synonyms. (15) Until about 1991, the Eastern bloc was the Soviet Union and the communist countries of Eastern Europe. What is the meaning of the eastern european bloc in Chinese and how to say the eastern european bloc in Chinese? Many people living in the former Soviet bloc have become disillusioned by the slow pace of economic reform following the collapse of communism. The term Eastern Bloc or Communist Bloc refers to the former communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, generally the Soviet Union and the countries of the Warsaw Pact.123 The terms Communist Bloc and Soviet Bloc were also used to denote groupings of states aligned with the Soviet Union, although these terms might include states outside Central and Eastern Europe. satellite state in a sentence - Use "satellite state" in a sentence 1. ... Eastern bloc countries danced to the Soviet tune. The Portuguese Navy had to refocus again its main efforts to the defense of the Atlantic against the naval threat from the Warsaw Pact … (noun) The Communist bloc. A group of nations, parties, or persons united for common action. eastern definition: 1. in or from the east part of an area: 2. in or from the east part of an area: 3. in or from the…. (16) No Soviet bloc representatives sat on the Commission. The Eastern Bloc was a term coined by NATO (the North Atlantic Treaty Organization). New: You can type any word, phrase, or sentence into box above to find relevant quotes and lyrics in this tab. The Eastern Bloc, also known as the Communist Bloc, the Socialist Bloc and the Soviet Bloc, ... Stalin ordered Kostov's arrest, followed soon thereafter by a death sentence and execution. definitions. This trend was paralleled by demonstrations and revolts in several other satellite states. ‘If it votes as a bloc, it will be capable of imposing its concept of the good society on all the other groups.’ ‘Yet because they maintain a crucial majority if voting as a bloc they can help dictate the eventual appointee.’ ‘The major blocs in French politics each valorizes a collectivity: the nation, the class, the race.’ Example sentences for: bloc How can you use “bloc” in a sentence? Try out Spruce, our experimental quotations search engine. Context sentences for "eastern" in Polish. Menu. It is used to refer to former communist states in Eastern and Central Europe which included of the Soviet Union, countries in the Warsaw Pact, and Albania and Yugoslavia. bloc definition is - a temporary combination of parties in a legislative assembly. . (17) Status: Soviet bloc economic co-operation pact. Use two sentences: When you hear the ... “During its time in power, the Soviet regime came up with several changes in the day to day life of the people of the eastern bloc. WikiMatrix . Example sentences with "Western Bloc countries", translation memory. After World War II, emigration restrictions were imposed by countries in the Eastern Bloc, which consisted of the Soviet Union and its satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe. Need to translate "BLOC POLITICS" from english and use correctly in a sentence? antonyms. more_vert. Emigration from the Eastern Bloc was a point of controversy during the Cold War.After World War II, emigration restrictions were imposed by countries in the Eastern Bloc, which consisted of the Soviet Union and its satellite states in Central and Eastern Europe. bloc meaning: 1. a group of countries or people that have similar political interests: 2. a group of countries…. eastern / Eastern: Last post 07 May 13, 18:54: Do we capitalize Eastern in a sentence like: When I think about stoning I immediately have … 3 Replies: trade bloc - Blockländer: Last post 19 Sep 04, 22:25: Diese seltsame Entsprechung geistert durch diverse Online-Lexika. Learn more. Eastern Bloc politics followed the Red Army's occupation of much of eastern Europe at the end of World War II and the Soviet Union's installation of Soviet-controlled Stalinist or Marxist–Leninist governments in the Eastern Bloc through a process of bloc politics and repression. This is not the only instance showing that the Western bloc countries, in fact, assist in stoking, extending and inciting the Syrian conflict. Example sentences with "Western Bloc", translation memory. Eastern Bloc emigration and defection was a point of controversy during the Cold War. What does bloc mean? examples "cahill says Nocturne developed in eastern bloc" "The best club nocturne of the Eastern Arctic" "You'll play his last nocturne and some Brahms" "This is a nocturne I wrote for piano" "Nocturne means "night." These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. eastern bloc in a sentence and translation of eastern bloc in English dictionary with audio pronunciation by Dictionary ! Bloc in a sentence up(1) down(2) Sentence count:142+5 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-03-26Updated:2017-03-26. Dictionary Thesaurus Examples Sentences Quotes Reference Spanish Word Finder 4 Pics 1 Word Answers; Anagram Solver; Scrabble Dictionary; Unscramble; Word Cookies Cheat; Scrabble Checker; Words with Friends Cheat; More Games; About … the eastern european bloc Chinese meaning, the eastern european bloc的中文,the eastern european bloc的中文,the eastern european bloc的中文,translation, pronunciation, synonyms and example sentences are provided by Here are many translated example sentences containing "BLOC POLITICS" - english-czech translations and search engine for english translations. Learn more. Eastern Bloc politics followed the Red Army's occupation of much of Central and Eastern Europe at the end of World War II and the Soviet Union's installation of Soviet-controlled Marxist-Leninist regimes in the Eastern Bloc through a process of bloc politics and repression. 1 The USSR and … These changes were more of a curse than a blessing due to its impact on the communities.” Practice: Last but not least, to write a high-quality thesis statement, you need to prepare for it beforehand. Eastern Bloc was the name used by NATO-affiliated countries for the former communist states of Central and Eastern Europe, generally the Soviet Union and the countries of the Warsaw Pact. nocturne in a sentence - 7. The reason behind the formation of the pact is usually pointed to the aftermath of the Second World War which exposed the expansive … Zhivkov's high living ends in a seven-year sentence: Bulgaria's ex-dictator is the first Eastern bloc leader to be jailed, writes Tony Barber TONY BARBER Saturday 5 September 1992 00:02 What does eastern-bloc mean? [1] [2] The terms Communist Bloc and Soviet Bloc were also used to denote groupings of states aligned with the Soviet Union, although these terms might include states outside Central and Eastern Europe. eastern eastern-bloc easterners ... How can you use “easter” in a sentence? Easter and the Totem(1953) collapses back to Totem Lesson 1 (1944). To get to know when to use bloc and when not to use, we must be aware of the concept of Local state and Global State. The term Eastern Bloc or Communist Bloc refers to the former communist states of Eastern and Central Europe, generally the Soviet Union and the countries of the Warsaw Pact. The terms Communist Bloc and Soviet Bloc were also used to denote groupings of states aligned with the Soviet Union, although these terms might include states outside Central and Eastern Europe. nocturne / examples. Example Sentences for "bloc "Many people living in the former Soviet bloc have become disillusioned by the slow pace of economic reform following the collapse of communism. One of the benefits of communism is free healthcare for everyone. Through the support of the Western bloc (most Western countries continued to recognize the ROC as the sole legitimate government of China), the Republic of China on Taiwan retained China's seat in the United Nations until 1971. jw2019. 2. Here are some example sentences to help you improve your vocabulary: May you experience God's grace this Easter season and throughout the year. How to use bloc in a sentence. The nocturne list of example sentences with nocturne. Examples of Communism in a sentence. Here is a final example, one that gives three different versions of the same sentence: The articles, which stem from the 1970s and the early 1980s, show Lefort intent on persuading the reading public about the totalitarian nature of the Soviet Union and the countries of the Eastern bloc. English This policy has the potential to draw our eastern neighbours closer to the EU. [86] A number of other high ranking Bulgarian officials were also jailed. However, most Western Bloc countries did not recognise this. Dependent socialist governments were installed in the Eastern Bloc satellite states. How to use bloc in a sentence. The resulting governments contained vestiges of western democracies to initially conceal the process. To mark 30 years since the momentous 1989 revolutions that swept the former Eastern Bloc, we’ve picked five books that offer a glimpse into life behind the Iron Curtain and chronicle its fall. The destruction of the Berlin Wall signaled the end of both communism and total government control in many nations. is not responsible for their content. Lists. It is difficult to point out the geographical division between the western and eastern regions of Europe although it is believed that the Caucasus Mountains, Ural River and mountain lay the boundary for Eastern Europe. WikiMatrix. Bloc definition is - a temporary combination of parties in a legislative assembly. During the cold war period, this region was referred to as the Eastern bloc or else the Soviet bloc. WikiMatrix. 27. The Eastern Bloc was the group of socialist states of Central and Eastern Europe, generally the Soviet Union and the countries of the Warsaw Pact.