Although there are a lot of indoor palms with a similar shape, there’s only one cultivar of the true parlor palm. This rainforest native is a single-trunk palm with a compact habit and handsome arching green pinnate leaves comprised of narrow leaflets. (Gently unpot the plant to check.). The Parlor palm is a plant that likes moist soil, but also likes to dry out before watering it again. Only go up one pot size. How to care for Parlor Palm | Plant Care Articles & How-Tos – The … Without doubt, it’s a plant that many consider it brings some positive energy in the room, so you’ll rarely make a mistake choosing it for yourself or as a gift for a dear person in your life. Some people recommend waiting until the frond is completely brown, as the plant will still be gaining energy from the partly browning frond. With either method, repeating weekly for a month to six weeks should clear the infestation. If the potting media dissolves or becomes spongy, repot it to avert root rotting. This doesn’t have to be a defined, sharp-edged outline; the light will be sufficient if it’s strong enough to cast a shape. Choose a shaded outdoor location and water daily in hot, dry conditions. If the potting mix is super dry, the palm's fronds (leaves) will brown at the ends, and the … Don’t worry about an occasional dead leaf or brown tip here and there. Here are sometimes overlooked factors that affect the air’s moisture level: Heat: Plants near a heat source tend to dry out faster. Choose a shaded outdoor location and water daily in hot, dry conditions. If you don’t like the look of the brown tips, you can cut them off. Parlor Palm is also called Chamadorea elegans or Neanthebella Plam. They don't like to dry out, the drier they get the lighter green they can become. Q. Cottony Disease On Indoor Palm Plants - My indoor palm plants have been dropping leaves due to a cotton-like substance at the base of the leaves. The palm needs to be indoors during the cold months of the year, and it must have a warm, moist environment during the summer months to recover and prepare for the cold months. The Parlor palm is a plant that likes moist soil, but also likes to dry out before watering it again. The sunlight will dry out the leaves, but the edges may curl. The most common Parlor Palm pest is the tiny spider mite that takes up residence in dry, dusty leaves and stem joints. When grown indoors, this plant will do great in any quality potting mix. The palm needs to be indoors during the cold months of the year, and it must have a warm, moist environment during the summer months to recover and prepare for the cold months. It is a versatile and almost no-maintenance plant that is capable to grow in every indoor & outdoor condition possible with little help and care from you. In a 6” pot it makes a perfect table plant. Perhaps what is happening here is the weakest ones are dying off as … Mist 3-4 times a week, this will also discourage spider mites from attacking your plant since the misting helps keep the plant free of dust. I’m here to share my experience and help you have more success and enjoyment growing plants. Pruning - remove old, unattractive or damaged leaves from the base of the plant with a clean blade, ideally during the dormant period.. Cause - usually underwatering, or too dry of environment. Some things to take care of include soil condition, leaf problems and brown Wholesale and retail palms, delivered to your door across the East Coast of Australia. FREE Shipping. This is why regularly flushing the soil is a sound practice. Generally speaking, this is plant that remains in a manageable size so repotting won’t be needed more than every other year. Pilea Glauca Care - How To Grow Pilea Silver Sparkle, 15 Easy Houseplants To Propagate (With Pictures), 23 Beautiful Aglaonema Varieties (Chinese Evergreen). They sunburn easily unless kept in deep shade. Read my guide to fertilizing houseplants to learn more. Read my guide to fertilizing houseplants to learn more. Height: 6 feet. Read this article for more tips on assessing houseplant watering needs. Palms in the Parlor By Tom McClendon | December 1, 2000 Of all the members of the plant kingdom suitable for use as houseplants, none evoke a feeling of the tropics like the palms. Care of Parlor Palm Plant: Potting and Propagation: Seeds and offsets are used to propagate the parlor palm. Planted palms are generally very easy to maintain. A parlor palm is propagated from seeds by professional growers. Parlor Palms have been favorite houseplants since the Victorian era – their popularity has lasted longer than parlors themselves. As with many plants, it’s far better to underwater your Parlor Palm than overwater. It will put up with dry air and a shortage of light, surviving where other plants might not. Some of the fronds are turning brown and feel crispy. Parlor Palm Chamaedorea elegans—An heirloom palm as the common name implies, this clustering palm with pinnate leaves is one of the few that will bloom and fruit indoors, and its red berries add interest. They require little effort and only sufficient tender loving care. When its light requirements are fulfilled, a mature parlor palm may grow small, yellow flowers on stalks above the foliage.