Dispersion in World of Tanks is measured in the maximum distance a shell can deviate from your aiming point in metres at a 100 metres target. 2) Your believe is correct. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Is this both vertical and horizontal dispersion? 630 meters of dispersion at 10km becomes 191 meters. 26.11.2020 18:00 ... (CL-154), developed at the end of World War II. And a follow up, does locking a target change shell dispersion? Horizontal dispersion is only one of many factors of overall dispersion. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? RNG boys. It feels like you don't have the punch of 203s, but you've got their shitty long reload. Sigma. All trademarks and trademark rights pertaining to warships and aircraft are proprietary to the respective rights holders. [and some RN BB means QE,Warspite, Hood and vanguard. I will say they do feel a bit more comfortable than HIpper/Eugen because you have four more guns. below 4km) dispersion values for all ships. Dispersion mostly came as a result of recoil from one gun affecting the other - more in the same turret, and less in others by moving entire ship (single mounted guns in land tests on fixed mountings could achieve insane dispersion - as low as few meters at 20km - but i repeat it was completely fixed firing position with no way to aim). Is there a resource like this for dispersion elipses? Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. These factors can be datamined. Captain's Academy #41 is the definitive guide to how dispersion works in World of Warships. From my experience, I've definitely noticed the guns being trolly, but the amount of shells and the penetration on them counteracts that so you can still get consistent damage most of the time. She also presents the same battlecruiser characteristics as Champagne and Slava with an improved dispersion but lighter armor than other battleships at her tier. Naw, I just have entire well aimed and well times salvos from my bbs land far and short, bracketing the enemy even at 6km. But let's do some math to show it. It was confirmed for a while, since... 8?ish months ago. Unfortunately, while we know the factors for vertical dispersion, the exact formula used to calculate these numbers is currently unknown. Kremlin's is 11.9R + 33. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WorldOfWarships community. World of Warships Website; World of Warships ... 82 mm. Upgrades and thoughtfully selected Commander Skills can noticeably improve certain parameters of a ship and enhance her battle performance. Can't reliable hit targets at any range. I not looking forward for those wild shots, Is this measured dispersion through testing, or numbers from WG? With guns. 13km+ is where it is better than other t10s (except Pineda/Slava again) The ship is not meant to brawl, its armour isn’t made for it and neither is its dispersion. With guns. Note: I'm disregarding sigma when making those last statements. Yamato's ellipse width calculation is 7.3R + 84. I fire at a low health broadside cruiser 8 km away and directly looks for next target since that cruiser is 100% dead. I lost a CB game against VOR a while back because my AP shells landed straight up 3km beneath where I aimed against a broadside DM. This is also why any site claiming to have a "percentage accuracy chart" does not have reliable data. The number of available upgrades and slots depends on the warship type and tier. took a while to figure out what is what, but that's very detailed, thanks. Secondary Armament: 4x3 135.0 mm, range - 3.5 km. Gunboats. In my experience with the game in the last few weeks, the lock on bug is back, hit the x key to reselect the target and dispersion should improve. How accurate are my guns? Gunboats. I've been playing Tallinn the past few days and I struggle to do significant damage with it. so Russian CAs get less accurate than normal cruisers at around 8km and Mikoyan/Talinn are just straight up worse than standard cruisers? so i am trying to find a logic behind dispersion, and apparently , i have : here is what i noticed : ( this is only for IJN and USN dive bombs) when you start a dive, 2 reticles appear, when this two reticles becomes one, in that moment you will have the best dispersion, so far i tried it with shoukaku, lexigton and sometimes with the hakuryu, and so far, great results. Rule of thumb: High velocity/low arcing guns have bad vertical dispersion results while slow shells and/or high arcing guns result in tighter vertical dispersion. It doesn't usually matter if most shells miss if the ones that do hit are usually full pens, and you're still accurate enough to punish broadsides most of the time. It's great that we have the figures to put in a chart but, other than a few tests by LWM has anyone actually tested the "real" max range dispersion of these ships in the training room to confirm that the WG given figures are accurate in Port, considering it was LWM's testing of the turning circle figures found they were wildly out vs the given Port numbers? 5 years of WoWS and WG are still doing dumb shit! Get the latest news and developments here and play for free! are you implying that all premiums have good dispersion? Watches later at replay, all shells fall either my side or the other side of the cruiser. Meanwhile, I often find myself getting citadeled from the front or by ships firing from 15 … If you don't mind me asking: what is the lock on bug? A projectile that enters the ship can encounter up to four or five layers of armor and … The distance a shell will disperse from your aiming point when you fire the gun. Dispersion is suppose to be only ahead or behind the target, never 300m to the left or right. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the WorldOfWarships community. level 2. Do the shells disperse into the same area at any range, or does the dispersion area scale with the range at which they are fired at? Line up some premiums in the training room if you want to see something really interesting. The vertical value of the dispersion ellipse is indirectly derived and governed by the specific values of their respective guns/shells (muzzle velocity mixed with air drag depending on travel time/distance, etc.). Sometimes it trolls you and sometimes you quadruple citadel devstrike. I made sure to unlock and relock onto him to make sure the former "lock on bug" wasn't what was occurring, and it still was extremely off, enough to make me think "what the flipping hell is going on?". Yeah there's been salvos recently where I feel like something is weird, need to confirm though. Dispersion is calculated via the following formula: These factors can be datamined. talin and riga have improved pen angles and petro is obviously gonna be insane soo. The old way was to put Range and Dispersion onto a graph and use a best fit line, but that isn't as reliable. Wait Mikoyan and Tallinn gonna have same dispersion? Had it occur yesterday in my Des Moines as well, where my dispersion patterns on multiple salvos looked closer to Gneisenau than what you'd expect from an American CA. I've been running IFHE on mine and it's nothing impressive. Source was from an Anchors Away Q&A. A game about huge boats. Yamato dispersion is one of the worst at t10 under 10km, I think only Pobeda/Slava is worse. I ask because, in addition to the physical check, I find it strange that the dispersion for the KM BB's at 15km is the same as Russian BB's at 15km when gameplay suggests that isn't entirely accurate, but as thats subjective it'd be good to get some actual IRL testing done. The real dispersion elipse is even bigger. Either Yamato's dispersion is so bugged that the ellipse is completely off its equation for width, or proships is wrong. Characteristics of all models are realistically reproduced on the basis of technical elements of warships and aircraft from the first half of the 20th century. Shells fly all over the place, even worse than in your screen shoot. But after 10 seconds... nothing, not even a single shell hits. Seems to me there has been some weirdness with dispersion recently; I wonder if anyone else has noticed the same thing? Vertical dispersion, sigma, and possible other unknown factors. How does the shell dispersion work in this game? I sank some dubloons in and got very lucky with the bundles, so I got Tallinn early. Thats not RNG, thats just [edited], WG, pure unadulterated [edited]. Reload time - 30.0 s. 180 degree turn time - 36.0 s. Maximum dispersion - 235 m. Sigma – 1.60. For patch 0.4.1, WG has decreased the close-range (i.e. At around 7km or so, the dispersion of secondaries and main guns are about the same. I aim at their weak spots, but even at super close range (under 5k) my dispersion lands maybe half my shots on their hull, and even then it's mostly bounces and normal penetrations. The sigma value between the two ships differs, but this does not influence the overall dispersion area. It appears that all secondary dispersion, regardless of nation, is calculated from the formula 30 + (57 * Range in km) = Meters, and any modifier is calculated off the end result. Sovetskaya Rossiya at … Had a lot of salvoes going too short lately. Episodio numero 6 de la guía de warships, hoy hablaremos de la dispersión y el sigma. !. Additionally, WarGaming has indicated that not acquiring the target with the X button increases dispersion by an unspecified amount. Where do shells go after being shot? World of Warships Development blog BETA. Testing out the new dispersion pattern that was implemented to the German Battleships on the PTS for 8.11. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Sadly, we still don't know the formula for vertical dispersion, so it's not possible to calculate ellipses. To view and mount upgrades for the selected ship, go to the MODULES tab. Maximum HE shell damage – 1950. The old way was to put Range and Dispersion onto a graph and use a best fit line, but that isn't as reliable. What have we done to deserve this, Wargaming? In World of Warships, Florida represents the design XVI-C if the North Carolina-class would have ever been built this way. Pretty [edited] sad when 193 meter dispersion (@19km range) completely misses a 270+ meter battleship at ranges between 7 & 9 km; broadside. I've gotten the bug so much I've basically stopped playing. The dispersion was recently tested by players and the result was that the dispersion numbers in game do not give you the total dispersion. Go ahead and ban me; your forum is as … Author: Sub_Octavian Source: World of Warships Reddit Okay, so after a bunch of questions about the accuracy and aiming, the cryptic vertical dispersion and the mysterious sigma, I realized this topic deserves additional clarification. Upgrades improve a ship’s combat characteristics. Press J to jump to the feed. Never submarines, they said. Press J to jump to the feed. Cookies help us deliver our Services. World of Warships - free-to-play naval warfare-themed massively multiplayer game from Wargaming. 1 year ago. I had a battle earlier today in my Sims where I couldn't hit a broadside Nelson 8km away from me -- my shells were landing on either side of his ship vertically. Torpedo armament consists of 2 five-tube launchers.