I am developing a far deeper understanding of others; the more I choose to see. It took a little while to grasp what they meant and why it was so important. The difference now was that I couldn’t go through with buying the contacts. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Expect that you will be tested often, especially in the early days. The value of your word is in doubt; trust is on the line. Why do we hide / ignore our or other’s sins (Isaiah 40:27-28)? I don't know about you, but I have experienced people turning a blind eye, and too my shame, I have also done it. London's alt-pop quartet The King's Parade releases the musical counterpart to the previous single "Brother" with the new single "Sister". Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. All in all not a wise move. The psychoanalyst John Steiner calls this phenomenon “turning a blind eye.” He notes that often we have access to adequate knowledge but because it … As Randy Alcorn wrote recently: “Abortion is, in fact, the ruthless killing of an innocent human being. If you want to remain effective as a leader and worthy of respect, you need to make the correction immediately. I had two eye operations at 5 and 6 years of age to correct a turn in my left eye, but neither was successful. Things worked out for Nelson. Well, time and again you and your fellow Congress leaders like Navjot Singh Sidhu, Sam Pitroda, have been questioning the credibility of the air strikes and each and every time you all have been slapped with the truth. Standards exist for the good of the organization and the benefit of the people in it. To -- to tyrants and victims, and secrets and lies. I could see that the person I had become over my life was based on who I thought I needed to be and was modelled on all of the people around me that I perceived to be better than me at the time – seemingly more happy, more popular, smarter, prettier. Quotes tagged as "turning-a-blind-eye" Showing 1-2 of 2 “Isn't it strange how people are selective about the truth the want to see or hear?” ― E.A. 3. Unimed Living In the classical view Oedipus is a victim of fate and bravely pursues the truth. On top of that, according to retired General and Secretary of State Colin Powell, there are five good reasons for you to step up and do something about it. It might take you outside your comfort zone, but the penalty for not acting it too high to ignore. Mostly, I remember feeling in all of the tests that I had to perform, the words that I had to read – that if I couldn’t do it, I wouldn’t be good enough. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Turning a Blind Eye to Evil By S&P on June 7, 2019 No Comments ... At the same time, most of us would rather not know the truth about abortion on display in the Gosnell trial. Turn a blind eye to definition: to pretend not to notice or ignore deliberately | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples As I became more aware of my body and how I was feeling inside, I also began to remember many events that had taken place in my life that had long been forgotten and pushed aside – I had been encouraged to override what I would see and feel as I was growing up, as if it didn’t exist. Not the one written down somewhere, but the one you are sanctioning by your actions (actually, by your inaction). But there is something more insidious happening too:  your integrity just took a hit. Theatre of Avoidance (TOA) was founded in August 2016 by Artistic Director Bronya Creary. Standards exist for the good of the organization and the benefit of the people in it. A “mistake” in this context is someone or something that does not comply with the standard. Later, I would get confused or hurt if they weren’t being caring with me and this would come as a shock to me. Good organizations have standards: expectations for how people will do things, and how they will treat each other. You are showing that it really is important. It was discovered that I was also long-sighted. We too, Steiner wrote, turn a blind eye to the dangers that confront us, despite the plethora of evidence that if we do not radically reconfigure our relationships to each other and the natural world, catastrophe is assured. It was discovered that I was also long-sighted. It seems like people would rather not read about this and take the easy way out. You will pass the test if you make the correction and uphold the standard. RAPIDSTART LEADERSHIP © 2020   Ι   ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I learnt to memorise certain patterns of letters before the testing, to try to prove that I could see them. ... so why not dig a little deeper and find out the real truth… why stay blind. Turning a blind eye can't disguise the truth. I even looked into getting contact lenses to avoid having to feel uncomfortable and to maintain the ‘image’ I wanted to maintain. In 1801, Admiral Horatio Nelson was leading several warships in a desperate fight against the Danish in the Battle of Copenhagen. • It reinforces the standard. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. 2. Gun Control: Stop turning a blind eye… questions are your friend! Women In Livingness Magazine. Click To Tweet. That capacity for denial should not be underestimated. Wearing the contacts for extended periods had many adverse effects on my eyes – dry eyes and sore red eyes, and my lenses would stick to my eyeballs among other symptoms. When I am not seeing something for the truth that it is, my eyesight deteriorates and I find I need to put my glasses on to read and to focus on things. to turn a blind eye - Examples:. It could even sometimes make things worse. Good organizations have standards:  expectations for how people will do things, and how they will treat each other. When asked if one lens was better than another after trying many, many lenses I would give up and just say it was, so that the testing would be over. Let’s get them on.” Up until I was 29 years old, my eyesight deteriorated slowly – I was a plus four in each eye and I still had the turn in my left eye. When I was 29, I discovered Universal Medicine and came for my first healing session with Serge Benhayon. What if the Ageless Wisdom is with Us All the Time. We also stop ourselves from responding to the clear reflection of what is in front of us and stifle our own growth and evolution. Contacts became my ‘get out of jail free card’ – as they appeared to disguise my eyesight issue. Maybe it’s to continue fellowship with evil (Ephesians 5:11 and II Corinthians 6:14-18). This video is unavailable. Courtesy of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, Eng. I had to wear very thick glasses every day and was told that I would have to wear them for the rest of my life. Back in those days, commanders communicated with their fleet by displaying signal flags. First, you have just shown by your personal actions that you don’t really believe in the standard. I knew with every cell in my body that the Esoteric way of life was true and all of the parts of me that I had shut down over my life were all coming back to life. But if you don’t act, the testing will continue because your team doesn’t know what the “new standard” is. It was recommended to take contacts out after 12 hours, to allow your eyes to breathe but I dared not do so, in case I had to go back to accepting I had eyesight issues. A blind eye to sex abuse: How USA Gymnastics failed to report cases 88059830. During this period of Esoteric Healing and learning to see once more, I went for a routine eye check and discovered that my eyesight had improved. When asked about the videos, Gillibrand said:“I think what Planned Parenthood does around the … Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Turning a Blind Eye to Truth When I was three years old, I began wearing glasses. We also know it's the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice. But for us as leaders, following his example is a bad idea. Early in my career, my leaders drilled into me the idea that a leader should never walk past a mistake. It’s raining right now. A. “That joke is not appropriate. Often I was told I was imagining things and not seeing them at all, and at times that whatever I was seeing was really not that bad when compared to far worse things happening for other people. Good leaders are standard bearers. Change ), "The marriage of Western Medicine and Esoteric Medicine will be the greatest union that will serve humanity" ~ Serge Benhayon (on record Feb 2012). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. I continued wearing glasses until I was 18 years old when I discovered contacts. True reconciliation exposes the awfulness, the abuse, the pain, the hurt, the truth. That builds your credibility. On April 26, 2020, an interview with David Matas, a famous Canadian human rights lawyer was published. Click To Tweet. We also know it's the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice. No one can feel safe if our own government permits torture by turning a blind eye. Maybe it’s to avoid confrontation (I Kings 18:20-21). He felt deep shame at his acceptance of what should have been completely unacceptable. His eyes were finally opened by the public homophobic stance of the organisation. Here’s why. Did you mean it when you said this was important, or were those just words? East Timor: turning a blind eye to inconvenient truth. It is not about patting one another on the back and turning a blind eye to the wrong. Dear Shashi Tharoor, I as a patriotic Indian, take liberty in writing you this letter in response of you questioning the Balakot airstrikes. ( Log Out /  Turning a Blind Eye to Truth When I was three years old, I began wearing glasses. I also continued with the Esoteric Healing sessions and continued to address the issues in my life as they presented. They will let a standard slip, maybe make an excuse. “there was more to life than meets the eye.” Our eyes may ‘see’ what is in front of us but our whole body feels what is there to be felt. Bible verses about spiritual blindness There are many causes for spiritual blindness such as Satan, pride, ignorance, following blind guides, caring what others think, and more. Aung San Suu Kyi: The Fall of an IconBBC Two★★★★☆LifeBBC One★★★☆☆Is there an excuse for turning a blind eye to human rights atrocities? Save. Translation for 'to turn a blind eye to the truth' in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many other Arabic translations. The proof is the reaction to the answer. A lot of the time all it takes is a little reminder: “Hey, shouldn’t we be wearing our hard hats? But he also believed that if he persisted a little longer, he could win the battle. The recent guest column by Rep. Tom Cole was another sad/tragic commentary on the state of truth telling in our American culture. People of God, we must speak up and out against abuse. Communicating every movement and choice to us without fail. … I had essentially become a blend of them all and in doing so, had lost my own distinct flavour. We’re tired. OK, so letting it slide is not a good idea. These guys are patriots doing a service for people around the world, revealing government policy for what it really is. I went to the eye specialist who confirmed that this was the case, and although I still had a slight turn in my left eye, I no longer needed to wear glasses. View Comments. Soon after this, I learnt of certain gentle eye movements through Universal Medicine that could be done to support my eyes and vision and I began to incorporate these into my daily routine. They will keep probing, and life will only get more difficult. Many of our senses are affected, they are radars for not only the physicality but more importantly, the energetic parts of living. It seems that turning a blind eye, is nothing more than denying the negative aspects of something that is accepted by society. Serge Benhayon Nevertheless its a wonderful tool to understanding the intricacies of life though. Plus there are many examples in the media and in history. Universal Medicine By propertyeditor 2 weeks ago Every night 105,237 people go to sleep on the street, with no food, shelter … If something is important enough to make it a standard, then you have to be ready to enforce it. Turning a blind eye to the truth Private Eye ’s feeble apology for its support for Dr Andrew Wakefield reminds us of the media’s uncritical complicity in the MMR-autism theory. Cole turning a blind eye to truth. For me, one of my senses that have been affected since a young age, has been my hearing. As I did this, I began to see more and more of what it was I was leaving behind me, where I was heading to and where I now stood in my life. “Later, as I allowed myself to feel other experiences in my life that I had learnt to override and ‘conveniently delete’, I continued to commit to healing my old pattern of not seeing, distorting what I would see to suit me and turning a blind eye to things.” I can relate to only seeing what I want to see and not the whole picture of what’s truly going on, thanks Deborah for your powerful blog. His actions are the reason we have the phrase “to turn a blind eye.”  This saying has come to mean ignoring something you would rather not see because then you would have to do something about it. I encourage each and every one of you reading this to never accept the story you are given always look below that surface. Another year or so later, routine eye tests revealed that my eyesight had improved drastically. He lifted a telescope to his blind eye and famously said. Iv heard people say Fox news said you shouldn't read them so people are obeying. Updated August 11, 2016 — 3.20pm first published August 10, 2016 — 2.27pm. If you think that means “we” require fundamental human rights to be respected there, think again: we are simply turning our usual blind eye. If the Lord Jesus… While the powerful display indifference, the violations continue. • Fixing small infractions now will prevent them from growing into larger problems later. I have discovered that my eyes will let me know very clearly if I am choosing to see or if I am turning a blind eye to the truth. I needed to wear glasses again. The body is a marker for truth and will never let you down, it is us that lets it down and walk away from it, till we are slapped in the face by a condition / ailment / disease. By: ... there are people who turn a blind eye to the killings because they fear the backlash that a dissenting voice is bound to ... and bring peace and security to our country. The truth was my sight was not good, so I encountered problems with constantly wearing the contacts, and to avoid this, I never took them out. Now I am allowing myself to see the true good in others but to also see the whole picture, not just this – if there is anger, or rudeness or jealousy then I no longer ignore it, I see it for what it is and allow myself to feel this. It was an empowering day when I accepted wearing glasses and sat in the office as ‘me’ – without hiding the glasses and unconcerned with how others may be with this. Click To Tweet. He argued that Oedipus, Jocasta, Creon and the “blind” Tiresias grasped the truth, that Oedipus had killed his father and married his mother as prophesized, but they colluded to ignore it. Make the statement, be clear about it, correct the behavior, and move on. It took a little while to grasp what they meant and why it was so important. SUMMARY. The authorities were turning a blind eye to human rights abuses. A true patriot is one that questions everything. Early in my career, my leaders drilled into me the idea that a leader should never walk past a mistake. Learn more. This was never the goal of going to Serge Benhayon or Universal Medicine – it was never for a cure for my eyesight. The nose can smell more than just a smell; our taste buds can taste more than just food or drink we put in our mouths; we can feel more when we touch things. To -- to tyrants and victims, and secrets and lies. But if the truth is not exposed, this could easily happen again. If you walk past a mistake, you miss an opportunity to be a better leader in a better organization. Meaning: To refuse to acknowledge a known truth Example: I’ll turn a blind eye once, but next time you’ll be in trouble. When you look at Christianity you see divisions. 2) First off, the mere existence of laws that turn a blind eye to -- and even enable -- such heinous crimes are downright embarrassing. It was difficult to accept this, when my wearing glasses was the subject of much ridicule at school. I discovered in the process that I was actually very uncomfortable with people really looking right at me, in my eyes. Turning a Blind Eye Is Not an Option. • It shows that you care about the organization and its people that the standard is meant to support. There is fogginess to things. The more aggressive Nelson saw and understood the signal. Esoteric Women's Health Later, as I allowed myself to feel other experiences in my life that I had learnt to override and ‘conveniently delete’, I continued to commit to healing my old pattern of not seeing, distorting what I would see to suit me and turning a blind eye to things. I felt like I had failed and gone backwards. As a leader, you are the standard bearer for your organization. • It is consistent with that you said you would do. Two things, and neither one is good. 1. On April 26, 2020, an interview with David Matas, a famous Canadian human rights lawyer was published. Turning a Blind Eye: The Cover up for Oedipus. So true – we only want to see what we want to see and find a sense of safety in not seeing the ugliness and the bad, and put ourselves in a course of movements that would stop us seeing the all that there is, while as you so beautifully share here, there’s so much power in being able to see everything with clarity. The republican party would not have you. Things were a lot clearer. Let’s talk about something else.”. But what this behaviour examples for us is our ability, and ever-growing nature, to turn the blind eye. If you turn a blind eye, expect that your teammates may someday turn a blind eye towards you. How we care for and support our bodies is what supports us in understanding our bodies communication. They want to see what you will do, how you will respond. When your teammates see that your actions match your words consistently, trust grows, and your ability to influence them increases. The funny thing was that they didn’t even seem to notice, but I felt ten feet tall. I noticed I would blink frequently when speaking with others and I would often look away quickly rather than hold eye contact. After hours of combat, and suffering great damage, the cautious British commander feared the loss of his fleet, so he hoisted a series of signal flags directing Nelson to break off his attack. This “gospel of death” is a lie: Throughout history, one unchanging truth is that violence only begets more violence. ( Log Out /  Last year, I began a new job and I found my vision deteriorating almost immediately, but I chose to put it down to the computers and nothing more. Our bodies are truly amazing. I felt inspired after this meeting, to work at returning to the true me, the original version and not the made up copy I had developed over my life. A “mistake” in this context is so… There was nothing more important than this to me. Bucchianeri, Brushstrokes of a Gadfly, Good leaders are the standard bearers. Sometimes that can require a little courage. Even though it may be the most appropriate answer to this question it … Earlier in his career, Nelson had been blinded in one eye. No one will know…. This was a true miracle that was unexpected yet I knew was deserved. Nelson’s section on the Tibetans makes no reference to the fact that their country was invaded and annexed by China, which maintains its grip through lethal force. (AP Photo)Senator Kirsten Gillibrand of New York says she has not viewed, and doesn’t plan on viewing the videos that expose the harvest and sale of human body parts by Planned Parenthood, an agency that receives federal funds. I had two eye operations at 5 and 6 years of age to correct a turn in my left eye, but neither was successful. The correction itself doesn’t need to be a big show or a made-for-TV drama. Yet nobody seems to be doing anything about it. The threat of abuse and harm hangs heavy over too many New Zealand kids. I felt very uncomfortable with wearing glasses again as I realised I still had not healed how I felt about myself and how I had always felt as a child wearing glasses and being ridiculed for it. Being in the presence of someone I knew was authentic for the first time, was incredibly inspiring. I chose not to seek the relief that the contacts would bring me but to deal with the issue. Sometimes, especially if you are new as the leader, your teammates may test you, whether they are conscious of it or not. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Our eyes can see more than they can see; our ears can hear more than what they can hear, they can feel too. I felt like I was hiding, trapped behind those big structures on my face that would become grubby, foggy and speckled with rain. turn a blind eye definition: 1. to ignore something that you know is wrong: 2. to ignore something that you know is wrong: . Commitment to the Energetic Quality of My Movements, The Cycles of Nature – Returning to My Clairsentience. Your statement about lumping all Republicans as turning a blind eye to the truth just shows that you could never be a Republican because you are a communist liberal who would not know the truth if it faced you square on. The Hard Truth: We are trained to turn a blind eye to mental health, and how your business is going to take the brunt of it. Forgiving and being reconciled to our enemies or our loved ones are not about pretending that things are other than they are. Good leaders are the standard bearers. Origin: While many proposed origins of this phrase are disputed, it is commonly accepted that turning a blind eye comes from a comment made by British Admiral Horatio Nelson. You have turned a blind eye to the truth by your prejudiced remark. I had two eye operations at 5 and 6 years of age to correct a turn in my left eye, but neither was successful. After a while, the testing will slacken when they see that you mean what you say. ( Log Out /  • You are setting a leadership example for the other leaders on your team to emulate; you are showing them the way. I remember the constant trips to see the eye specialists as a child and all of the arduous testing that followed. Are you seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting smelling more than it is? If you did, then you would have done something about it. I wasn’t surprised given all the healing I was doing with the support of Universal Medicine. The truth about homelessness- are we turning a blind eye? Everyone knows God is real, but people […] This message (to override) was reinforced at home, at school and just about everywhere else. One man, Paul Haggis, an Oscar winning film director, was asking himself how he could have stayed so long in Scientology turning a blind eye to the flagrant abuses. I believed that if no one could see me wearing glasses, not only would I no longer look what I perceived to be ‘ugly’, I no longer would have the eyesight issue either – and I went about my life pretending I had perfect sight. Pro-life and pro-abortion supporters hold signs at a rally. Every time. I just knew this was the result of choosing to see and my commitment to seeing everything that is there to be seen (to the best of my ability) and not just the bits I want to see as I had always done. Instantly I could feel how much I was living a reduced version of myself, that there was more to me. Turning a blind eye to extrajudicial killings. Watch Queue Queue. I remembered being three years old again and speaking the truth I felt and had experienced to those I trusted, only to be told it didn’t happen and I must never speak of it again. He said, People are bearing the consequences of turning a blind eye to the organ harvesting crimes committed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). ( Log Out /  If we were aware of how much is there to be seen and how little we see, we would not be making silly comments regarding anybody wearing glasses. One of those long forgotten events was an abuse of me, and particularly traumatic – occurring at a time in my life immediately prior to when I first needed to start wearing glasses. Instead, you have just established a new, lower standard. From the first meeting, I felt fully met and seen for who I am, for the first time in my life. What an amazing insight into how we are when we shut down our bodies to feeling the way our sensitivities actually work, and the true level of love we have for ourselves and others changes so much that it seems like a miracle, but it is only natural. But the question now is, do they believe you? By learning to heal this old hurt it also opened my eyes to more things at work that I had chosen to turn a blind eye to. Turn a blind eye to definition: to pretend not to notice or ignore deliberately | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples In these situations, the needs of marginalized people are conveniently overlooked by those who have the power to take action. The origin of the expression ‘turn a blind eye’ can be found in the 1801 naval battle of Copenhagen, when Admiral Horatio Nelson and Admiral Sir Hyde Parker disagreed over tactics. ‘When I am not seeing something for the truth that it is, my eyesight deteriorates’ – the irony of when we ignore the truth behind everything around us, and how it can affect us. The gap between what you say and what you do fills with distrust. Watch Queue Queue It’s not how we treat people. And if you as the leader are not willing to make sure it’s right, why should the rest of the team do so? My eyes were re-tested and it was discovered that my eyesight was clearly better. ... Meet Sexual Sin with Truth and Grace How Should the Church Handle Adultery? When I was three years old, I began wearing glasses. That’s not good. It is the turning the blind eye to things that lets them all carry on, get further ingrained and magnify. 3) You always turn a blind eye to your own black sheep in favor of criticizing the other guys. Our mission at Theatre of Avoidance is to unravel the truth behind issues society turn a blind eye to. Your teammates see that your teammates may someday turn a blind eye to what Obama is doing away! Like people would rather not read about this and take the easy way out the homophobic! Believe you of God, we must speak up and out against abuse test if turn! All of the organization and its people that the contacts would bring me to. Never for a cure for my eyesight was now normal to grasp what meant... We so chose to do so IconBBC Two★★★★☆LifeBBC One★★★☆☆Is there an excuse for turning a blind eye:.. The needs of marginalized people are obeying discovered in the free English-Arabic dictionary and many Arabic! 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