The star/cross is between saturn and júpiter. They can often lose all their money by investing in business with family and ultimately make losses which eventually make them very aloof. Too many scattered lines or a grill found on this mount also means bad lucks. I have double fate line. On the Saturn mount, below the middle finger: The endpoint of the fate line is here. It indicates great success and reaching a high position in life. Regular price ₱80.00 Sale price ₱80.00 Regular price. Saturn and Jupiter converged overhead Monday night, appearing one-tenth of a degree apart, according to The Associated Press. Email This BlogThis! Besides, you love to study and are good at organization and mathematical calculation. When a “star” sign appears at the base of the Mount of Venus. The sign of star on Jupiter mount. A number of vertical lines on the Mount of Saturn and die third phalanx of the second finger. शनि पर्वत पर तारे (स्टार) का चिन्ह | Star On Mount Of Saturn … Star on Mount of Saturn denotes incurable disease, paralysis, obstacles in life, depression, murder and suicide. A cross on this mount may mean childlessness and problems in conceiving. 2, the observation of the stars in the East very early led the people to regard the planets and the fixed stars as gods. Jupiter and Saturn are due to converge in their orbits on Monday, appearing as a double planet in the night sky — the first such occurrence in almost 800 years. The Mount of Saturn is located on the palm of the hand below the base of the middle finger. View original. Sale Sold out. There are seven mounts on your palm and they are the mount of Jupiter, the mount of Saturn, the mount of Mercury, the mount of Venus, the Mount of Mars, the mount of Apollo and the mount of Luna. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. The Mount of Saturn is related to integrity and perspective on things. Star Mark Or Star Sign On Mount Of Saturn In Palmistry Star on Mount of Saturn is most unfortunate sign. "The subject, a mixture of the Saturn and Venus type, had suffered from a grave nervous illness, culminating in deafness. A star at the termination of the Line and another at the termination of the Line of Life in both hands - Paralysis, generally followed by paresis. Labels: Learn Palmistry. .. At least, you will have the problems to conceive and you may also have some kind of an accident in the future. 28-29) This is perhaps the oldest form of idolatry practiced by the ancients. Several Lines crossing the Mount and the Line of Heart - Hereditary rheumatism. A star like symbol on any mount is considered a good symbol so is the case with the mount of Saturn. Saturn and Jupiter converged overhead Monday night, appearing one-tenth of a degree apart, according to The Associated Press. - If the line of Apollo ends in a star (449) it will be an indication of brilliant success. Like many other mounts, a star found on the Saturn mount is considered a good sign whereas a cross may mean childlessness or problems in conceiving. I appear to have a 7pointed star in the saturn mount it is connected by vertical line (one of its point ) from the headline and my fate line seems to end in the headline(but I think the the vertical line which connects the star is the fate line.) The 21st will be the closest Jupiter and Saturn have appeared to most since March 4, 1226. Star on Mount of Saturn. This can cause misfortune. The Saturn mount is mainly concerned with practical matters such as security, resources, money, keeping a roof over one’s head, and to some extent, career and business matters. It brings success and recognition. His endeavor to know distinguished people will lead him to do foolish things which injure his prospects (380). I have one on the left hand with a cross and the letter 'z' from my fate line. It can be a success after many years of struggle. In Akkadian texts both names mean the planet or star, Saturn.” (Graham, The Six-Pointed Star, pp. Tag Archives: branch from life line going towards mount of saturn Life Line – Type 49 By admin 2 | March 3, 2013 - 12:36 pm | November 18, 2013 Life Line. In this segment we are going to talk about the arch type of Saturn and the mount We are going to tell you all about its symbolism and meanings. please do tell me any significant explanation why the star appears..thank you..may you please reply… Jena Griffiths. If the star is at the end of the fate line this means that you will be successful. August 25th 2019. - If the subject be mental he will win great fame and renown as a poet, writer, painter, sculptor, actor, or in other artistic callings. If you have a prominent and developed mount of Saturn, then you are usually highly intelligent, sincerely, independent and patient. The Star of Bethlehem, or Christmas Star, ... such as a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn or Jupiter and Venus, a comet, or a supernova. If the mount has a star, shows potential for fame. I would like to ask you about the meaning of having a star/cross in saturn mount. He had had an accident that maimed one of his legs." Here's how to see the incredible spectacle, which hasn't happened in 800 years. The Apollo mount has rising lines on it (sun lines), shows the potential of success. Palmistry Signs on Mount of Saturn. The sign of star is found on Jupiter’s mount, is an excellent symbol. It can be a sign of sudden accidental fortune arriving at you. There are cases where the star is indicative of renowned ties with celebrities in a career field. Some modern scholars do not consider the story to be describing a historical event but a pious fiction created by the author of the Gospel of Matthew. They are the Triangle, Trident, Circle, Square, or the single vertical line. Mount points to the Saturn finger: ... Having a star on the mount is a sign of success. - If a chance line from a star of Mount of Jupiter cuts the Saturn line, the subject will suffer a severe check from too much ambition. I have stated before (page 98) that a star on the Mount of Saturn is already sufficient indication of a strong paralytic or apoplectic tendency. There was a closer conjunction of the planets some 400 years ago, but that event was not visible to … These people are very ambitious but they are often not passionate enough. Transcript Hello, I'm Ellen Goldburg and welcome to the language of the hand. If the mount is not overly large, shows good creativity. A flat mount of Saturn can indicate disorganization and a lack of self-reflection. W9 STAR ON THE MOUNT OF SATURN. Comments Off on Life Line – Type 49. शनि पर्वत पर तारे (स्टार) का चिन्ह | Star On Mount Of Saturn . Star on Saturn mount is not really a bad sign anymore according to the modern palmistry theory. Today in this article we are going to talk about the Jupiter mount. An exaggerate Mount of the Moon. When you feel betrayed or double crossed in love, you have the ability to enact revenge to sooth your jealousy. According to Wisdom xiii. If there is a star on your mount of Saturn, then it is a good omen and you don’t have to worry. Janhealth Posts: 10 Join date: 2013-07-06 Location: Hong Kong. The sign of star is another fortunate symbol in palmistry. Janet. Negative indicators are: Many crisscrossed lines on the mount, shows that the person is overdoing things, working too hard or failing in some other way. It suggests misfortune caused by the opposite sex. at March 20, 2019. Assassination, Danger Of---- In a good hand: a cross or a star on the upper Mount of Mars, also a large cross in the center of the Triangle, also a star on the third Phalanx of the Second Finger. On my right hand I have double fate line. Jupiter and Saturn will form a rare "double planet" in the sky before Christmas. If it’s low, you are easy to be sad, depressed, lonely and scrupulous. Re: Star on mount of saturn. Also read Island On Fate Line Palmistry. However, if you notice a cross on the mount of Saturn, it is a bad sign and it probably means that you will not have children. Star On Mount Of Saturn:- Subject is prone to accident, one time life threatening accident, chances of going to prison, and paralysis. Dangerous accidents can happen in life. Your interpretation is from the traditional palmistry theory. Skygazers took to social media to share photos of the great conjunction, also dubbed the “Christmas star.” Here are some of our favorites. If this mount is normally elevated, it can indicate an individual who is friendly and independent, and one who believes that things happen as they should. Like Dislike . Going pear-shaped – a remarkable diamond cut – The Perth Mint Coin Collector Square On Mount Of Saturn :- Square on Mount of Saturn denotes as a protection to the subject from accident, injuries, evil eye, misfortune, etc. A mount of Saturn that is pointed towards Apollo will indicate that the person is lazy and believes in destiny to the extent of self-destruction. The subject is a favorite at planetarium shows during the Christmas season. Tags: agravecurrensupagraveyen agravecurrenagravecurrenfrac agravecurrencurrenagraveyen. A vertical line found on this mount means a desire for security and concerns about finances later in life. A star on the Mount of Apollo is an electric light ending a good line, and intensifies the entire combination. On the other hand it can also a lot of opposition from the enemies can be expected. You tend to be unlucky in love not because you are unattractive, but because you are never satisfied. There are certain markings which add strength to the Mount of Saturn singly or in combination. Some of the desirable qualities of the star include happiness, ambition, dignity, diplomacy, determination, good marriage, and higher education. It is an indicator of patience, duty and responsibility, as well as one of modesty and a need for solitude. A line from the Quadrangle under the Mount of Saturn, cutting deep into a Girdle of Venus.