---. Her birth date range is estimated based on the birth of her oldest child in 1020, and her youngest known child in [1036]. Sviatoslav II Iaroslavich or Sviatoslav II Yaroslavich (Old East Slavic: Ст҃ославь Ӕрославичь; Russian and Ukrainian: Святослав Ярославич; 1027 – 27 December 1076[1] in Kiev [Kyiv]) was Grand Prince of Kiev between 1073 and 1076. basic information (no sources cited): Storfyrste Swiatoslaw II av Kiev. [37] According to The Narrative, Passion, and Encomium of Boris and Gleb, Sviatoslav took Saint Gleb's hand and "pressed it to his injury, for he had pain in his neck, and to his eyes, and to his forehead"[38] before placing it back into the coffin. [5] This is questionable,as these names follow conventions well established in other … [ILIYA Iaroslavich (-1020). [263] Baumgarten (1927), p. 20, citing Schlumberger, G. L. (1884) Sigillographie de l´Empire byzantin, pp. human. He returned with support from the Kuman [Cumans] to take Chernigov by force and defeated his uncle Vsevolod on the river Sozh, east of Pereyaslavl, 25 Aug 1078[260]. It is more probable that she was the daughter rather than sister of King Olof if it is correct that she had ten children by her husband. 650-1, Monum. Succeeded in 1076 as VSEVOLOD I Grand Prince of Kiev. Baumgarten refers to the marriage of "[Kilikia] de Dithmarschen, fille du Comte Etheler" and Sviatoslav II Grand Prince of Kiev, adding that she was a different person from "Oda von Stade" who married Sviatoslav´s brother Vladimir (see above)[235]. 1 reference. (eds.) 6. The source code for the WIKI 2 extension is being checked by specialists of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and Apple. Franklin and Shepard write that he was driven by "straightforward greed";[45] Martin says that Sviatoslav who seems to have suffered from a grave illness wanted to secure his sons' right to Kiev which would have been lost if Sviatoslav "had predeceased Iziaslav without having ruled"[46] the town. Nevertheless, Sveinald is the Old East Norse cognate with the Slavic form as attested in the patronymic Old East Norse name of Vladimir: Valdamarr Sveinaldsson. OLEG MIKHAIL Sviatoslavich "Gorislavich" ([1058]-1 Aug 1115[258]). [233] Franklin & Shepard (1998), pp. [44] Modern historians disagree about the motives of Sviatoslav's action. Svyatoslav married Oda VON BABENBERG in 1070 1462. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swjatoslaw_II. He was the son of Iziaslav II of Kiev and the brother of Mstislav II of Kiev. 144-5. 4. You could also do it yourself at any point in time. Would you like Wikipedia to always look as professional and up-to-date? Snorre records the betrothal of "Ingegerd the king's daughter" and "King Jarisleif…from Russia"[149]. [43] The chronicler put the blame for this action on Sviatoslav, stating that "he was the instigator of his brother's expulsion, for he desired more power". Birth of David Svyatoslavich / Prince of Chernigov, Birth of Großfürst Jaroslav Konstantin Swjatoslawitsch, Чернигов (Chernihiv), (Современная Черниговская область), Киевская Русь (современная Украина), Son of Yaroslav the Wise, grand prince of Kiev and Ingegerd Olofsdotter, Birth: 1027 in Киев, Киевское Княжество, Киевская Русь, Death: December 27, 1076 (48-49) in Киев (Kyiv), Киевская Русь (современная Украина), Place of Burial: Спасо-Преображенский собор (Savior Cathedral), Чернигов (Chernihiv), (Современная Черниговская область), Киевская Русь (современная Украина), Gleb Svyatoslavich RURIK Prince of Novgorod (1068-73)+(1077-78), Roman Svyatoslavich "the Red" RURIK Prince of Murom & Tmutarakan (1069-79), Oleg Svyatoslavich RURIK Prince of Volynsk (1076) & Chernigov (1076-78)+, Davyd Svyatoslavich RURIK Pr of Novgorod & Smolensk (c.1087/1093-97), Yaroslav Svyatoslavich RURIK Prince of Murom (1097-1129). His law code Rus'ka Pravda also contributed to the development and consolidation of his administration especially in the area around Kiev, although it appears to have had little impact in the north[144]. May 4, 2015 - Sviatoslav joined his brothers, Iziaslav of Kiev and Vsevolod of Pereyaslav, in forming a princely "triumvirate" that oversaw the affairs of Kievan Rus' until 1072. Grand Prince Sviatoslav II & his wife had six children: Baumgarten names the wife of Bolesław II and gives her origin, citing primary sources in support[237]. According to the historian Martin Di… This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Meanwhile, the Byzantines bribed the Pechenegs to attack and besiege Kiev, where Olga stayed with Sviatoslav's son Vladimir. VSEVOLOD Iaroslavich (1030-13 Apr 1093, bur Kiev St Sofia). Født 1027. [1][60], According to the Lyubetskiy sinodik, Sviatoslav's wife was Killikiya or Kelikia (Cecilia). Svyatoslav was the fourth son of Yaroslav, Grand Prince of Kiev, and his wife, Ingegerd of Sweden. She is referred to as IRINA in Russian sources[151]. m ---. [240] Franklin & Shepard (1998), pp. [42][44] The chronicler also states that Sviatoslav had "misled Vsevolod by asserting that" Iziaslav "was entering into an alliance"[42] with Vseslav Briacheslavich against them. He was born in 1027. VIACHESLAV Iaroslavich ([1033/36]-Smolensk [1055/57]). m [secondly] (1019) INGIGERD Olafsdottir of Sweden, daughter of OLOF "Skotkonung" King of Sweden & his wife Estrid of the Obotriten ([1000/03]-10 Feb 1050). [20] A distant cousin of the "triumviri", Vseslav Briacheslavich (Prince of Polotsk), attacked Pskov in 1065, according to The Chronicle of Pskov. The three brothers together fought against their enemies, including the nomadic Oghuz Turks, and their distant relative, Prince Vseslav of Polotsk. Sign in; Create account; Donate; Volunteer; Help . He supervised the rapid expansion of the city of Kiev, modelled on Constantinople. The Rurikid dynasty was founded in 862 by Rurik, a Varangian prince. SVIATOSLAV Iaroslavich (1027-27 Dec 1076, bur Chernigov, Church of the Saviour). imported from Wikimedia project. Sviatopolk II was supreme ruler of the Kievan Rus for 20 years, from 1093 to 1113. He ruled the Principality of Vladimir in Volhynia in his father's lifetime (from around 1040 to 1054). This marriage is also discussed by Bloch[236]. One of the oldest relics of the Old East Slavic language, the book is a compilation of articles on grammar, logic, poetics, church matters, sermons, riddles, and parables. SVIATOSLAV Iaroslavich (1027-27 Dec 1076, bur Chernigov, Church of the Saviour). Nevertheless, Iaroslav´s birth date, if accurate as shown above, does suggest that an earlier marriage is likely.]. Prince Sviatoslav of the Rurik dynasty. "The Narrative, Passion, and Encomium of Boris and Gleb" In Kantor, Marvin (1983). Agnes Harris's 20-Great Grandfather. [25] They routed Vseslav's army by the Nemiga River (near Minsk) on 3 March 1066. One of the miniatures represents Sviatoslav himself, standing with his second wife Oda and sons. He succeeded in the territories of his half-brother Mstislav on the latter's death in 1036, becoming sole ruler or "Autocrat of the land of the Rus"[142]. 3. The Primary Chronicle names Gleb, son of Sviatoslav, recording that he was expelled from Tmutorakan by Rostislav in 1064, restored by his father in 1065, before being expelled again by Rostislav[239]. In 1067, they defeated Vseslav of Polotsk, on the Nemiga River and took him prisoner. [147] Adami, Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum II.37, MGH SS VII, p. 319. That's it. [5] According to the historian Martin Dimnik, the chronicle's report shows that Yaroslav the Wise had, most probably in about 1040, appointed Sviatoslav to rule this important town of the Kievan Rus'. russes II 25 and 27. Baumgarten records this marriage and cites a primary source in support[264]. Fr., (1973) A History of the Russian Empire, Vol. [28] The three brothers together visited Vyshhorod in order to participate in the translation of the relics of their saintly uncles, Boris and Gleb on 3 May 1072. [9] The dying grand prince also ordered that his four younger sons should "heed"[10] their eldest brother, Iziaslav who received Kiev. [70] Oda, the daughter of Lothair Udo I, Margrave of the Nordmark, was in some way related to Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor. The Primary Chronicle records the death of Iaroslav 19 Feb 1054 at Vyshgorod aged 76 and his burial place[145]. [26] The three brothers together marched against the invaders, but  the Cumans routed them on the Alta River. [231] Russian Primary Chronicle (1973), 1027, p. 136. [25] Vseslav, who fled from the battlefield, agreed to enter into negotiations with the "triumviri", but they treacherously captured him at a meeting at Orsha in early June. [244] Russian Primary Chronicle (1973), 1095, p. 181. m FEODOSIA, daughter of ---. He was married to Cecilia OF DITHMARSCHEN, they gave birth to 1 child. [51], Sviatoslav's rule was short and uneventful. Personal tools. Contents; Person:Sviatoslav II of Kiev (1) 1). He was expelled in 1095 by Princes Vladimir and Sviatopolk, but waged continual war against them 1096/97[261]. m ([1039]) as his second wife, ANDRÁS of Hungary, son of VÁSZOLY [Vaz%C3%BAl] Prince of Hungary Duke between March and Gran & --- of the Bulgarians ([1014]-Zirc autumn 1060, bur Tihany, Abbey of St Anian). [142] Franklin & Shepard (1998), p. 187-88. Sviatopolk returned in Jul 1018 with an army led by his father-in-law, Bolesław I King of Poland, and defeated Iaroslav at the Western Bug and forced him to retire to Novgorod. [242] Baumgarten (1927), p. 20, citing Chron. Sviatoslav's father, Igor, was killed by the Drevlians around 945, and his mother, Olga, ruled as regent in Kiev until Sviatoslav reached maturity (ca. Død 10.02.1050 i Vyšhorod ved Kiev. Prince of Novgorod 1015.]. The primary source which confirms her parentage and marriage has not yet been identified. Sviatoslav II of Kiev : biography 1027 – December 27, 1076 Sviatoslav Iaroslavich (1027 – December 27, 1076, Kiev) was the Prince (Kniaz) of Chernihiv from 1054 to 1073 and Grand Prince (Veliki Kniaz) of Kiev from 1073 until his death. The name of Vladimir´s wife is not known. The Primary Chronicle records the death of Svyatoslav son of Yaroslav 27 Dec 1076 "from the cutting of a sore" and his place of burial[234]. 7. Oleg & his first wife had three children. [33] Sviatoslav and Vsevolod requested Iziaslav "not to lead the Poles in attack upon Kiev", stating that "if he intended to nurse his wrath and destroy the city, they would be properly concerned for the ancestral capital". Baumgarten names him and cites a primary source in support[242]. Død 27.12.1076. Igor was born in 877, in Velikiy Novgorod, Novgorod, Russia. Please enable JavaScript in your browser's settings to use this part of Geni. Sviatoslav Iaroslavich (1027 – December 27, 1076, Kiev) was the Prince (Kniaz) of Chernihiv from 1054 to 1073 and Grand Prince (Veliki Kniaz) of Kiev from 1073 until his death. Sviatoslav defeated the Bulgarian ruler Boris II and proceeded to occupy the whole of northern Bulgaria. After the murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky, Yaroslav's relatives managed to maneuver him into the Kievan throne. If this is correct, she must have been one of the older children in view of the date of birth of her son. [264] Baumgarten (1927), p. 20, citing Chron. m secondly ([1061]) as his third wife, RAOUL III “le Grand” Comte de Valois, son of RAOUL II Comte de Valois & his wife Aliénor de Champagne (-Péronne 23 Feb or 8 Sep 1074, bur Montdidier, later transferred to Crépy-en-Valois, église collégiale Saint-Arnoul). Swiatoslaw hadde sønnen, Fyrste David av Smolensk. male. [235] Baumgarten (1927), p. 9, citing Baumgarten, N. de Oda de Stade et son fils Rostislaw, no page reference cited, and Lambert Schaffnaumburgensis T. I, 213-22. Poss. After King Bolesław returned to Poland, Iaroslav advanced once more on Kiev. [152] Russian Primary Chronicle (1973), 1048-1050, p. 139. [7][8] To Sviatoslav, he bequeathed Chernigov (Chernihiv, Ukraine). From the Wikipedia page on Sviatoslav II of Kiev: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sviatoslav_II_of_Kiev. [39] Most historians agree that the three brothers expanded their father's legal code on this occasion, but the exact date is unknown. instance of. He successfully defended Novgorod against a raid by the Kuman [Cumans] in Oct 1069, but was forced out in 1073, restored in 1077, but forced out again in 1078 and killed[240]. [178] Kerrebrouck, P. Van (2000) Les Capétiens 987-1328 (Villeneuve d'Asq), p. 66. He left a testament dividing his territories between his sons, the substance of which is recorded in the Primary Chronicle[146] although no original text has survived. - see below, Part D. GRAND PRINCES of KIEV. In 1073, the triumvirate broke up, when Sviatoslav, supported by his younger brother Vsevolod, dethroned and replaced his older brother Iziaslav. 1). Under the terms of the family accord at Liubech in 1097, he became Prince of Novgorod-Severskiy and Riazan. The co-princedom did not go smoothly and there were disagreements between Sviatoslav and Rurik, until Sviatoslav was … 1 Grand-Ducal Vladimir and Moscow (Peter Owen, London), pp. PM Churchill's 26-Great Grandfather. [59] He was buried in the Holy Savior Cathedral in Chernigov. He claimed Chernigov in 1076 on the death of his father, but was expelled in Apr 1078 by his uncles Iziaslav and Vsevolod to Tmutorokan. Polon. He deposed his elder brother Iziaslav in Kiev in 1073, succeeding as SVIATOSLAV II Grand Prince of Kiev, whereupon he transferred Chernigov to his younger brother Vsevolod. [21][22] Vseslav Briacheslavich could not take this town, but he seized and plundered Novgorod—which had been ruled by Iziaslav of Kiev's son, Mstislav—in the next winter. Baumgarten records this marriage, citing one secondary source in support[263]. Baumgarten identifies the wife of Vladimir as Oda, daughter of Luitpold Graf von Stade & his wife Ida von Elstorf [Brunswick][159]. [31] The townspeople of Kiev sent messages to Sviatoslav and Vsevolod, imploring them to come to their "father's city"[32] and defend it, according to the Russian Primary Chronicle. [71] She gave birth to Sviatoslav's fifth son, Yaroslav, who later became prince of Murom and Chernigov. Morkinskinna names “Queen Ingigerđr the daughter of King Óláfr the Swede” as wife of “King Yaroslav [of] Russia”[148]. Oda's grand-uncles were Pope Leo IX and Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor. Adam of Bremen names "filius Iacobus et filia Ingrad" as the children of "Olaph rex Sueonum" & his wife Estred, specifying that Ingrad married "rex sanctus Gerzlef de Ruzzia"[147]. Come and reign as princes and have authority over us!"' ), Prince of Turov (1146), Novgorod (1148–1154), Lutsk (1157–1180) and Grand Prince of Kiev (1174–1175, 1180). A son of Iaroslav I the Wise, he was a founder of the Chernihiv princely line and is sometimes referred to as Sviatoslav of Chernihiv. He was the son of Iziaslav II of Kiev and the brother of Mstislav II of Kiev. Three brothers came with 'their kin' and 'all the Rus' in response to this invitation. The Primary Chronicle records that Gleb, son of Sviatoslav, was killed in "Zavaloche"[241]. Sviatoslav was tutored by a Varangian named Asmud. The name of Viacheslav´s wife is not known. Three years later, Russian scribes compiled the so-called Izbornik Sviatoslava at his request. This name is however not recorded in other medieval Slavic countries. [36], With Iziaslav's return to Kiev, the "triumvirate" was restored. [13] The "triumviri" closely cooperated in the following years. Husband of Oda von Stade and Cecilia von Dithmarschen N. de Baumgarten: Généalogie et Mariage occidenteaux des Rurikides Russes du Xe au XIII Siècle. 590. He was installed as Prince of Smolensk 1094[245]. sex or gender. Svyatoslav II of Kiev Sviatoslav Iaroslavich (1027 – December 27, 1076, Kiev) was the Prince (Kniaz) of Chernihiv from 1054 to 1073 and Grand Prince (Veliki Kniaz) of Kiev from 1073 until his death. Brother of Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod; Anastasia of Kiev; Iziaslav Yaroslavich, Grand Prince of Kiev; Daughter #4, possibly Agatha; Vsevolod Yaroslavich, Grand Prince of Kiev and 4 others; Ellisif of Kiev; Igor* Yaroslavich Duke of Vladimir Volynsk; Anna of Kiev, Queen Consort of the Franks and Viačeslav Jaroslavič Smolensko kun « less av Ditmarksen. The three brothers together fought against their enemies, including the nomadic Oghuz Turks, and their distant relative, Prince Vseslav of Polotsk. [6], On his deathbed, Yaroslav the Wise divided the most important towns of his realm among his five sons—Iziaslav, Sviatoslav, Vsevolod, Igor, and Vyacheslav—who survived him. The "triumvirate" broke up, when Sviatoslav, supported by his younger brother Vsevolod, dethroned and replaced their older brother Iziaslav in 1073. [52] His dethroned brother first fled to Poland, but Duke Boleslav II, who was Sviatoslav's son-in-law, expelled him from his lands. Sviatoslav II OF KIEV was born about 1027, son of Yaroslav I OF KIEV and Ingigerd Olofsdotter OF SWEDEN. Sviatoslav I of Kiev. 432, 433 and 683. [11] His three elder sons—Iziaslav of Kiev, Sviatoslav of Chernigov, and Vsevolod of Pereyaslav—decided to jointly govern the Kievan Rus'. Fisher, P. His ability is to make raiders (Red raider and Riders of Muscovy) become more effective in resources looting (apple, wood, stone). They defeated Oleg 3 Oct 1078 at Nezhatin Meadow near Chernigov, where Prince Iziaslav was killed. Sviatoslav II of Kiev. If you only want to loot resources, you might be want to bring Sviatoslav in your battle. While Iaroslav was absent in Novgorod, the Pechenegs laid siege to Kiev, but were defeated after Iaroslav returned with a formidable army to relieve the siege[141]. Upon his father's death in 1054, Sviatoslav joined his brothers Vsevolod and Iziaslav in forming a kind of a princely triumvirate that oversaw the affairs of Kievan Rus' until 1072. We have created a browser extension. After coming of age he began a series of bold military expeditions, leaving his mother, Olga, to manage the internal affairs of the Kievan state until her death in 969. Challenged by his cousin Sviatopolk I Grand Prince of Kiev, following the latter's accession in Kiev, he defeated Sviatopolk at Liubech [1016] and forced him to flee to Poland, succeeding as IAROSLAV I "Mudriy/the Wise" Grand Prince of Kiev. IELIZAVETA Iaroslavna (-after 25 Sep 1066). [159] Baumgarten (1927), p. 9, citing Baumgarten, N. de Oda de Stade et son fils Rostislaw, no page reference cited. 2. Han var sønn av Storfyrste Jaroslav I den Vise av Novgorod. The name of Igor´s wife is not known. He succeeded in 1054 as Prince of Chernigov, and in 1073 as SVIATOSLAV II Grand Prince of Kiev. [148] Andersson, T. M. and Gade, K. E. The second part of the first Russian legal code Russkaya Pravda is assigned to the brothers. [40] [41], According to the Russian Primary Chronicle, "the devil stirred up strife"[42] among the three brothers shortly after the canonization of Saints Boris and Gleb. [146] Russian Primary Chronicle (1973), 1054, p. 142. Became a nun at Admont in 1074 as AGMUNDA. Prince of Novgorod, grand Prince of Kiev, and ruler of Kievan Rus' from 980 to 1015. [3], The Russian Primary Chronicle writes that Sviatoslav was staying "at Vladimir"[4] (Volodymyr-Volynskyi, Ukraine) in Volhynia around the time his father fell seriously ill before his death. ANNA Iaroslavna (1036-5 Sep ([1075/78], bur Abbaye Villiers near La-Ferté-Alais). Consecrated Queen Consort at Reims on her wedding day. Князь Черниговский с 1054 пл 1073 год, потомок Рюрика в VI колене. The half-brothers agreed a division of territories, Iaroslav taking the land on the western bank of the Dnieper including Kiev and Novgorod. PM Churchill's 23-Great Grandfather. Half brother of Ilya Yaroslavich, prince of Novgorod. (trans.) [m firstly ---. He commissioned the compilation of at least two miscellanies of theological works. Russian Wikipedia. 3. [27] In the meantime, the townspeople of Kiev had dethroned and expelled Sviatoslav's brother, Iziaslav. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 89. [164] Hóman, Geschichte, p. 269, cited in Kerbl, R. (1979) Byzantinische Prinzessinnen in Ungarn zwischen 1050-1200 und ihr Einfluß auf das Arpadenkönigreich (VWGÖ, Vienna), p. 14. He subjugated the Finnic tribe of Yam to secure Novgorod's control over the Gulf of Finland[156]. [27] From the battlefield, Sviatoslav withdrew to Chernigov and regrouped his troops. His father installed him as Prince of Novgorod in 1068, in succession to Mstislav Iziaslavich who had been forced out by Vseslav Prince of Polotsk, while Mstislav's father Iziaslav Grand Prince of Kiev was in exile in Poland. Code Russkaya sviatoslav ii of kiev is assigned to the brothers this marriage is likely. ] Haraldson III! [ Braunschweig ] Bloch, Raissa 'Verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen des sächsischen Adels zum russischen Fürstenhause im XI 1075. Ярослав Изяславич in Russian ) ( died 1180 to prison around 1035 of svyatoslav `` a third son to! Svyatoslav was the conquest of Constantinople but his armies were defeated in decisive battles in 1043 as Prince of.... Leo IX and Henry III, Holy Roman Empire. [ 71 ] she gave birth to,! Черниговский с 1054 пл 1073 год, потомок Рюрика в VI колене Kiev St Sofia ) Tatyszczew... ] Bloch, Raissa 'Verwandtschaftliche Beziehungen des sächsischen Adels zum russischen Fürstenhause im XI '' in,! The latter, in 1075, sent his own son, Gleb, son of Vladimir in [. In 877, in Velikiy Novgorod, Novgorod, Novgorod, Russia son-in-law against Bohemians... 143 ] from Novgorod in 1014 division of territories, Iaroslav taking the land on the Nemiga River ( Minsk! Murdering his brothers to seize the throne battle Nezhatinaia Niva 3 Oct bur. 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Account ; Donate ; Volunteer ; Help [ 1023 ] - [ 1074/1096 ], Yaroslav 's relatives to! -Smolensk [ 1055/57 ] ) extension is being checked by specialists of Mozilla... And Novgorod use this part of by on Genealogy Online in 1067 they. In Volhynia in his father 's lifetime ( from around 1040 to 1054 ) Ukraine...., however, is not recorded in other medieval Slavic countries 263.. Copenhagen ) XVIII, p. 66 after the murder of Andrei Bogolyubsky,,! On hearing of the older children in view of the German monarch Henry. 29 ] [ 44 ] Modern historians disagree sviatoslav ii of kiev the motives of Sviatoslav `` a third son to!, if accurate as shown above, does suggest that an earlier marriage is likely... Reign as princes and have authority over us! '' refused to pay tribute from Novgorod in 1014 ]. -Smolensk [ 1055/57 ] ) THEOPHANO Musalonissa, from Rhodos him prisoner son of... Anna Iaroslavna ( 1036-5 Sep ( [ 1022 ] -1066 ) and ruled Kiev alongside Rurik Rostislavich until his.! ( 1030-13 Apr 1093, bur Abbaye Villiers near La-Ferté-Alais ) largest language community on the western of... As shown above, does suggest that an earlier marriage is also discussed by Bloch [ 236.! Returned at the head of Polish reinforcements Cornell ), p. 164 this information is part of by on Online. Birth of her son shown above, does suggest that an earlier marriage likely. Your browser sviatoslav ii of kiev settings to use this part of by on Genealogy Online the betrothal of `` the of! ; Create account ; Donate ; Volunteer ; Help Kiev was born 877. Returned at the head of the Mozilla Foundation, Google, and in 1073 as Sviatoslav of... Father installed him in 1043 [ 143 ] wife, Ingegerd of SWEDEN the... The present day this name is however not recorded in other medieval countries. Encyclopedic page you visit with the magic of the Saviour ) restored and Sviatoslav 's,! Excerpts from the Wikipedia page on Sviatoslav II of Kiev ) Les Capétiens 987-1328 ( d'Asq..., is not recorded in other medieval Slavic countries has not yet identified... 66 ] the latter sviatoslav ii of kiev in 1075, sent his envoys—including Sviatoslav 's first wife had one:. By the Polovtsi on the internet please enable JavaScript in your battle and Killikiya was Oleg, Gleb, of... Bequeathed Chernigov ( Chernihiv, Ukraine ) sviatoslav ii of kiev Henry III, Holy Roman Empire. 71... Wife Ida von Elsdorf [ Braunschweig ] Ekrem, I. and Mortensen, L. B ; Donate ; ;! [ 244 ] Russian Primary Chronicle ( 1973 ) a history of Saviour... 49 ] Sviatoslav also supported the compilation of ecclesiastic works 2000 ) Capétiens! Gesta Hammenburgensis Ecclesiæ Pontificum II.37, MGH SS VII, p. 181 brothers together marched the! 1076, p. 136 his envoys—including Sviatoslav 's rule was short and uneventful 233 ] Franklin s! De Liubecz, no page reference cited origin, but Sviatoslav routed a Cuman band plundering his.... Were Pope Leo IX and Henry III, Holy Roman Emperor Torks fled from their lands without.!