A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV Online", also known as FFXIV or FF14. Native to the Near Eastern island of Thavnair, adamantoises were long thought to be … I still often use Kirin just for the music. ( Log Out /  Took them a day to do Nexus. This game caters to the casual player a lot more than other MMOs, and I guess I just need to learn to be okay with that. Griffin is a mount obtained by purchasing the Collector’s Edition or Digital Collector’s Edition of Heavensward expansion. To get the quest you must have the Aithon, Boreas, Enbarr, Gullfaxi, Markab, and Xanthos mounts. After obtaining all nightmare mounts (I did via the mooglestone event) you can obtain this quest and with it the Kirin Mount. Several ST, WoD, Garuda and Shiva HM later, I got my Nexus. Possessed of a strength of both mind and body that is unmatched in the First, as a mount… Ask any man in Othard who rules the realm of beasts, and you will receive the same answer─Kirin. You had it before them, before it was outdated. I just didn't think they'd just hand them out so easily. I don't give a flying shit about SE making certain things, like Kirin, easier to get. Press J to jump to the feed. Firebird is a mount that can be acquired after obtaining all 7 Lanner mounts (Demonic Lanner, Sophic Lanner, Dark Lanner, Warring Lanner, Round Lanner, Rose Lanner, White Lanner) then complete the Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts quest. Now I will introduce a new mount, Kirin.Firstly, let’s have a look at the legendary Kirin. Patch 5.4 Notes (Preliminary)-Patch 5.4 brings a multitude of additions and refinements to the realm. Unfortunately you are not the only one, there are others like you that seem to be unable to enjoy the game without obsessing over exclusivity. People are doing the exact same easy primal fights just in a faster time frame, just like the nerfed relic questline. I think it's a pretty good tradeoff. Griffin. This event offers both Ifrit and Shiva ponies for 30 tomes each. Welcome to how every raider feels every other patch. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. It drops from any of the following three Realm Reborn trials: The Bowl of Embers (Extreme), The Howling Eye (Extreme), and The Navel (Extreme).. Ahriman. It took dedication, time, and a lot of help from friends, but it paid off in a beautiful and RARE mount. Your enjoyment should be coming from the fact that you got it before everyone else. 92 votes, 18 comments. 10 votes, 34 comments. Obtain the Kirin mount. Titles Item Rewards Battle PvP Character Items Crafting & Gathering Quests Exploration Grand Company Legacy. With all 4 Empyrean accessories obtained from Heaven-on-High, speak to Cast-off Confederate to obtain this mount. The determination. Thanks. I crafted the Zodiac mats for them while they did their dungeons with guaranteed drops, severely reducing the cost of this step. The relief. Nay is but a hoofbeat away from neigh!Uma Bugyo Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Anyhow, last night, I finished up a couple Prae runs to pick up the Shiva pony. When I finally got past it, I decided to no-life the rest of the relic to finally get it done. Enemies will still attempt attack you whilst mounted, and can inflict damage on you (including KO) and doing so might eventually cause you to to dismount. It is really fantastic. Do you like your thing less because a lot of people have it? Remember when a perfectly melt Zeta weapon was about 10million or more gil? Nightmare mounts are a series of mounts released in the base game, A Realm Reborn. So thanks to the newest Mogtomes event in FFXIV, I was finally able to finish up my pony collection last night, and get my kirin on my main.I’d already done this on my RP alt – he just ended up the character I did the farming on for whatever reason. It took me two weeks to get mine, and now I dont really use it anymore. (Offer ID: 155832898). When you had a group that knew what they were doing and how to dps ex primals were cleared quickly and easily. but earning my Kirin back before Heavensward. Adventurers of every persuasion are sure to find something to enjoy in … Each mare, said to be forged from otherwise untamable nightmares given to the beast tribes by the Ascians, is based off of one of the expansion's primals and drops from their respective extreme-difficulty trial. The same method of pony farming is used to get the Nightmare Whistle, but the drop rate is ridiculously low. If you beat Content do it for the accomplishment, not for the Thing itself. In Patch 2.0, Kirin is already a popular mount. Then, all I needed to finish my lot was the Ifrit one. Grani. My pony collection is sadly lacking…. A couple mil Gil, raging at Qarn HM, and euphoria from only having to do AV twice later, I had a Zodiac. Look above and be jealous, for one fortunate Redditor has earned themselves the new shark mount added to Final Fantasy XIV in patch 5.2. u/FerretFomMars shared what they had to do to earn the mount, and turns out it will take some fine angling on everyone’s part.. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I’d already done this on my RP alt – he just ended up the character I did the farming on for whatever reason. No you get the Tier 4 materias for 20k a piece. 7 Deadly Sins (Exodus) has been formed. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. In the world of FFXIV players can acquire their first mount, Company Chocobo, after completing the level 20 main story quest titled "A Hero in the Making" and joining a Grand Company. Mounts. Last night, it took me about 4 runs before the whistle finally popped up for me. Good ol' square. Plus I’m gonna want to get the ponies and the wolf for my daughter too. It is believed that the lion-like creature has walked the eastern lands for over a thousand years and will only answer the call of a hero it has deemed worthy. 425k members in the ffxiv community. get a serpent warsteed. Why would they make such a rare mount so easy to attain? Also, the first wolf mount – Suzano – for 50 tomes. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. The Diadem kills the reason to do Savagen if you are just after i210, but the Feeling of beating A4S is just pure awesomeness. It took dedication, time, and a lot of help from friends, but it paid off in a beautiful and RARE mount. Just because they had an easier time doesn't suddenly invalidate all of that. Etc. I don't know why you guys don't understand that someone obtaining something doesn't diminish your accomplishment, play for yourself and stop worrying so much about what others are or aren't getting. I got Kirin and several Zetas before Heavensward, I couldn't care less that people can obtain them easier now. And you know what? Legend states that the Lord of the Whorl, Leviathan, birthed this magicked steed from a nightmare offered by the Sahagin in sacrifice. ( Log Out /  Now I can't even bring myself to ride it anymore. Will this be a secret trial or was the Kirin mount just a hoax? Ie: I've went through the big fishing title, savage/final coil title, 500 PvP kills title, grandmaster of magic title (when 3.0 first launched), and now I'm at the minion battle title. After succeeding, you now have something unique, something to be proud of. I'm attached to them because of the special moments I had to acquire them. I'm so glad you posted this. Grats. This is objectively the single best post. Check out my Webcomic and Fantasy Fiction projects! Copy to clipboard failed. Why would they make such a rare mount so easy to attain? Mounts allow players to travel faster than if on foot and are acquired in a variety of ways. that's one … So now, after many years of playing this game, I finally have my pony collection completed! I’m not really in a rush to do it, though. I guess it was my mistake then. Exactly what you are saying,... the feel of accomplishment beats anything. You got it first. After obtaining all nightmare mounts (I did via the mooglestone event) you can obtain this quest and with it the Kirin Mount. One of my good friends who never really cared about ponies asked us if we could help him get one. Enjoy your stay in instant gratification land! But yeah, I feel your “pain” of needing to do this on 2 characters . I’ll still be missing the Ravana bird, however, so I’ll have to wait to see if that comes back into rotation next time, or drag someone into farming it (if I can’t solo it). I don't care how many other people have it nor probably should I. ( Log Out /  I have a ton of mounts I need this time around, and some on two characters. Considering like 3-4 people managed to obtain it before they increased the drop rate of ponies, I would imagine these people to be the most upset. I'm about to reread the entire thread because it made me giggle in places I didn't think could giggle, and I think I like it. A couple of FC members decided to finish their zetas (they had animuses still from ARR) after hearing the news the first step in HW's anima weapon would be a pain. The salt. Is anyone else upset with how SE has handled the Kirin mount/ponies? Mounts Minions Orchestrion Blue Magic Emotes Bardings Hairstyles Armoire Fashion Accessories Triple Triad. Kirin. It is believed that the lion-like creature has walked the eastern lands for over a thousand years and will only answer the … Was it after the drop rate got buffed not once, but twice? I'm not attached to these things because they make me feel special due to exclusivity. The new mount is titled "kirin" and you get an achievement called "ichiban" after obtaining it. The minstrel emerges from his hiding place, full awed by the sight of the legendary beast, and declares that his word was true: you are indeed the hero to whom the Kirin has pledged its fealty. Check Now! The minstrel emerges from his hiding place, full awed by the sight of the legendary beast, and declares that his word was true: you are indeed the hero to whom the Kirin has pledged its fealty. Congrats! Now I can't even bring myself to ride it anymore. Go to any Diadem zone and realize that 75% of the mounts are god damn Kirin mounts! Adamantoise. Ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com Kirin is a mount obtained by completing A Legend for a Legend quest. Gamer Escape: Gaming News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts Gaming Community featuring News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts And that’s going to be true of the bird mounts, too, when I finish them on him during this event. And that’s going to be true of the bird mounts, too, when I finish them on him during this event. My experiences from getting the Zeta are still there. Images One of my good friends who never really cared about ponies asked us if we could help him get one. It is believed that the lion-like creature has walked the eastern lands for over a thousand years and will only answer the call of a hero it has deemed worthy. I really need to log in and do mogtome runs too. One member finished her Zeta just today, doing the final step in a half day. I gotta get cracking! Zetas and Kirin for everyone! New content is harder and more relevant, and in turn, their drops are harder to get. Peter Spak (Balmung) posted a new blog entry, "ffxiv dairy day 26 embracing the Christmas spirt ." Itll never come back, dont forget the cait sith, shanttoto, legacy chocobo, goobue. Edit: Oh shoot I forgot this is r/ffxiv where you aren't allowed to wish for any change to the game out loud, no matter how minor or … OP: "Once I have the thing, I want to make sure that only I can have the thing. I’m going to be sick of Praetorium when this is over. Tooltip code copied to clipboard. EN DE FR JA. And I am asking that question honestly. ... but as long as it hasn't been removed like the bard's guebue mount then i'm happy. Get our trusted seller EDGEonline to level up or boost your FFXIV account today! She loves wolves. Each stage after (Nexus, Zodiac, and Zeta) took roughly a week or a little less with me no-lifing them. I can't be the only one salty over this, right? Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. So thanks to the newest Mogtomes event in FFXIV, I was finally able to finish up my pony collection last night, and get my kirin on my main.I’d already done this on my RP alt – he just ended up the character I did the farming on for whatever reason. ( Log Out /  I have some ponies from unsync’d extreme runs, plus have picked some up from other events. haha. Nightmare is a mount that can be summoned by the Nightmare Whistle. I’ve just never been much for running Extreme content, and tend to skip trial fights whenever they’re optional. With the upcomming MH Crossover we will get some neat stuff, but what I don't get is why they add a Kirin Mount, but not a Kirin fight. FFXIV: Kirin Mount – It Took How Many Years? Kirin. My FC members having an easier time than me has NO relevance on that. Yes, it may be the most different mount in ffxiv that is full of mysterious Chinese style. But I think I need both from this one, and I want that wolf too, so…. Meanwhile, players who waited are finally allowed to get the previous step of outdated content they wanted to wait for, and is made easier so that they can finally get to it after waiting for so long. Especially if you look how the Diadem Works. I had been farming Ifrit a bit before they actually changed him to be easier to farm, but I had no luck in getting the pony drop, and eventually it slipped my mind to keep trying. FFXIV Collect EN. Pretty straightforward entry into our FFXIV Mounts list. That moment I lifted up my Zeta is STILL a pinnacle moment for me in FFXIV. When did you earn it though? Learn how your comment data is processed. Gamer Escape: Gaming News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts Gaming Community featuring News, Reviews, Wikis, and Podcasts My Nintendo Switch Review Made Me a Little Sad, Steam Games: House Flipper Workshop Release. A community for fans of Square Enix's popular MMORPG "Final Fantasy XIV Online", also … Home. So no OP. Read on for details. So if you need those and don’t want to farm the trial, there’s that. Go to any Diadem zone and realize that 75% of the mounts are god damn Kirin mounts! The moments I felt like a god after, slaughtering everything in my path, are still there. feeling. I wish they'd let us pick any mount music we want from those we've collected. Journal Ask any man in Othard who rules the realm of beasts, and you will receive the same answer─Kirin. Which is precisely why it took me this long to get all the ponies! Thats not true. I have a wide array of gaming interests, though I most often blog about MMOs, RPGs, and Nintendo fanstuffs. Though she’s still very happy with her pegasus…. This mount is obtained by completing the quest ‘A Legend for a Legend’. We got him the mount in roughly ~2 hours via unsynced...it's beyond laughable how easy it is to attain now. (・_・ヾ (I just saw some people talk about it) I love my Zeta because I worked hard for it. Journal Ask any man in Othard who rules the realm of beasts, and you will receive the same answer─Kirin. Everything gets nerfed eventually, in order to be "special" you have to keep moving ahead of the crowd. One of my good friends who never really cared about ponies asked us if we could help him get one. Be proud of being among the first who got it when it was relevant, don't be bitter because older things are being made easier for those who waited and are just barely getting an item you've had for months. Starting with "A Realm Reborn" and the expansions include "Heavensward", "Stormblood", and "Shadowbringers"! https://aywren.com/fantasy-fiction-webcomics/ Edit: Fuck me for wanting to look unique in an MMO. The whistle is dropped by Garuda (Extreme) , Titan (Extreme) , and Ifrit (Extreme) . I don't know about you, but earning my Kirin back before Heavensward was one of my biggest accomplishments in this game. And that’s going to be true of the bird mounts, too, when I finish them on him during this event. The pure joy. Achievements. It's not any achievement, you probably farmed the fight with pre-mades who knew the fight in order for the chance to roll on a rare drop from the fight. If I could Id give him along with all other ponies away. Images So it’s a good idea to jump on that if you don’t have wolves. futfu (Moogle) has been formed. Summon forth Kirin, Far Eastern king of the beasts. But not the moogle attire. It was one of the happiest moments in my FFXIV career. It is believed that the lion-like creature has walked the eastern lands for over a thousand years and will only answer the … Share your love for FFXIV and Pusheen with these fun new stickers available now on the App Store. This Mogtome event will also net me one bird and the first of the wolves. While the act of getting this mount isn’t hard on its own, the amount of time it can take to get Nightmare is what landed it on this list. Ask any man in Othard who rules the realm of beasts, and you will receive the same answer─Kirin. It was such a big moment for me, I didn't touch the game for a week after because I was left with a "now what?" Now I can't even bring myself to ride it anymore. With new FFXIV Patch 2.5 “Before The Fall” released, more new items are added. The Mount Log is provided for players to track their progress acquiring mounts in Eorzea. Images Back when I was upgrading my relic, I procrastinated so long on the Novus step because I hated farming soldiery. ", I need to save that post for future uses lol. Ffxiv.consolegameswiki.com Kirin is a mount obtained by completing A Legend for a Legend quest. The minstrel emerges from his hiding place, full awed by the sight of the legendary beast, and declares that his word was true: you are indeed the hero to whom the Kirin has pledged its fealty. , I'm a technical writer by day, gaming gal by night. Maybe with mounts yes. So thanks to the newest Mogtomes event in FFXIV, I was finally able to finish up my pony collection last night, and get my kirin on my main. Change ). Ever. The shark mount is earned after earning more than 10,000 points on an Ocean Fishing trip. Maybe one day! Once you get the remaining ponies you need, the quest will appear for you. New content comes out, you now have the next newest rare item, yet another achievement under your belt and a new shiny thing to be proud of. its the rarest of all mounts, YEAH FUCK U, YOU'RE NOT A SNOWFLAKE, THERE'S OVER 7BILLION PEOPLE & EVEN IF YOU WERE 0.001% THERE WOULD BE OVER 69,000 OF YOU. Firebird is a mount that can be acquired after obtaining all 7 Lanner mounts (Demonic Lanner, Sophic Lanner, Dark Lanner, Warring Lanner, Round Lanner, Rose Lanner, White Lanner) then complete the Fiery Wings, Fiery Hearts quest. It took dedication, time, and a lot of help from friends, but it paid off in a beautiful and RARE mount. Final Fantasy XIV and Monster Hunter collaborated together to give players some awesome new content, where not only can adventurers fight a Rathalos, but they can also nab their own Rathalos as a new mount. But guess what? The above tooltip code may be used when posting comments in the Eorzea Database, creating blog entries, or accessing the Event & Party Recruitment page. You will receive this mount if you have paid for an active subscription of 90 Days (this … Fast forward to this past week. View All Posts. “How cool it is!” Most of the players may have this shout. Just keep moving forward so you always have what's hot/in. Go to any Diadem zone and realize that 75% of the mounts are god damn Kirin mounts! Summon forth Kirin, Far Eastern king of the beasts. As soon as they increased the drop rate to give people content to do during the 2.55 - 3.0 period, it was never that rare. I grinded for the ponies when kirin was released and the quest wasn't there until I got them all. Players must also complete the quest "My Little Chocobo" given by an … If you sit and get complacent then people will eventually catch up to your special title/mounts/minions etc. 5 days later from Primal HM farming I finally had my Zeta. Kirin is a pronunciation of … Like what you just read? I still haven’t gotten the /hum emote on any of my characters yet because I’ve never run that trial fight. (0) Reply With Quote. Theres a lot of exclusive items that will never return, Although Kirin used to be exclusive, he is fairly easy to obtain now. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If the extreme vertical progression didn't give it away yet, let me tell you: This is an "enjoy as you go" kind of game, not one where old content remains relevant for years while slowing down new content. they make everything easy to obtain in time, they don't give 2 shits about exclusivity. Select Character Sign in with Discord.