An African Mantis will adapt to its environment thus it will change colors as needed. They will shed and change the color of their feathers to grey, white, and black from three years of age and onwards. concept of sahara desert animals Posted by thesaharadesertanimals July 25, 2020 Posted in Uncategorized We explain everything about the animals that live in the desert, some examples and the main characteristics of these animals. Up to 3 babies are born in one pregnancy. They are small mammals. However, during the rainy season, kobs tend to range on short grasses. These camels will eat even those thorny plants that other animals don't like to eat. The camouflage characteristic of Chameleons makes them unique from the rest of their lizard family. It is their belief that if these crocodiles will leave their waters, then their waters will dry up soon. The calf can already run right after being born. They drink water during their flight as they skim on the surface of water. The wild ones can live up to 4 years. 70 mammalian species, 90 species of birds, 100 species of reptiles, and other smaller forms of life are found in the Sahara Desert. The African silverbill (Euodice cantans) is a bird that lives in arid landscapes. They are also known as Brown Hares and Common Hares. The color of its back and sides is black. Small, thickset, herbivorous mammals, the rock hyrax (Procavia capensis) is found across sub-Saharan Africa. Their body length can grow up to 15 centimeters. Spotted Hyenas are the most common of all the different types of hyenas in the world. The third largest bustard bird is also only a little smaller to the Denham's, which are known as the Nubian bustards. However, there are some species of Jerboa that are adapted to eat small insects. The poison remains in the animal's flesh and are eaten by these vultures. Wild ostriches can live up to 40 years. However, this cat doesn't have the same characteristics as an actual lynx. They also prey on animals that are bigger than them like young hippos, zebras, antelopes, and wildebeests. There are small groups of cheetahs and these groups are mostly composed of a mother and her growing cubs. They have brownish-grey fur coat. There are also poachers who intentionally poison a carcass in order to capture these vultures. Their body is about 5 inches in length. A prime example of this in the Sahara is the Desert Eagle bird who constantly competes with the Nubian Bustard for food such as the Jerboa and Kangaroo Rats. They are considered adults after 20 weeks. They are carnivores and they love to eat the left-overs of other animals. However, these birds tend to live solitary lives when the mating season is over. They also hide themselves in burrows that they dig themselves in the banks. Another one of the characteristic features of this mouse is their hairless scaly tail. This pattern is joined at the nape, which has bright orange feathers. This specific species of bustards (Neotis nuba) is medium to large in size compared to other bustards. They mainly do not like their nests being disturbed. These animals may be wild but they are very sociable. An average ostrich can reach the height of 9 feet or more. They are perch on large bushes and trees in the savannah. In Niger, there are less than 10 of them found in the Termit Massif Reserve. Besides these animals, you will also find numerous bird in the Sahara like the Black-faced Firefinch, African Silverbill, and Red-necked Ostrich. This vulture is also quite heavy weighing up to 10 kilograms and standing taller than 3 feet. They usually forage in pairs on the ground. They are called Slender Mongoose because they have a slender and long body. These cats range in the central and western regions of the Sahara Desert and also in the Sahel. They will hunt for lizards, carrion, snakes, other birds, mice, and antelopes. The adult hares can weigh from 1.5 to 2.5 kilograms. It can cause hemorrhage, heart irregularities, and kidney failure. However, there are also brown and beige colored variants of the African Mantis. They will only be forced to leave the water if they have to look for another pool of water to inhabit. However, they have larger body size than the weasels, longer fur coats, and three white dots on their heads. They don't die if they have no access to any water source because they get their water supply from what they eat and from early morning dew. These big birds stick to one partner throughout their life. Sitting on the eggs will last for a month. They are good at making hunting strategies to ensure that the pack have food to eat. The kittens are fast growers. There are species that are small in size (about half an inch in body length including the tail). Cape Hares are a common sight in the African continent. Although the fact is true to some extent as there are extensive patches of the Sahara that are completely devoid of life, other parts of the desert do have a significant diversity of flora and fauna that are well-adapted to survive in the extreme conditions that the desert has to offer. Only one baby is born in every pregnancy. Animals (Mammals) The Fennec fox (Vulpes zerda) is a mammal that dwells in the sandy Sahara Desert. A Cobra bite is really fatal especially if it is not treated accordingly. In as fast as 0.07 seconds, the target prey will end up into the mouth of the Chameleon. The female will get pregnant for 70 days. They will also see to it that they will still find some food through the winter months. The female becomes sexually active when 8 years old and the male becomes sexually active when 10 years old. An adult hyrax weighs about 5 kilograms. After releasing that bad smell, all three lions lost their courage and move as far away as possible from the polecat. Their diet is made of insects and seeds. These hares are always sexually active all year round. The ears of the Sand Cats are used to locate where the prey is. The snakes have a length of about 20-35 cm and possess a broad, triangular head and tiny eyes. The personality of Guineas is sometimes comical. The horns present over the eyes of these snakes give it its name. Their bodies are more rounded. These dens are usually made in leveled grounds or dense shrubs. These animals usually take shelter inside rock crevices and come out at the time of foraging. Their ears are really long. Their habitats are in the semi-dry plains and savannah of the Sahara Desert in Africa. Their long tails are used for balance when they stand on their two feet. They are often found in grasslands, dry savannas, and large sandy wadis. The dimensions are 1 foot in depth and 8 feet in width. They are not just good scavengers. A clan of hyenas is always led by an alpha female. The dorcas gazelle (Gazella dorcas), a small gazelle species, inhabits the Sahara Desert and surrounding grasslands. They are being hunted for traditional medicine purposes. Their small wings are used to communicate with each other. They live in underground tunnels that are interconnected with the rest of the group. They also love to eat those aphids that are pests to plants. Their neck is narrow and their middle part is thick. The color of their fur coat usually matches to the color of their environment for camouflage purposes. There are African Wild Asses that have been domesticated. It can be ocher, or reddish-brown or pale. It produces a lethal cocktail of neurotoxins that might trigger excruciating pain in an adult human when bitten by this scorpion. Female lions are the hunters of the pride. The spineless band on their face is their most distinctive feature. Their young ones have dark brown feathers during their first year. They live in a wide range of group sizes. Some of them have sandy colored coats too. That means they prefer to catch their prey that are on the ground. They can be found in the Middle East, southwest Asia, as well as in west, south, and central Africa. Their habitat is the dry places like steppes, savannas, and deserts within the south-southeastern region of Africa. They are also known as the gold-wolf, common jackal, and Asiatic jackal. These crocodiles are also known as the West African crocodile. Female cubs are fortunate because they will stay with the pride as they grow old. These are also used to release heat and keep their body temperature cool. They are the kind of lizard that moves like snakes. Their fur coat is black with white stripe. Their population in the wild is around 250 individuals. Adult cobras are constantly guarding the nesting ground to protect the eggs until they hatch. The female Sand Cat gets pregnant twice a year. The female hyenas are heavier than the male hyenas. The mating season of Dorcas Gazelles is between September and November. Their eyes are only opened after 21 days. The species is native to Mauritania, Chad, and Niger. Animals have had to adapt to dry conditions in the Sahara desert. Each winter, a new ring on the horn is made. Its body is well adapted to the arid habitat, and it is found from Morocco through Egypt as well as down south till northern Niger and east till Kuwait and the Sinai Peninsula. The name of Sahara Desert paints a picture of a limitless, barren sandy landscape for most of us. The Sahara, with its natural and cultural wonders, offers the tourist a rich travel experience. Their bodies are adapted to go on for days up to 2 months without drinking water. 3. The female has a similar color to the male but the shade is less intense. Their favorable livable temperature range is between 104 degrees and 108 degrees Fahrenheit. The result will be dysfunctions of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems which is fatal when left untreated. They have long tails ranging from 9 to 12 inches in length. One sting from them will inject their poison into the bloodstream of humans. It is different with the female wild dogs. They are abundant in the African continent but they have invaded other continents because the research laboratories will just re-introduce them into the wild near their facilities. Little we know about them because they live in an absolutely wild condition. It’s a perfect example of environmental adaptation , given its ability to overcome the conditions of the Sahara Desert. There are different kinds of hyraxes. Slender Mongoose is the most common kind of mongoose in the Sahara. When you think of a desert, do you imagine a lifeless wasteland where nothing can survive? The young ones are the last to eat. They release a very bad smell through their anus. The adult male will usually weigh from 5 to 7 kilograms. They will eat anything edible to them that will come on their way. These animals are highly social, living and hunting in large packs. They can live up to 10 years in the wild. They are also noisy and will make loud chirping sounds as their alarm call when anything suspicious is within their territory. Most of the time, they will give birth to only one baby. This feline is actually an efficient bird hunter since it is capable of jumping up in the air capturing a bunch of birds in mid-air. They would land briefly on the ground to catch their prey and only staying on the ground for only a few seconds (average of 2 to 5 seconds). That is why they are called Spotted Hyenas. When there is lots of food source, the herd will have about 200 or more individuals. Their tail feathers have uneven black and white coloration. The critically endangered species of gazelle, the dama gazelle (Nanger dama) is today found only in Niger, Chad, and Mali though earlier it had a more widespread distribution. Hyraxes have a wide range of habitat from the rainforest to the savanna to the moorland in the African continent. They are so quiet that their prey will never know that they are being hunted until they are already grasped by the strong claws of the owl. The species is now found in only 6 of the 18 countries where it once existed. These beetles will not eat whatever animal waste there is. It is interesting to note that the native people of Mauritius who live near the habitats of these crocodiles are revering and protecting these animals up to this day. North African Ostriches are birds that inhabit in the Sahara Desert. They prefer stagnant, warm, and quiet waters. Their ears are round and their tails are long with white plume. They also use their wings to steer in the right direction when they are running very fast. When they eat, nothing is left of their victim except the horns if it is a horned animal. Nevertheless, they tend to congregate wherever there are large sources of food. Extreme desert is without any vegetation and rainfall. These gazelles are active between dusk to dawn when they forage for leaves, fruits, twigs, and flowers of desert vegetation. They are great hunters, too. Their tail is tapered with a black tip. A community of fox is usually composed of 10 individuals lead by the males. They spend most of their time in a day digging to escape from the heat of the desert sun. These are mongoose and wild boars. However, all of them have white underbelly. The eggs are incubated for 28 days. Males in a female herd tend to follow where the mother goes too. Their favorite animals to eat are gazelles, impalas, antelopes, and zebras. They are territorial birds and don't like that other animals will enter into their space. They also have ear tufts that are a common feature of owls. They have been spotted roosting in buildings as well. When they feel threatened, they stiffen their legs and raise their bodies in an arched position. It is easy for them to jump from one stone to another. The name "caracal" is derived from the Turkish word for black ear (i.e. The Denham's Bustard is the second largest species of the bustards alive. During the rainy season, the crocodiles emerge from their shelter and gather at gueltas. They only graze in the morning and the hours before dusk when the temperature is not that hot. So, why are there color variants? These feathers are called crines and are very sensitive especially in locating dead animals for food. Their usual diet is composed of leaves, herbs, grasses, and fruits. It means that when a tiger makes a kill, the jackals will benefit from that kill as well. Dung Beetles are the kind of beetles that love to do the work that even humans hated. The sand viper is a snake of the very dangerous viper family. They are active when it is night time. Their heads are small and wedge-shaped. Their horns are also large. Their sense of hearing is very sensitive. Tough scales covered its whole body. They are common in southwestern Asia and northern Africa. They can easily tell where their prey is located just by the sound that they hear. Their first option is to eat green grasses. Their necks are long and thin. The pregnancy duration lasts for about 42 days. They can live from 25 to 30 years in the wild. Two, their bodies are capable of releasing heat shock proteins. One to three babies will be born in one pregnancy. Male and female African Silverbills are hard to distinguish from each other. Within the horse family, African Wild Asses are the smallest. The color of their spots ranges from black to light brown. They would fly using low wing loading. Up to three babies are born in each pregnancy. The males are very loud when it is time to mate. The breeding season ranges from spring to summer. The rest of the day is spent resting and hiding in their burrow. In my childhood, I adopted a puppy that changed my life and attitude towards animals—I have since become a lifelong animal lover. These animals have their own ranking system. There are also blotches and white spots on their feathers. The Cairo spiny mouse lives in many countries and places such as Sudan, Eritrea, Morocco, Sahara, and of course Egypt—they wouldn't call it a "Cairo" mouse if it didn't live anywhere in Egypt, right? Their habitat is in deserts and mountains. Skinks belong to the lizard family. Their spines are situated under their skin and will start to show out a few hours after birth. After 10 minutes of being out in the extreme heat of the sun, their chance to survive decreases. The intense mating season of African Wild Dogs is between March and June. However, this species of mouse do not only prefer to live in urban areas. The number of individuals in a pride will get smaller when there is scarcity of food. So, the Arabian (dromedary) camels and goats are the domesticated animals most commonly found in the Sahara. They have the option to live a solitary life or join a herd. They always work together as a team when they hunt. At night, they perch on the branches of Acacia trees. The upper parts of these birds are brown. Scientists have been studying these defense mechanisms of these ants for some time. Their nests are mainly made of soft materials like green twigs, cloth, hair, wool, roots, and sticks. There are female herds among kob populations and there are all male herds as well. There are about 12 subspecies of their kind. Their favorite food is the antelopes. Just like other species of bats, their main diet consists of insects. Fascinating and mysterious, the children of the cloud( is meaning Ulad El Mizna) are a nomadic tribe of this region. While many people think of deserts as lifeless locations, they are actually quite diverse and rich in life. These scales serve as its shield that will protect it from the heat of the sun and predators. The people of the Sahara also keep domesticated goats for milk and meat. The color of its pelt goes anywhere from the many shades of tawny brown all the way to a nice brick red. It is so amazing to know how these Sahara Desert animals live in this arid region of the world. Once they are inside their burrows, they feel safe and secure from their many predators. This is their advantage against other herbivores in the desert. The average size of an adult scorpion is about 2.2 inches but there are some that can grow up to 3 inches in length. However, there are instances that rock hyraxes will feed on bird eggs, small lizards and insects. They can be found living in temperate regions too. These deer are very fast runners. 70 mammalian species, 90 species of birds, 100 species of reptiles, and several species of spiders, scorpions, and other smaller forms of life, call the Sahara Desert their home. They are meat eater animals. However, they will also eat other food options like scorpions, snakes, birds' eggs, and small invertebrates. The large chameleons can grow as long as 27 inches in body length including the tail. The female will usually lay 3 to 6 eggs in one season. One herd is composed of about 50 individuals. They just satisfy their thirst by consuming the leaves of plants. Most of their predators are lions, leopards, pythons, hyenas, servals, big birds, parasites, and jackals. They only stand at the height of 45 centimeters and weigh up to 850 grams. Most of their time during the day is spend on resting and sleeping. The body length is about 6 feet long. The eyes of African Spotted Eagle Owls are like binoculars. Their body weight ranges from 1 ounce to a few more ounces. Their hunt is then shared to the whole pride. These can be heard from a distance of 5 miles. They will usually be colored purple and they will be very beautiful. They start their hunt early in the morning. Cobras display these following traits when threatened or hunting. The length of gestation of female Dromedary Camels is about 13 months. Most of the captive crocodiles Lyon Zoo, Copenhagen Zoo, and six zoos in the United States are actually West African Crocodiles and not Nile Crocodiles. They do not like to scavenge for food or steal the food of other carnivores. They are also called as the Anubis Baboons after the Egyptian god, Anubis. Olive Baboons are native to the forest steppes and savannahs of Africa. Fan-Tailed Ravens are very common in their native habitat. They have a chunky bill and the color is a combination of silver and blue. The kids become independent at about 4 months after birth. An adult African Silverbill has a body length of 4 inches. The captive ones can live longer of up to 10 years. These foxes are active during the night so they won't have to deal with the burning heat of the sun during the day to hunt for food. The Amazing Animal World brings to you in this video, the 10 most uniquer & endangered Animals form the Ferocious Sahara Desert known for its harsh climate. Camels are the most well-known mammals found here. They are also the only kind of birds that have two toes. The lappet-faced vulture usually stays away from wooded areas especially dense woodlands. It is also the male's responsibility to look for food and bring it to the nest for the female to eat while she is sitting on the eggs. These hairs also have the ability to release body heat to keep them cool under extreme temperatures. During winter season, they hibernate. But it’s not like that. The population of Fan-Tailed Ravens is still not considered as threatened worldwide. These eggs are so sticky so they can stick to any object underwater. African Silverbills are native birds in the south portion of the Sahara in Africa. They are related to the African Weasels. There are sightings in the countries of Sudan, Nigeria, Niger, Mauritania, Mali, Chad, Cameroon, and Burkina Faso. You will find them in burrows and other areas on the ground. Their life span is about 15 years in the wild. They can weigh up to 450 pounds. Those normal feces that are already digested will not be consumed. These omnivores eat plants but also eat rodents and insects. In situations when their tails get caught, they will choose to let go of their tails than to be caught by their predators. They have various habitats depending on the species – from deserts to rainforests. These wings tend to be thinner too compared to that of the females. They are a little bit smaller than tigers in body size. The female is responsible for egg incubation and the male is tasked to hunt and deliver food for the female. They can also be found in spaces beneath any debris as long as the areas are dry. Humans will usually die about 30 minutes after a cobra bites him and no treatment is given. The front paws have sharp claws and the hind paws have blunt paws. They can survive without drinking water for a number of days. After all, the vast area of land is the home for a wide variety of animals. One distinguishing feature of Barbary Sheep is that the hairs on the area of their throat down to the upper portion of their front legs grows very long that these almost touched the ground. They are also adapted to climb rocky and steep slopes. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. There are times that they will also eat animal carcasses. Of all the snake-eating eagles, they are the most popular ones. Spotted Hyenas have very strong jaws and teeth. A healthy adult Jerboa can live up to 3 years in the average. This ability is very useful to them because they always hunt during the night. They can weigh about 82 kilograms. They are smart hunters and they work together to get their prey. The eggs will hatch around 80 days of incubation. There are others who are mainly insectivores. The female Desert Monitor lays eggs during the months of March to May every year. High-ranked females are those that are more fertile. These animals are very active all throughout the day. After rolling their bodies in the sand, their fur becomes shiny and smooth. They change their colors for many reasons – when they are angry, to scare others away, to attract females during mating season, to absorb heat, to reflect heat, and to camouflage from their predators. A nest will be used continuously for many years. However, despite the extreme conditions in the region, there are still hundreds of animal species thriving to live here. Full grown adults weigh from 640 grams to 1 kilogram. Their dens are inside wooded areas. These camels are highly adapted to survive in arid conditions and are mainly nocturnal in nature. They are herbivores. karukulak). Male herds are fewer in number. Each female will lay only one egg in each breeding season. Everything about its body, diet, and behavior prepares this animal to survive in one of the most extreme environments on the planet. Despite the harsh, arid conditions of the desert, several plants and animals call the region home. The rest of the colony will instantly jump and scuttle away to find cover and shelter. After subduing their prey, they would take off, and carry it and eat while in flight. It has been suggested that they prefer to target insects and small vertebrates. When the height of their hump is added, their height will reach up to about 10 feet in total. Addax Antelopes - Animals Of The Sahara Desert. Their body is covered with fur with colors ranging from black to grey to brown. Striped Polecats are solitary animals. They can smell the scent of rain for as far as 50 miles. If you see a camel with two humps, then it is the other breed of camel called Bactrian Camel. Striped Polecats are also known as Zorilla or African Polecat. When the eggs hatch, the feathers of the babies do not display the glossy texture yet. They can travel at 40 mph, almost as fast as a gazelle. 1. Dromedary Camel. They may be small and doing the dirty work but their role to keep the ecosystem healthy is very important. Their diet is composed mostly of grass seeds. Sometimes they give their pet mantis live prey so they could watch its hunting skills in action. Among the mammal species still found in the Sahara are the gerbil, jerboa, Cape hare, and desert hedgehog; Barbary sheep and scimitar-horned oryx; dorcas gazelle, dama deer, and Nubian wild ass; anubis baboon; spotted hyena, common jackal, and sand fox; and Libyan striped weasel and slender mongoose. After the eggs hatch, the mother will lead the chicks outside to look for food but she will totally ignore all of the chicks. They love animal dungs because that is where they get their food. They have shorter coats and the color is almost white. They can live for days without water. Fennec Foxes are considered as the smallest foxes in the world. The upper part of its body has a varied color from yellowish brown to grey. However, African Spotted Eagle Owls are considered as the smallest in size in the Eagle Owl group. Their mating season is at its peak during the start of spring. There are instances that the males can weigh as much as 50 kilograms when in suitable environment. Their eyes are big and round like that of owls. Their average weight is between 1000 pounds and 1500 pounds. Their fur color changes from one season to another. Its body length is about 24 inches and the width including the wingspan is about 59 inches. They always hunt during the night so they won't have to deal with extreme heat during the day. They usually make their home on thorn trees making nests in the canopies. They can jump up to 3 meters when running away from their predators. Their canine teeth will start to emerge after 33 days. They are the Caspian Monitor and the Indo-Pak Monitors. There are about 10 to 25 eggs laid by one female. One birth will yield to about 10 puppies however only a few of these puppies will get to adulthood because of their predators. A pack of jackals is usually composed of 10 individuals. Both male and female Oryx will begin to be sexually active at 2 years of age. Their diet is mostly composed of eggs, carrion, amphibians, rodents, birds, lizards, snakes, and insects. Their list of prey is not only limited to small animals like insects, lizards, snakes, fish, and birds. They have the capability to change their coat colors. Male lions are responsible for maintaining and guarding of the territory. Golden Jackals make dens as their homes. The pregnancy will last for about 40 days. African Wild Dogs live in a pack of about 20 individuals. They are also fast runners. One of their advantages from other animals is that they are great trackers of prey. Thus, they are found in extremely arid conditions, regions receiving less than 100 mm of annual rainfall. Gazelles are very active only during sunrises and sunsets when summer days are hot. You can find the largest Gerbil in Turkmenistan. Indiscriminate hunting has wiped out large populations of this animal. These birds are great snake hunters. Their body weight is about 80 pounds. They can also adapt to being nocturnal if there are predators around their territories. Experts had observed that they usually spend several hours each day watching their reflection from glass walls and patio doors. The usual breeding month of hedgehogs is March of each year. However, they also eat different fruits, seeds, and the gum of the Acacia tree as supplements to their diet. They can roll a dung ball that is about 50 times heavier that their body weight. 2. An endangered species, the African wild dog (Lycaon pictus) is native to sub-Saharan Africa. Here, on our list of "What Animals Live In The Sahara Desert?" The most common are the rock hyrax and the tree hyrax. Its body length is about 31 inches and the width including the wingspan is about 71 inches. There are instances that they can grow longer up to 6 feet. A male African Mantis will also have wings that are a bit longer than its body, which will help you identify it. 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