Ensure that you buy good healthy potato seed from certified suppliers. Potato for small holder farmers in Zimbabwe Dr Ian Robertson University of Zimbabwe and Agri-Biotech (Pvt) Ltd. Why sweet potato? Loose soils are good for potato farming business because they offer the least resistance to enlargement of the tubers. We decided to introduce the business plans after noting that many Zimbabweans were venturing into the potato farming business without a full understanding of the industry, market, how to run the business, the risks involved, profitability of the business and the costs involved, leading to a high failure rate of their businesses. Use of tubers is the best method for potato production. - a women’s crop, an orphan crop, neglected by men, neglected by government and neglected by the research community. True Potato seed is available at selected agri stores around Zimbabwe. You will take him to your plot and ask all the questions there. Research and publications | zimbabwe open university. Potato cyst nematode (eelworm) may persist in soil for 20-30 years. Farmers especially in the rural ares who do not have the modern farming equipment use animal drawn equipment in potato farming. farmers, and the company’s demand for potatoes and fruits is largely met by large-scale commercial growers (Acquah, 1997). Your email address will not be published. Waal, am I impressed by your page, very informative. I am very much keen to start potato farming in your coumty. The types you can use include Fenamiphos 400 EC; Copper Oxy; Dithane M45 among others. If you would like to pursue it, you can send me an email through our contact us page. Coincidentally this is the best period to start planting potatoes. practices in four potato production systems in Zimbabwe, namely large-scale commercial, communal area, A1 and A2 resettlement production systems. Box 612 Marondera. of higher yields and production, greater incomes, higher living standards, and more investment in production. PRE-WRITTEN POTATO FARMING BUSINESS PLAN (PDF, WORD AND EXCEL): COMPREHENSIVE VERSION, SHORT FUNDING/BANK LOAN VERSION AND AUTOMATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS. It is very possiblr Sipho. Check out  more business ideas and our collection of business plans. Good potato production starts with good land selection. You will need an agronomist to look at the soil or bring the samples to a lab so it gets tested. Starting Goat Farming Business in Zimbabwe and the Business Plan, https://chat.whatsapp.com/G86MWYFiXvD7HfFjGuBJzh, How To Start A Media Business In Zimbabwe, Starting an Import Export Business In Zimbabwe, Raising capital from investors/friends/relatives, Start-up guide to launch your potato farming business, Assessing profitability of the potatoes business, Assessing the initial start-up costs so that you know how much to save, Manual for current business owners to help in business and strategy formulation, Automated Financial Statements (monthly cash flow projections, income statements, cash flow statements, balance sheets, break even analysis, loan repayment calculations, start-up costs), Operational Requirements (e.g. The resettlement production systems were formed from the radical Fast Track Land Reform Programme initiated in 2000, which changed the landscape of commercial agriculture in Zimbabwe. Cash crops include tobacco, cotton, tea, coffee, sugarcane, soya bean, sunflower and horticultural products. It will be a very expensive mistake to buy cheap potato seeds of low quality. Turns out temperatures are not bad after all. Keep it up! In areas with mild frost, mid-November to mid-December is the best time to plant, and usually the crops get ready for harvest from April to May. More than 80 000 tonnes of potatoes are consumed annually in Zimbabwe, and the demand has been on the rise since the dollarisation of the economy in 2009. • In 2007 the potato industry consisted of 681 commercial potato production farming units. This article will explain how to start a potato farming business in Zimbabwe, and the potato farming business plan. Its more helpful than responding here. Potatoes can be grown in a variety of soil types, however alkaline soils and saline soils are not a good fit for potato farming. Your page is so helpful keep it up we are learning a lot of things. Then after a set period, usually six weeks, you then transplant the seedlings. Zambia has three major potato growing seasons: Plant summer, rainfed potatoes in November. Nyanga District … The financial statements are automated. I have very good knowledge of potato seed farming as well as table potato. Mbare Musika is the largest market for potatoes, the traders buy potatoes from farmers in bulky for reselling), Fruit and Vegetable open markets, organisations and individuals. In Burundi, Rwanda and Uganda, coffee-banana intercropping is proving to be effective in addressing increasing temperatures which affect coffee production. Alternatively, you can speak to one of our consultants. The prices of potatoes vary throughout the year depending on market forces ie supply and demand. The government of Zimbabwe has been actively encouraging farmers to venture into the potato farming business. Using this method is a lot easier for those who have done tobacco farming as they are familiar with the seedbeds. The potential customers for your potatoes include transporters/middleman (they will come to your farm to buy your poatatoes to resell in the city), hotels, supermarkets, and fast food outlets (for making french fries aka fresh chips), traders & wholesale distributors (E.g. In areas with mild frost, mid-November to mid-December is the best time to plant, and usually the crops get ready for harvest from April to May. In 2012, the government of Zimbabwe declared potatoes as a strategic food security crop, that will now be included in various inputs support schemes. You can purchase via Paynow using Ecocash, One Money or Telecash. just in time for the winter crop. Pls contect me +91 9815023387 The price also depends on the size and quality of potatoes. we hold seminars regularly in Harare. Sweet Potato Farming Guide: Sweet Potato Farming. Thus before you start farming potatoes on your farm its essential that you check whether the soil is suitable for potato farming. Which is the best time to start potatoes farming after the rains or before and does potatoes get affected by frost. Zimbabwe’s population increased from 13.1 million in 2012 to approximately 16.1 million in 2016 [5, 37]. Potato production in Nigeria predominantly occurs in small farms whose farmers still rely on traditional tools such as machetes and hoes as opposed to tractors. Orange-fleshed cultivars in particular have immense potential to improve household income and nutrition in sub-Saharan Africa. Updated: July 28, 2014. Potatoes can be grown on almost on any type of soil, except saline and alkaline soils. The profits you will get depend on the cost of inputs, the yield from your potato farm, and the selling prices of the potatoes. It also includes a mini-directory with contacts which will prove to be helpful in launching and running your potato farming business. Theyare moderately sensitive to soil salinity. Fresh From the Field: Growing the Irish Potato in the Mutare Farming Area of Zimbabwe By Tsitsi Nyabando (Tanaka Churu) nyabando@goldmail.etsu.edu For ENGL 4057/5057 Writing: Theory and Teaching Tsitsi Nyabando is a Zimbabwean graduate student at East Tennessee State University studying Secondary Education. what can i do to this plot . Do not make the mistake of starting a potato farming business or any other business just because someone is doing it and he/she says it’s profitable. Also follow our facebook and twitter page for training updates, Is potato farming using bags/sacks only recommended for those with limited space or its even ideal to be implemented on something like 5 acres, It’s a yes and no answer. Thus, it is important to time the production of a crop in a period of the year that is best suited to maximise yield potential. Potato production has been a preserve of former commercial farmers. Shimanga Mubitana. We decided to introduce the business plans after noting that many … Thus Zimbabwe ends up importing potatoes from other countries like South Africa. central government’s . Total gross yield per acre was estimated at 305 to 395 cwt/acre with marketable yield estimated at 259 to 336 cwt/acre. practitioners and farmers subsequently rising as well. For the bigger machinery like tractors, you can hire when you want to use them rather than purchasing them. I am very much keen to start potato farming in your coumty. This implies that you can change eg the number of hectares, potato price per KG etc, and all the other financial statements will automatically adjust to reflect the change. i want to plant 3 hactres of potatoes in marondera so i need your advice on the type of seed, the pestcides to use, the firtilizers to use just give me your advice…. 5. potato is groWn. Sweet potato plants are damaged by light frost and the plants require high temperatures for a period of 4-5 months to yield well. Yield gap analysis and resource footprints of Irish potato production systems in Zimbabwe the choice Will hvour those that give maximum returns in the local market The variety for contract farming is selected by the organization that Will receive the pontoes ware. You will be paying them per number of days worked. May the responsible person get in touch with me thru email, i have a plot and wanted to do this at my plot, i need the full package of growing these potatoes, Will be grateful to receive instance response, Hi there. Total potato output stands at 300 000 tonnes down from a high of 500 000 tonnes. We will be holding a potato farming training in Janurary. The guide presents a summary review of factors that constrain the potato subsector in tropical and subtropical countries, principles of Good Agriculture Practices, and GAPs relevant to potato production. Your email address will not be published. BM: Currently land under potato production is 12 500ha down from 15 000ha we had in 2017-18 season. Naturally loose soils, which offer the least resistance to enlargement of the tubers, are preferred, and loamy and sandy loam soils that are rich in organic matter, with good drainage and aeration, are the most suitable. Using this method is a lot easier for those who have done tobacco farming as they are familiar with the seedbeds. Prior to field preparation, soil and water samples should be taken and sent for analysis. Potato is a cool-season crop and is grown through the spring months and harvested in early summer in Oklahoma. The potato cultivars which are used in Zimbabwe include BP1, Amethyst (the most widely grown potato in Zimbabwe), garnet, jasper,pimpernel and diamond potato. We decided to make them affordable for anyone who would want a business plan, and the price for pre-written business plans is only ZWL$1000 for soft copies, and ZWL$1300 for hard copies. Posted by StartupBiz Zimbabwe | Apr 2, 2017 | Agriculture Industry, Business Ideas, Business Plans, Starting a Business | 9. Over the years the production of Sweet potatoes (Ipomea batatas) as a commercial crop in Zimbabwe has been increasing due to its numerous advantages as compared to other root and tuber crops.The crop has minimal input requirements yet yields highly. Do you think matabeleland would be ideal for potato farming along solusi rd. Agronomic and environmental studies of potato (solanum. Today I forgot to wear a jersey. Twenty degrees Celsius for Harare! You just click Pay Now (scroll down)  and you will then be taken to Pay now website where you make the payment. The development objective of the project was to commercialise smallholder farming in the country by re-instating sustainable commercial input and output marketing channels as well as technical and business development services provision. White maize is the main staple food. Potatoes also have a good return in cash and yield. February 27, 2018 at 8:19 am Reply. Many thanks for the praises. One can also use it as a farming resource if the case applies to any other similar regions. I believe it has much potential for sustainable, non-chemical farming, fits in well with many crop rotations, and does very well with natural fertilizers. About 50-70 bags to start off with. We will keep you in the loop, l want to join you in your trainings especially when you are carrying out potato farming practically, I have send you an email of the registration form. Over 70 per cent of the population resides in the rural areas and is largely dependent on agriculture. I will be coordinating a free weekend class on potato farming in Zimbabwe. If you are starting a farming operation, you might describe your Project Plan and Schedule as well as your existing or needed Real Estate and Equipment. Im loving this site, very educating…keep telling us more.. thank you for the inspiration. You can also purchase hard copies and/or soft copies at our offices in Harare. Follow us on facebook and twitter too. Sweet potato plants are damaged by light frost and the plants require high temperatures for a period of 4-5 months to yield well. The Pre-written Potato farming business plan package consist of 5 files. Sweet potato is cultivated as starchy food crop in the tropical and subtropical frost free climatic regions. Zimbabwe’s Chimanimani district is slowly turning into a potato farming hub as most communal farmers in the high rainfall parts of the district have shifted into growing the cash crop that… The most common type of sweet potato found in US markets is the “moist-fl … Hie, l am a young man who is very interested in trying out potato growing, how can I have access to your manuals and video. The duties which they will do include grading and packing; sprouting; planting; re redging; top dressing; line marking; discing ; ploughing; herbiciding and pesticiding. It is grown mainly through rain-fed agriculture, making it highly vulnerable to droughts, which are increasingly problematic. Cheers! App me on 0733369923. Like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and subscribe to receive notifications of new posts in your email. The fertilizers you use include Compound B or C and Potassium Nitrate. Iam sorry I responded to you a little too late. Click the link to join: https://chat.whatsapp.com/G86MWYFiXvD7HfFjGuBJzh or send the word join via Whatsapp to  +263778798072 (Whatsapp us by clicking the link https://wa.me/263778798072). The business plan is designed uniquely for the Zimbabwean market. I want to try potatoes, Well done very interesting Will soon get in potato production. Title: Potato Production Guide In Zimbabwe Author: learncabg.ctsnet.org-Sarah Kuester-2020-09-30-22-51-56 Subject: Potato Production Guide In Zimbabwe MOST indigenous farmers have not been into potato farming, once a preserve of former white farmers, as they lacked production knowledge. Most farmers in Zimbabwe are shunning potato farming owing to lack of knowledge on the crop. I am based in Victoria Falls, Hi Charles. For an in-depth analysis of the potato farming business, we encourage you to purchase our well-researched and comprehensive potato farming business plan. You should always carry out a feasibility study, market research and write a business plan before you venture into any business. We wish you the best in your potato farming business. AM BASED IN BULAWAYO. Just follow the instructions; you will be done with the payment process in 2 minutes. The inadequacy (pdf) feasibility of sack potato production as a new technique. You have been really helpful. Machinery and equipment needed include tractors, fertilizer spreader equipment, spray equipment, diggers, harvesters, irrigation equipment, scales, bins, boom sprayers, ridgers etc. Commercialization of fruit production is mainly stymied by poor earth roads that get muddy and Potato farmers in Zimbabwe’s Manicaland have been urged to take potato farming more seriously, increasing production and exports. The manual costs $30.00 and it comes with follow-up consultation. Cabbages do not grow well on highly acidic soil. We sell prewritten business plans for various industries including agriculture, transport, manufacturing, retail and education. Friends, that’s all about how you can grow potatoes on your own and keep growing vegetables for building a healthy world. You also require herbicides for your potato farm, for effective weed control at your farm. I have very good knowledge of potato seed farming as well as table potato. This is because potatoes are a source of carbohydrates and starch which are essential nutrients to the health of the nation. IS IT POSSIBLE ? Sweet potato seedlings and vines. I have potato experience from Holland also. But linking farmers with markets is not easy. hallo, The total world potato production is estimated at 388,191,000 tonnes in 2017 (Source: FAOSTAT, 2019) The world potato sector is undergoing major changes.