Report, November 17 2014 Vote Up • 'you receive not because you ask not, You ask, and receive not, because you ask amiss, that you may consume it upon your lusts.' 2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. 3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. 4:5 Or "that the spirit he caused to dwell in us envies intensely;" or "that the Spirit he caused to dwell in us longs jealously" 4:6 Prov. What do you do when you are being asked to say sorry for something you did not do? Apart from the redeeming work of Christ we will only do harm with our words. What would be some hints for memorizing Scripture? What time of the year was Christ’s birth? Vote Up Vote Up Do you not realise that love for the world is hatred for God? November 16 2014 Scriptures: James 3:1-18. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may spend it in your pleasures. 3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye … 5 Can you not see the point of the saying in scripture, 'The longing of the spirit he sent to dwell in us is a jealous longing.'?. Verse 3. Question: "What is the meaning of ‘you have not because you ask not’ in James 4:2?" All answers are REVIEWED and MODERATED. Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience. Do not the scriptures teach us … (42:33), Scripture: My brethren, count it all joy when ye fall into divers temptations. James 4:1-3. Answer: The book of James contains a lot of practical instruction for how Christians should live their lives. James apparently again resumes the last expression, whilst he now grants αἰτεῖτε to his readers; but as he designates this their asking as κακῶς αἰτεῖσθαι , he does not consider it as an actual prayer, so that the foregoing declaration is nevertheless true. The best price. 1 From James, servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ. come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Commentary on James 4:1-10 (Read James 4:1-10 ) Since all wars and fightings come from the corruptions of our own hearts, it is right to mortify those lusts that war in the members. Why should we confess our sins to one another (James 5:16)? James 4:1-10, Blessed Are Those Who Mourn | Pastor Colin Smith | Sermon on Matthew 5:4, A Divided Loyalty - Getting to the Heart of Conflict. Our words also reveal the state of our hearts. 2 My brothers, consider it a great joy when trials of many kinds come upon you, 3 for you well know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance, and Share Looking for cleaning services near you? James 4:2. • The physical earth: the flowers, trees, mountains and rivers. A. The passage is aptly summarized by James 3:16: “For where there is envy and selfish ambition, there will also be disorder and wickedness of every kind.” James highlights a particular practice that overcomes selfish am­bition: peacemaking. Yet you don't have what you want because you don't ask God for it." Share Do Catholics pray the sinner's prayer to be saved? Therefore, anyone who chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. James 4:1-6, Oct 14, 2017 - The Book of James - Thru the Bible by Dr. J. Vernon McGee -Video Upload powered by (08:51), Scripture: Community answers are sorted based on votes. James 4:2-3. 3:34 4:11 The Greek word for "brother or sister" ("adelphos" ) refers here to … Does Matthew 19:17 mean that Jesus is not God? • What is a Christian to do if there is a fault in a Spiritual father? What does the Bible say about prayer for the sick? James 4:4. How long did the wise men travel (time) before they saw the baby Jesus? What is the prayer of faith? What does James 1:4 mean when it says, "You will be perfect and complete, needing nothing"? • James 3:1–12 in the Context of the Whole Gospel. The higher the vote, the further up an answer is. Report. James 4:3. James 4:1-10, Feb 20, 2014 - "The Book Of James" James 4:1-10 Rev. Anonymous. Clarify The meaning of the world. James 4:2 Context. What is fervent prayer (James 5:16)? God, in this brief context, ties war directly to lust.War produces terror, pain, destruction, and heartache, not peace.Divorce follows war in the family, most assuredly a very sorrowful situation. Our words are very powerful. This chapter is about praying for the things of God, (i.e to receive help and guidance) not of the world. Though seeking in general what you desire by strife, and without regard to the rights of others, yet you sometimes pray. Report - An evident allusion to the sermon on the mount, Matthew 7:7, "Ask, and it shall be given to you... for every one that asketh receiveth." You lust for what you don’t have and are willing to kill to get it. Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and covet, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war; ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye lust, and have not - That is, you wish to have something which you do not now possess, and to which you have no just claim, and this prompts to the effort to obtain it by force. You desire extension of territory, fame, booty, the means of luxurious indulgence, or of magnificence and grandeur, and this leads to contest and bloodshed. 1 From whence come wars and fightings among you? Rather, as the text points out (Jas 4:2–3), it is the manner in which one deals with needs and desires that determines good or bad. Does it mean that to be a Spiritual father you have to be blameless and faultless? James 4:3 Context. • • Time and again the Scriptures address the tongue. … You ask and do not receive ….” Sin always makes enticing promises, and in the short run, it seems to deliver. Bible > James > Chapter 4 > Verse 2-3, FAQ | Contact Us | Terms of Service | Privacy, Conflict: Who's On The Throne? Greetings to the twelve tribes of the Dispersion. War is not a happy situation, but one that produces sorrow. What do you have to do to gain salvation? A good answer provides new insight and perspective. 2 responses 3. Ye ask, and receive not. You covet and cannot obtain, so you fight and quarrel. james 4:2-3. • Anyone who chooses the world for a friend is constituted an enemy of God. Should we fellowship in a church that’s liberal in its teaching? What is the "unctiion from the Holy One" that all Christians have (1 John 2:20 KJV)? The term translated “prosperity” is a form of the Greek word eujodovw. I want to know. The people who live in the world. Testing of Your Faith. 1. 0 responses What does it mean that Jesus is the Prince of Peace? 4. How can "a son be given" that is to be called "the everlasting father"? • 2 You desire and do not have, so you murder. 2 We need wisdom from above to use our words wisely. Therefore, the claim that 3 John 2 teaches the doctrine of prosperity ought to be regarded as suspect at best. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. ESV - James 1:2-4 2. He says (4:2, 3a, italics added), “You lust and do not have; … You are envious and cannot obtain; … You do not have because you do not ask. • Share (Matthew 21:22). You do not have, because you do not ask. Since we can eliminate the phrase in James 4:5 as being a reference to a direct quote, we can safely conclude that James is using the words in one of the alternative ways. Feb 20, 2014 - "The Book Of James" James 4:1-6 Pastor Clint Pressley Wednesday February 19, 2014 (30:56), Scripture: What is the meaning of “you have not because you ask not” in James 4:2? …ye have not, because ye ask not. You do not have because you do not ask God.3 When you ask, you do not receive,(B)because you ask with wrong motives,(C)that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. (53:01), Feb 27, 2014 - "The Book Of James" James 4:1-10 Rev. How might Jesus encourage someone who doubts his ability to memorize Bible verses? Report, September 02 2015 James 4:3. James 4:3. Justin Paslay Wednesday February 19, 2014 (34:07), Oct 3, 2012 - #4/18: Beauty for Ashes -- How Christ Brings Joy From Your Pain Matthew 5:4; James 4:1-11 September 22nd / 23rd, 2012 by Pastor Colin S. Smith "Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." Jesus Said - Part... (35:32), Scripture: 2 e Count it all joy, my brothers, 2 when you meet trials f of various kinds, 3 for you know that g the testing of your faith h produces steadfastness. come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? James 4:1-4, Scripture: • Pastor Greg Surratt shares some tips on how to trust in God when we're not sure what He is up to. So when James says in verse 21 that Abraham was "justified by works" he has a meaning in mind different from Paul's when Paul denies that a man is justified by works (Romans 3:28; 4:2; 4:5). 3 Luke 22:42-43, John 6:40, John 14:1-3, John 14:5-10, John 14:12-14, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18, Colossians 1:19-20, James 4:2-3. James 4:2, CSB: "You desire and do not have. We see here some of the clearest parallels between James and other wisdom literature with which we are … Continue reading "Commentary on James 3:13—4:3, 7-8a" What does it mean to humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord (James 4:10)? 2 Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not.