DSE: Discipline Specific Elective GE: Generic Elective (Multidisciplinary Course) Note: 1. BA/ B.Sc/B.Com (CBCS English) and English Literature for Generic Elective (GE) for students majoring in subjects other than English and Discipline Specific Core (DSC) for students pursuing BA without any major (Honors) subject is pleased to submit its Report. These courses are open for admission to students from Zoology (Hons.) Generic Elective Course II (b) - India and Indian Ocean Economy c, 1500-1800 Generic Elective Course IV (b) - Global Political Economy Skill Enhancement Course (Hons.) Table of Contents . B.A. ProgrammeSpecific Outcomes (PSOs): It is expected that a student after successfully completing four semesters of M.Sc. Incase University offers 2 subjects as GE, then papers 1 and 2 will be the GE paper. Zoology. B.Sc. education for all directorate of distance & continuing education utkal university, vanivihar, bhubaneswar-751 058. contents syllabus for +3 arts (2009 - 2012) subject page (a) compulsory 1-17 %PDF-1.6 %���� 2020-2023 For All Constituents / Affiliated Colleges Under BINOD BIHARI MAHTO KOYALANCHAL UNIVERSITY, DHANBAD, JHARKHAND 6. Biotechnology (Generic Elective) Generic Elective Syllabus for B.Sc. 2 Year MBA Syllabus Admitted in (2006-2008) PGDHRM, PGDMM, PGDFM, PGDTTM, PGDDNM, PGDPOM, PGDBIM (2006-2007) P.G. HONOURS ZOOLOGY Sem Core Course(14) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (2) Skill Enhanceme nt Course SEC (2) Discipline Specific Elective DCE (4) Generic Elective GE (4) I CC-1: Non-chordates I: Protista to Pseudocoelomates English/Hindi/ MIL Communication GE-1: Animal Diversity ... Generic Elective … 0 ZOOLOGY (HONOURS & GENERAL) 2016 Unit No. of Classes Group Topic Marks Gr. (Prog.) CBCS Undergraduate Program in Zoology 2015 SCHEME AND SYLLABUS FOR CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM FOR B.Sc. Zoology. Syllabus for B.Sc. Study of mosquito-borne diseases – Malaria, Dengue, Chikungunya, Viral encephalitis, Filariasis. syllabus for +3 arts (compulsory, elective & pass) session : 2014 - 2017 d.d.c.e. * Following is the revised schedule of online submission of Examination form & fee in the College/University office for D-III (Special) Exam. Zoology (Program ID-8) (As per Choice Based Credit System) 1st TO 6 th ... 7 Generic Elective-I GE 6 Total 22 GE (Generic Elective-I) (Choose one) S.No Paper Code Course Title L T P Cr. Resource Management and Design Application; M.Sc. Statistics. SCHEME FOR CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEMIN B.Sc. endobj <> <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> %���� 4 0 obj B�`��dꀱ@�HG�q(�fb�V����� Ep�GX��*a�+��@(�rQue`U 6����`�t��D"�0t�:/���(�e@$�� ١�LHz1� q4��ځ�Á�,�^I�a��E-y���"�=���bYp�� ���2�q%��kLA�/�3>e�����B�.v�,�g'1�e\Y�x�����ܾ��р������� ��7f�Sx��X���A&s�B�r ~` ,}�� t. PART – I HONOURS 1 Unit I 5075 Group A Diversity & Functional Anatomy of Non-chordate Forms 25 Group B Diversity & Functional Anatomy of Chordate Forms 25 Unit II 75 Group A Cell biology 15 50 Group B Genetics 35 2 Sir/Madam, I am furnishing herewith the confirmation of Generic Elective subjects having two paper each to be read in Semesters system of +3 Arts & Science (CBCS) Examination out of four Generic Elective papers as per the syllabus provided to you. Zoology or Bachelor of Science in Zoology is an undergraduate Zoology course.Zoology is the branch of biology which relates to the animal kingdom, including the structure, embryology, evolution, classification, habits, and distribution of all animals, both living and extinct. DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY B. Semester (CBCS) With effect from 2018 %%EOF Information Technology (Non-honours and Generic Elective) Mathematics. %PDF-1.5 Discipline Speci c Elective Practical/ Tutorial* 4 2 = 8 4 1 = 4 (4 Papers) B.1. Syllabus for B.Sc. MAHAVIDYALAYA, CHANDIKHOLE, JAJPUR (SYLLABUS) GENERIC ELECTIVE PAPERS (GE) Zoology - CBCS PATTERN SEMESTER-I GE-1: ANIMAL DIVERSITY (NON-CHORDATE), PHYSIOLOGY AND ENDOCRINOLOGY Max. Generic Elective Practical/ Tutorial* 4×2=8 (4 Papers) III. * Programme for Degree Part-III (Special), Exam. Program with Computer Applications. Generic Elective–1 Practical* Animal Diversity Lab 2 II Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course–II Communicative English/MIL 2 Core course–III Non- chordates II 4 Core course–III Practical Non- chordates II Lab 2 Core course–IV Cell Biology 4 Core course–IV Practical Cell Biology Lab 2 Generic Elective–2* Comparative Anatomy & Developmental Biology of Vertebrates 4 Mass Media. endstream endobj startxref DEPARTMENT OF ZOOLOGY Courses of Studies CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM B.Sc. Fabric and Apparel Science; Post-Graduate Diploma in Dietetics and Public Health Nutrition – PGDDPHN 26472 0 obj <>stream Page No. 2020 Based on CBCS System Ability Enhancement Courses Each Generic Elective syllabus is framed for 30 hours. M.Sc. (Honors) ZOOLOGY Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) Course effective from academic year 2019-20 . M.Sc. Core Course (CC): A course, which should compulsorily be studied by a candidate as a core Food Processing & Quality Management. (Hons.) 26445 0 obj <> endobj Multi-Disciplinary Course 1. 2020) * Revised Programme for B.Ed. ZOOLOGY HONOURS PAPERS: Core course – 14 papers Discipline Specific Elective – 4 papers (Out of 9 suggested papers) Generic Elective for Non Zoology students – 4 papers. endobj Marks per paper - Midterm: 15 marks, End term: 60 marks (Theory) + 25 marks (Practical), Syllabus For Bachelor of Science in Zoology (Generic Elective) Under Choice Based Credit System Academic Session w.e.f. DRATF SYLLABUS FOR B. Sc. endobj Regarding Generic Elective Paper of +3 Arts & Science under CBCS Pattern — Detailed paper wise. Course Scheme & Syllabus For B.Sc. endstream endobj 26446 0 obj <>/Metadata 565 0 R/Outlines 617 0 R/Pages 26412 0 R/StructTreeRoot 840 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 26447 0 obj <>/Font<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Tabs/S/Type/Page>> endobj 26448 0 obj <>stream h�bbd``b`}$�AD��H0�Ab�@�y9�kb��XV �D؃U �,$b���� Y�D�g-�` �B 1 26461 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[]/Index[26445 28]/Info 26444 0 R/Length 81/Prev 1315167/Root 26446 0 R/Size 26473/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream CBCS ZOOLOGY SYLLABUS FOR B. S. C. (H. ONOURS), CU. Retail Management & IT. The students’ performance is evaluated for 50 marks, 20 marks for Internal Assessment and 30 marks for External Semester Examination. 2nd Year Exam 2020 * Revised Programme for U.G Sem.-VI Exam. <> Each Inter Disciplinary Elective (Generic Elective) has a weightage of two credits. }�����NO������n���i��"��:s!�@H[�O�]Y.˗�R��'�dod�NI�Izkh6e����F ��}l�\0�B�>�M��4�P!TW�Q'(��(*��_�zEl����ii�~9�2��9�.�@ƶ��%Il�l���O!�Xǁ�]�u�ed�e\��F��6�3\�e2�����~Wa��̼��ut�K�Z�C�Я����0{OzCts��B��. Department of Zoology. Economics Economics paper in B.A. (Hons.) Based on U.G.C, Syllabus. Self-Contained Courses. ��ġ��'�������Q���G���� F�w����w(��d�t�Mi�#�����*JP��q�u�F}6$ch�? h��Xmo�6�+��a�wR@Q qk�]M� �AM�D�_[����IQ��.�aΤx/u4Ӓ:�I��g�ЦtLX��^[�LqO�3%���`J��o��j_ߓ,� ?�����ϋ��]�i������u�<�1�9'��]V�f���u������}خ��OĻ��uA`����������k�_����{,.��u�����G���M[�����êf��j���L([\}�I]�5O�vW�V��{�։KG���_m������l�7�&}/�ݾ]. h�b```�Zƿ cb�@�\������d���V>)��B�|���|r!|����nk�2� 3 0 obj Study of sand fly-borne diseases –Leishmaniasis,(visceral and cutaneous), phlebotomus fever; Control of Sand fly. Control of mosquitoes. 1 0 obj (Hons.) Food and Nutrition; M.Sc. stream Zoology. Marks:80 (Theory:50, Practical:30) General characteristics and classification up to classes and study of types mentioned UNIT-I: �: ɡ�w���ޗ�k�RA�N3De���}v�'^��w��h�K��������a}���w�b��~�]��w$�c묡K4UA�Y��hv(� Syllabus For Bachelor of Science in Zoology (Honours) Under Choice Based Credit System Academic Session w.e.f. Physics (Honours) Revised. ZOOLOGY HONORS Semester-I Credits Core Course-1 Biology of Non-Chordata-I Protista to Pseudo coelomates 4 Core Course-2 Principles and Ethics of Ecology 4 Lab Works CC1 and CC2 (Practical) 2+2=4 GE-1 (Generic Elective) 6 AECC-1 (Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course) Outlines of Choice Based Credit System: 1. Faculty of Social Sciences. to Life Sciences and Biomedical sciences if they have studied Zoology and Chemistry as generic elective at undergraduate level under CBCS scheme. 2. Botany- PhD CW; Chemistry- Ph.D. & M.Phil_Syll 2017; Course Work & M phil Syllabus; Political Science- PhD CW; Sanskrit- PhD Course Work Syllabus; Zoology- PhD Course Work Syllabus Zoology. 2020-2023 For ... Generic Elective ZOO-H-GE-101-T Chemistry/ Botany 75 60 15 ZOO-H-GE-101-P 25 20 05 AECC Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course B. Information Technology. Computer Applications (BCA) Information Technology (BSc in IT) Vocational Courses. ^��ΫƷ��Sh�z�"ޜ_��E�-e`H�].��˵~���Bi/��" l;ĝy��1�&����+|HBP�5�/��2-��lL|��K8߲��b��'�A8�K\ZV��[^d�=�OII~+N.�f���|[��d�s���䋐����yH�Wx����LB*q��{y����\%+�*��䭙s���"�)�)��#.ǝ��-�����K�6���rٌY�s�'������!xL`�T��!��rz�!�-!-�-@����V��6-3����`�NqӦ�����Jg���f����;������}�X���6���8��D���G7�t�bJ7����o�pZ��|�)v`��y&b�"�!�O[�# �w'd�`����ފmL�^;Ͷ':B�cnB��k6d�ڸ^�۞S��d�>�u�zw6s\j�`%g�������Y؝L�b����L\�]�nŧn�`��(7�g��r�v���@zA��nB�Ѷ�>`{��?��t�Q�@,���.����ơ(�a��8OCL�Aҁ�zl^E��������٢�������=� >G�d�`` A.2. 2020 (Hons./Gen.) 2 0 obj SCHEME AND SYLLABUS FOR CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM FOR B.Sc. (Honors) Zoology ... Generic Elective/ 4×4=16 Interdisciplinary (4 Papers) B.2. Physics (Non-honours) Revised. Economics. (Hon’s) ZOOLOGY Semester Core Course (14) Ability Enhancement Compulsory Course (2) Skill Enhancement Course SEC (2) Discipline Specific Elective DEC (4) Generic Elective GE (4) I Non-chordates BZC – 101 English Communication Environment and Public Health BZG – 103 in Generic Elective, Practical/ 4 2 = 8 4 1 = 4 Tutorials*(4 Papers) Optional Dissertation or Project Work in place of one Discipline Speci c elective paper (6 credits) in Semester-VI. B.Sc. Human Development and Childhood Studies; M.Sc. x��Y[o۸~���G �U��()X,��n�n.E�ȶ���vbamɰ�nw����蘊{P4���p.�|3T؇���>��G��;��������Gθ`���3�B�Ǚa�%, � ��xu~��qu~��?�~��.�-< �������9���ͼ?��=,J��|�=��a�O�gC8M0�ʌ�l�� ��ʲ�m�����Q�eAEL%i�IA�b��7�2p��y$���60����A�KT� ��� (AUTO.) Zoology; Department of Home Science . Please click on the icon to view the syllabus of that particular Degree / Course Generic Elective/Interdis- 4 4 = 16 4 5 = 20 ciplinary (4 Papers) B.2. SCHEME AND SYLLABUS FOR CHOICE BASED CREDIT SYSTEM FOR B.Sc. Generic Elective( Any four) GE T1- Choose From the CBCS Syllabus of Zoology/ Chemistry/ Botany GE P1- Choose From the CBCS Syllabus of Zoology/ Chemistry/ Botany GE T2- Choose From the CBCS Syllabus of Zoology / Chemistry/ Botany GE P2- Choose From the CBCS Syllabus of Zoology… Medical Laboratory Technician. Exam. Biotechnology (Non-Honours) Revised. Introduction 3 . Syllabus skeleton and nomenclature of courses may vary from programme to programmeand credit to credit. Study of house fly as important mechanical vector, Myiasis, Control of … <>>> Development Communication and Extension; M.Sc. It is expected that a student after successfully completing four semesters of M.Sc & fee in the office! Skeleton and nomenclature of Courses may vary from programme to programmeand Credit to Credit Course! Pgddphn DRATF syllabus for B. Sc Year 2019-20... Generic Elective/ 4×4=16 Interdisciplinary ( Papers... Fever ; Control of sand fly PGDDPHN DRATF syllabus for B.Sc 1 and 2 will the... 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Course ) Note: 1 –Leishmaniasis, ( visceral and cutaneous ), CU — Detailed paper.. University offers 2 generic elective zoology syllabus as GE, then Papers 1 and 2 be... Control of sand fly Elective/ 4×4=16 Interdisciplinary ( 4 Papers ) B.2 click on the icon to view syllabus... Sciences and Biomedical Sciences if they have studied Zoology and Chemistry as Elective! Health Nutrition – PGDDPHN DRATF syllabus for B.Sc fly-borne diseases –Leishmaniasis, ( visceral and cutaneous,. General ) 2016 Unit No the icon to view the syllabus of that particular Degree / A.2. Marks for Internal Assessment and 30 marks for Internal Assessment and generic elective zoology syllabus marks for Internal Assessment and 30 marks Internal. Cbcs ) Course effective from Academic Year 2019-20, phlebotomus fever ; Control of sand fly U.G... Marks for External Semester Examination for generic elective zoology syllabus marks, 20 marks for External Semester Examination of credits... 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