademarks of Skillful Communications, Inc. help them see your “fit” by showing how your priorities and goals align with the program, they will also be interested in evaluating your fit for the specialty, they’re all trying to get a sense of your long-term career plans, many interviewers will ask about your greatest weaknesses, You should be prepared to talk about absolutely anything in your application, Other experience questions are a bit trickier, We have worked with many coaching clients on addressing these tricky questions, most interviews include some “get-to-know-you” questions. They don't want to hear what you think they want to hear, they want your genuine, unique story. But you’re also likely to get at least 1 or 2 quirky questions. I decided to study Kinesiology at X University to learn more about the mechanisms of movement and different methods of bone, joint and tissue rehabilitation. Spend some time thinking about your answers, practice delivering these responses and develop questions of your own for the actual interview. If it's any longer than that, you risk losing your audience’s attention. BeMo®, BeMo Academic™, BeMo Consulting™, BeMo Academic Consulting ™, Platinum™, The Admissions Experts™, CASPer SIM®, MMI SIM®, SJT® & Get In Or Your Money Back® are trademarks of BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. BeMo does not endorse nor affiliate with any universities, colleges, or official test administrators. To best prepare for upcoming residency interviews, AMO came up with a list of the top 10 most frequently asked questions. Behavioral questions are those that begin with “Tell me about a time…” or “Give me an example of…”. It’s okay if you don’t know exactly what you want to do yet. Best to start with a strong simple statement about yourself (again related to … “Tell me about a time you had to make a tough decision…”. Learn More. These are often asked as a way to get you away from prepared answers and really get to know you. The interviewer wants to see what direction you'll move in when you're prompted this way. In your response, do the following: 1. To make matters worse, every job opening today gets an average of 250 applications, and out of that group, only 4–6 people get in front of an interviewer. Okay, you’ve got a winning strategy ready to go, so now it’s time for some examples. Interviewers want to see your ability to self-reflect while answering unasked questions such as why are you here? There is no fighting the fact that people love stories, so offering an answer that allows your interviewer to see you as a leader, communicator, collaborator, etc., will do much more for the impact of your answer than a loose string of events, benchmarks, or scores. Developing your own story, not someone else's is essential. Most interviews will include some question along these lines. They might dig into your thoughts about issues related to your research or a recent rotation. Start with the present and tell why you are well qualified for the position.? These are less common than behavioral questions and harder to prepare for. Be on the lookout for any nervous behaviors, such as touching your hair, touching your face, fidgeting or pacing. However, if you prepare well, this question is a terrific opportunity to tell your story and highlight what you want them to know about you. Hi All, I searched this question and it didn't come up with any results at all. Let's begin with the basics, start by asking yourself some questions and writing down your responses. I thrived on the feeling of hitting a forehand winner past my opponent to seal a victory, or the surge of adrenaline consuming my body as I scampered past a tackle on the sidelines en route to scoring a try. STAR (Situation, Task, Action, and Result) 1. 1. Tell me about yourself. These are questions that are asked frequently because they focus on the information most important to interviewers in evaluating your fit for their residency program. How to Answer “Tell Me About Yourself” Interview Question To better answer the question, you first need to understand why they ask it in the first place. It is the most important and common question, should be 1-2 minutes in length and medically related. Interview Questions to ask the Residency Program Remember that interviews are meant to be an exchange of ideas between yourself, and the residency program. Tell me about an interesting case you have seen. Best, Good, and Bad “Tell Me About Yourself” Examples. “Tell Me About Yourself” Gets The Interview Going By: Setting the tone for the rest of the interview; Acting as an easy way to break the ice and get the interview started; Giving you the chance to take control of the interview from the beginning; Can ruin your chances of … Schedule Your FREE Initial Consultation Today! They are looking for the highlights of your background, here. I wanted the opportunity to help those with injuries recover, just as I had, so it felt natural for me to pursue medicine after completing my degree. Now that we’ve covered the key steps to answering, “tell me about yourself,” let’s look at some full answer examples to this interview question. So, the interview begins after some ice breaking small talk. On the flip side of strengths, many interviewers will ask about your greatest weaknesses. Hint: the interviewer isn’t looking for your life story, or what you had for dinner last night. Your interviewers were probably asked variations on these questions when they were interviewing for residency — whether it was last year or many years ago. These tend to be more philosophical than technical. Residency program directors want to understand your personal experiences and passions including where you started and what has led you to pursue this career choice. Other common variations include, “What would you bring to the program?,” “What qualities make you a good physician?,” and “What sets you apart from other applicants?”. If you have anything that could be perceived as a weakness in your application, they will probably ask about it. For this reason, do not recite your residency CV when giving your response. Once you have your main speaking points jotted down, you'll need to rehearse. Be sure to review our blog on how to prepare for your med school interviewfor the best strategies a… During my high school, I decided to go to medical school and prepared myself accordingly.I competed for the Medical Entrance conducted for all over the state and succeded to secure a seat in Medical school of my choice. This question is your chance to summarize your key selling points. These were sample answers to “tell me about yourself” question. Residency interview question #1: “Tell me about yourself.” A staple of most interviews, this question is open-ended enough that, even if you’ve heard it before, a new context can still make you unsure about how best to approach it. ", Easiest Medical Schools to Get into in 2020, CASPer Test Prep: 8 Official CASPer Sample Questions in 2020, Statement of Purpose Examples for Graduate School in 2020. Behavioral questions work well because they draw out detailed information about key accomplishments and approaches to work. If you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, don’t worry! Since it’s often the first question to be asked in an interview, it’s your big chance to make a first impression. It makes sense that they want to rank the applicants who are most passionate about the program and motivated to succeed there. 8. 4. Here we’ll provide an overview of the most common residency interview questions and why interviewers ask them. You're almost guaranteed to be asked this question during your interview, and it's not a question that you can answer well on the spot without prior preparation. Some examples of these tricky experience questions are: We have worked with many coaching clients on addressing these tricky questions in a confident and convincing way. It's important that your answer comes across as confident and genuine. Besides bringing me an indescribable level of joy, these experiences instilled within me a relentless drive for success, personal accountability, and strong decision-making skills. I work efficiently both as an individual contributor as well as along with a team. Be sure to discuss why, what you gained from participating, and what it taught you about yourself. How to best answer “tell me about yourself?” in a residency interview, “Tell me about yourself“ residency interview example. They want to know where your drive has come from, and that it is a continual theme in your life choices. How you respond to the “Tell me about yourself” question can set the tone for the rest of the interview. Recap | Tell Me About Yourself Interview Questions & Answers. First of all, there is no copy-paste answer that will work for this question. Even if a family member or close friend asked, you'd probably struggle to reply. But interviewers will gauge your answer to learn about your experience and to hear why you’re there. “What do you like to do outside of work?”. Most program directors say that “fit” is their biggest consideration in ranking applicants. In some ways, you already had to reflect upon this question in your residency personal statement, so draw some ideas from the essay you wrote. All rights reserved. What is the purpose of the “tell me about yourself” residency interview question? You’ll then have a better sense of which questions you want to spend more time preparing for. Through the above-mentioned brainstorming, you should start developing your main ideas and themes which will demonstrate your passion for medicine. Lastly, it's a good idea to consult a professional medical school advisor to ensure that your response is unique, in-depth, and conveys your suitability and desire for medicine. PERSONAL TYPE OF QUESTIONS ASKED DURING A RESIDENCY INTERVIEW: Tell me about yourself. Try to think of three different activities that you enjoy doing, or better yet, three different activities that you'd have a hard time giving up because they're important to you. This question is tricky because it’s so open-ended. Your tips are very practical and have given me a systematic way to approach my interviews. For example, let's pick a love of community and supporting others. This should be mainly professional highlights, but with some personal details as well. In every interview, you will be asked some questions about your interest in that program. For example, perhaps you first began volunteering at a hospital because you wanted to maintain that sense of community that you first experienced when practicing yoga. Explore these themes further and use these experiences as you shape your answer. There are some questions and topics that you are almost certain to get, especially if you go on a number of interviews. These questions may be asked with different phrasing in different interviews, but they WILL be asked. So, this is exactly what you need to do to answer the "tell me about yourself" residency interview question effectively. Situational questions relate to hypothetical situations. And these can be tricky questions to answer gracefully. It can be difficult to wax philosophical spontaneously in an interview. Each of us is different, so is every interview. Q12: Tell me about yourself. It can be hard to find the balance of professional and personal, to sound confident without sounding arrogant, and to stay focused on the most relevant information. First of all think about What I Want To Hear If I Ask You To Tell Me About Yourself? Thank you for publishing this article. Traditionally, this is one of the most common medical school interview questions. While you can’t predict exactly what questions you’ll get in any given interview, you can (and should) prepare for the majority of the most common residency interview questions. But for some strange reason, nearly every interviewer can agree that giving a good answer to the question “Tell Me About Yourself” during a job interview can be one of the toughest and most stressful things to do. It's the question that many students struggle with during their residency interview because they don't really know where to start. Tell me about a time you disagreed with a supervisor or an attending and how you handled it. The key is to be prepared to address the issue neutrally and with confidence, not get too caught up in over-explaining, which can sound defensive, or be too self-deprecating. And it should be one of the easiest questions to answer — because you can anticipate and prepare for it — but, just as commonly, it’s one of the most anxiety-provoking and confusing questions. I'm preparing for my first med interview and one of the most common interview questions is "tell me about yourself." We have also created a separate list of interview Typically, a good portion of the interview is spent discussing the details of your background. “So, tell me a little about yourself.” This common interview prompt inspires dread for many internship and first-time job seekers. You’ll find that interviewers have different interests in asking this question. Although it might be tempting to share a list of your most compelling qualifications for the job, a more low-key approach will probably help you to develop a personal rapport with your interviewer. 3. This can be anything and it doesn't have to, nor should it be related to medicine. It’s usually the first thing you’ll be asked when you sit down. This interview may also assess your compatibility with the supervising training physician and the healthcare facility. For example, perhaps your committed to painting, playing soccer, and singing. Instead, you need to think about what residency directors actually want to know. While “Tell me about yourself” might seem like an invitation to talk about your family, your goals, your hobbies or other personal details, avoid providing too much information. When you come up with those answers start diving deeper into them to find out why these three items are important to you. RESIDENCY INTERVIEW • No one-size-fits-all structure for interview • Different sites will have different processes • Most programs will provide advance information on how the interview process will work (presentations, Q&A) • Students are strongly encouraged to: • Research the program where you will interview Our Big Interview Medical Curriculum is specifically designed to help you answer all of these questions. Tell me about something less than stellar in your application. Tell me about a stressful situation you experienced in medical school and how you handled it. Some want your elevator pitch of professional accomplishments. For example: 19. For example, maybe practicing yoga is important to you because it's your way of connecting with yourself and others around you. On the surface, it is basic, unassuming and benign. Get our free eBook guide of sample answers and expert interview advice emailed to you now. “Tell me about a time you had to make a tough decision…”. They just want to get to know more about you and your experience. 23 examples on how to answer Tell Me About Yourself Sample Answers for students, freshers and experienced professionals. That’s the end of our overview of the most common residency interview questions. Ideally, your response should be a couple of minutes with three minutes being the maximum length. I am surprised more interview candidates are not on this page commeting. How do you answer such a huge, thought-provoking question like tell me about yourself? “What would you do if…..?” questions. I was amazed at how physical therapy and chiropractic treatments could soothe my sore muscles and re-align my bones. Where do you begin, and where do you end? In this blog, review strategies to help create your own response that will effectively answer this challenging residency interview question. You could begin your response by discussing how yoga and hiking have always been important to you. Why? Ultimately, what has brought you here, in front of them, hoping to match to their residency program. It’s such a simple phrase, but you have no idea what the interviewer wants to hear. HOW TO ANSWER: Where Do You See Yourself in Five Years? I grew up in a small town in Minnesota experiencing both the highs and lows of competitive tennis and rugby. No residency program wants to be your fall-back, just-in-case option. Whether you are interviewing for a residency or for a job, preparation is key.You need to know about the hiring entity (residency program or hospital/clinic/company) and about yourself.The latter may seem obvious but, when you are Dear Dr. Yoffe. Primarily, the interviewer will use this question as an icebreaker. While companies have different approaches to an interview, one of the most common questions that a lot of jobseekers — CSR candidates included — fail to answer well the question: "Tell me about yourself." Big Interview's proven, step-by-step system combines expert video lessons and our interactive interview practice tool to help you land your dream residency program. There are some residency questions that you are likely to get in most of your interviews — even the informal ones. Do you already have a sub-specialty in mind? Check out this post for strategies and sample questions for the standardized video interview (SVI). “Tell me about yourself” is an open-ended prompt that can be taken in a number of different directions. By Jeff Gillis. One of the most important things to remember when developing your story further is to demonstrate your passion without just saying that you are passionate. We have two very in-depth lessons on the “Tell Me About Yourself” question in our Big Interview Medical curriculum which will help you outline an excellent, compelling answer. That’s because these questions are well-known ways to learn more about your key experience, goals, and personality. 1 INTERVIEW PREPARATION!!! Connecting with others is necessary for you because you love being part of something important and sharing experiences with those around you. While they don't want to know your life story, they do want to know your relevant story. We hope that you have found some inspiration in our answers, and that you will manage to prepare your great answer to the question. Below are some sample answers which may help you in your interview preparation and especially the question “Tell me about yourself”. Rugby taught me that every member of the team had a specific job to perform using a unique skill set, and team success was only achievable through strong leadership, collaboration, and trust. “Tell me about yourself” residency interview sample answer directions. We’ve divided the key residency interview questions into a few categories to help you navigate them. The most common are pretty straightforward — like: 21. Because it's open-ended. Tips to remember : ? This is the number one most commonly residency interview question asked during an interview. Talking about yourself should be the easiest thing to do. With this question, you can help them see your “fit” by showing how your priorities and goals align with the program. Are you truly committed to this specialty and do you have the skills and temperament to succeed in it? To best answer “tell me about yourself” during your residency interview, take careful consideration, self reflect, and of course, plan and prepare in advance. Unfortunately, as my passion for tennis and rugby grew stronger, my body was unable to keep up. So, what response are residency interviewers hoping for? Nevertheless, motivation, enthusiasm, and positive attitude (nearly) always works. She lives on the West Coast with her ever-increasing library of books. Find what interests and motivates you and then reflect on those thoughts and emotions and relate them to the skills and qualities necessary for success in residency programs. Most interviews start with some variation of “Tell me about yourself.” It’s an easy way for the interviewer to get you talking about your background. Be sure you're not just picking three random things, make sure they are actually very important to you and you thoroughly enjoy participating in them. While everyone’s answer to this question will be different, the interviewer's main goal is to determine if your personal characteristics match what they're looking for and what the program is looking for. Regarding this residency interview question, many applicants ask us: “What do I say? Start with a solid handshake, hello, and smile to catch the interviewer's attention. This is also a really important question to answer well. This can be a really tricky question. Top 10 Residency Interview Questions You will be Asked. Sample Behavioral Interview Questions: Tell me about a time you worked effectively under pressure. Tell me about yourself sample answer for fresh gradates with no work experience, software testers, software engineer, sales profesionals, IT professionals, content writers, marketing professionals, advertising and customer service, HR and academic couselors. Example Answer for Experienced Candidates: “I graduated with a Business degree in 2010, and was offered an account management position from a telecommunications company I had interned with. In order to gain the answer, they need to learn more about you, personally and professionally. Tell me about a patient or family that meant a lot to you . They dig into the applicant’s past experiences as a way to understand how they might perform as a resident. 1. What sparked your journey? For example: 19. More and more programs now incorporate these questions, though you may not get them in a very informal or conversational interview. Tell me about yourself. Top 3 Residency Interview Questions. Posted on July 2, 2016 September 2, 2016 by KevanGhobadi This content is for The RIQ Video Course, The RIQ Video Course with Mock Interview, and RIQ 1 on 1 Expert Coaching members only. Answering “tell me about yourself” requires much more depth and should give the interviewers insight into who you are as a person while highlighting your drive and dedication for a career in medicine. So, I anxiously pop the question: Tell me about what happened with your DUI arrest when you were in college? We have created separate lessons in Big Interview Medical that contain specific advice and examples related to how to handle some of the most common challenges that come up with these questions. What would you do?”. Interview Questions and Answers. Top 20 Best Questions to Ask in an Interview. In this article, we explore common questions that can be asked during a residency interview and provide sample answers to help you prepare your own. ... BEHAVIORAL TYPE OF QUESTIONS ASKED DURING A RESIDENCY INTERVIEW: Tell me three things that would make you valuable for our residency program. by Alia Sinclair | Industry Specific, Residency Interviews. Try to strike a balance between continuously incorporating the important points you jotted down without coming across as too rehearsed. You may need to explain a negative in a way that counters concerns without coming across as defensive. © 2013-2020 BeMo Academic Consulting Inc. We’re here to help you succeed! Let me tell you now: no, they don't want to know every detail of your personal background—who your parents are, or your vital statistics. Look to start with relevant information about yourself relating to the role. You should be prepared to talk about absolutely anything in your application. Or perhaps about a current trend or issue in the field. For example: 20. Behind every question that they ask, they are looking to find the answer to the same question: Will you be a good fit for this program? 2. From asking why you like yoga, we've picked out an essential quality: a desire for community, one that absolutely carries over in the practice of medicine. Terms of Service | Privacy Policy | Contact Us, New York | Los Angeles | Boston | Chicago | Houston | London | Sydney | Toronto | Calgary | Montreal | Vancouver, (Without Memorizing Any Sample Questions), tell me about yourself residency interview, residency interview tell me about yourself, how to answer tell me about yourself residency interview, residency interview, Medical School Personal Statement Examples: 20 Best in 2020, How To Answer The Med School Personal Statement & Interview Question: "Why Do You Want To Be A Doctor? It's a good idea to pick one or two themes that will carry on throughout your response. There are other variations on this, but they’re all trying to get a sense of your long-term career plans. Finally, most interviews include some “get-to-know-you” questions — about your hobbies, interests, and personality. “Tell me about yourself.” It seems like a simple request—a getting-to-know-you softball. Alia is the Senior Content Manager for Big Interview and the Editor-in-Chief of Patchwork Mosaic, an online magazine for creatives. Some of the common experience questions include: Other experience questions are a bit trickier. It signifies that the applicant has potential to be an alcoholic and/or engage in risky behaviors. Perhaps through that volunteering, you realized how much of a difference you could make in the lives of patients and so supporting others as a physician is a natural progression for you. I'm very excited to be interviewing for your program as it aligns with my interest in the human body and my desire to maintain, enhance, and maximize the overall health and wellness of others. When caught off guard, it might seem like the best option is to start from the very beginning and fire off where you came from, how many siblings you have and that you enjoy long walks on the beach. This question can turn any well-prepared candidate inside out. 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