Earth to God Song - By John Rich . 1. It is the might and force of it— the truth and reality of it— the energy and the intensity of it.” Let us be believers who pray, not just at set times, but all the time. He prays! Nehemiah went to Jerusalem to rebuild the wall in the 20th year of King Artaxerxes (444 B.C. His prayer life, faith, and boldness in the face … Despite temperamental shortcomings, Nehemiah was a man of good practical sense combined with deep faith in God. Sometime later, Nehemiah requested and received a second leave … Help and Encourage One Another (v.14,19,20) In doing the work of God's kingdom, … . Then Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, because I was detained there with the king of Persia. What will he do next? Nehemiah’s life of piety (1:4), zeal for God, fear of God (5:9, 15), prayers, humility, compassion, self-denial (5:14-19), and faith (4:20) provided the Israelites a tangible model of the restored life. Let us learn this lesson from Nehemiah and make our prayer unto our God, as v.9 says. A. Devotions related to Nehemiah. As the opposition began to intensify, Nehemiah again responded with prayer (4:14). There is nothing vague or pointless about it. and fasted, and prayed--The recital deeply affected the patriotic feelings of this good man, and no comfort could he find but in earnest and protracted prayer, that God would favor the purpose, which he seems to have secretly formed, of asking the royal permission to go to Jerusalem. and mourned . Brothers, this is a lesson for all of us as warriors for our God. In the second section, Nehemiah and Ezra bring spiritual revival to Jerusalem. Nehemiah’s prayer was specific: “grant him mercy in the sight of this man” (the king). 23:19. HIS PRAYER. Verse 11 – Nehemiah asks God to pay attention and listen to his prayer. Pray! The “cupbearer” had direct access to the king and was an important and influential person. He wasn't sitting down to eat or taking up the offering or praying any kind of prayer by rote and tradition. We have already seen 4 lessons from Nehemiah on building God's kingdom successfully. Nehemiah Prayer Song - By Jodi Aldredge. ), the second of unknown length (Neh 5:14; 13:6). 7:9, Ps. Nehemiah Inspects The Walls And Decides To Restore Them. Nehemiah 1 New English Translation (NET Bible) A Prayer of Nehemiah. Pray with your sword in your hand while the enemy is pounding on your shield! Nehemiah also restores economic justice in the land, admonishing the wealthy for taking advantage of their less fortunate brothers (Neh 5). Chapter# 2 – The king granted my request to go. Like the Lord's Prayer, Nehemiah's salutation lifts his eyes to view the expansiveness of the Maker of the heavens. The same word was used for the “butler” (in Genesis 40). Pray long and hard. Personal prayers of Nehemiah • Man of prayer approx. ; see 2:1). Nehemiah didn't pray just because it was time to pray. Nehemiah 1:4-11. Nehemiah Bible Study Guide – 14 Online Lessons With Discussion Questions Nehemiah was a natural leader of men. 10 prayers in book 14-11; 24; 69,14; 1314,22,29,30 44-5,9; 95-38 • Premeditated prayers • Spontaneous prayer 9. Fast and pray for days – amen to that! But there is more. Approaching Prayer in Ezra-Nehemiah: The Prayer of Nehemiah (Nehemiah 1) Although we examined last week the prayer found in Nehemiah 1:4-11, the following analysis opens up more specific elements of prayer found elsewhere in the Ezra-Nehemiah collection. Chapter# 1 – Nehemiah’s Prayer For The People after hearing news from Jerusalem. Praying through Nehemiah 5:19 . It begins with formal and appropriate invocation (Nehemiah 1:5-8), flows into earnest confession (Nehemiah 1:6-7), pleads the covenant promises (Nehemiah 1:8-10), and supplicates a present answer (Nehemiah 1:11). He then unpacked this by breaking the prayers of Nehemiah into 3 types. 1:4-11). 4 As soon as I heard these words I i sat down and wept and mourned for days, and I continued fasting and praying before the j God of heaven. When all of this was done Nehemiah turned to God in prayer, " Remember me, O my God, concerning this, and wipe not out my good deeds that I have done for the house of my God, and for the offices thereof" Neh.13.14. There is one more lesson we can learn from Nehemiah: 5. Later, Nehemiah offers a prayer for courage and vindication in the face of his enemies (Neh. He also led the people with wisdom (4:13). (Today in the Word) Nehemiah 1:5-11 . Nehemiah’s Prayer. 1 [] These are the words of Nehemiah [] son of Hacaliah: It so happened that in the month of Kislev, in the twentieth year, [] I was in Susa [] the citadel. [There is a place for a structured schedule and principled prayer and Bible study as a spiritual discipline.] He exemplified the life they tried to establish through their vows in chapter ten, yet without making any such vow himself. 1. Prayer is a Spirit-induced response of the longing of our hearts for communion with God. Answers to prayer may be hastened or delayed as a result of this warfare. Pray in the moment. “But the prince of the Persian kingdom resisted me twenty-one days. 2. Major Prayers. 4. when I heard these words, that I sat down . Pray in the midst of conflict. A prayer of concern. Who knows how God will work in our midst when we commit ourselves to corporate prayer. According to 13:6, Nehemiah returned to Babylon in the king’s 32nd year, or around 432 B.C. Ne 13:10-14. He held the responsible position of cupbearer to the king, but Nehemiah was a man of God, who was also a man of prayer. Nehemiah's prayer for his homeland is a model any godly person in any generation can imitate. A look at the prayer life of Nehemiah, and how prayer affected his work and his life. He gives us some wonderful insights into powerful, prolonged, and effective prayer, "for the effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much." Nehemiah's Prayer: Chapter 1: "O Lord, I confess the sins we Israelites (USA), including myself and my father's house, have committed against You." Date Title Scripture Reference; 2021-03-13 Pray and Work, Despite Opposition: Nehemiah 4:1-6: 2018-12-21 REBUILDING: Nehemiah 2:1-20; 6:15-16: 2017-12-24 CUPBEARER NEHEMIAH: Nehemiah 1: 2016-01-11 GOD, WHO IS GRACIOUS AND MERCIFUL: Nehemiah 9:28-31: 2014-08-06 READING THE WHOLE BIBLE: Nehemiah 8:1-10: 2014-01-31 REMEMBER: Nehemiah … II Chronicles 7:14. Nehemiah reminded God of his promise when He said, if "My people who are called by My name humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and will heal their land" (2 Chronicles 7:14). And only after these elements of prayer are expressions of request heard (v. 8: “remember,” a key word in Nehemiah; 4:14; 5:19; 6:14; 13:14, 22, 29, 31). In asking God not to wipe out his good works he was not boasting in any sense but was before God in humility beseeching Him that the recovery granted would be preserved. The prayer is a perfect example of the private and individual devotion with which the later Hebrew Scriptures abound. Spontaneity. And when opportunity arises for such fellowship, godly Christians will seize it immediately. First off, Nehemiah was two pretty “major prayers.” The book opens with a prayer of confession and direction (Neh. Nehemiah was a man of prayer. THE PRAYER OF NEHEMIAH Nehemiah 1:1-11 Key Verse and Theme: “When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. Heavenly Father, I pray that I may be a faithful servant in the place where You planted me. He lived in the capital city of Susa in Persia around 450 B.C. . (page 14 of Standard Edition) 18 2 Nehemiah Sabbath afternoon Read for This Week’s Study: Nehemiah 1, 2, Deut. Praying through Nehemiah 2:18 . Prayer mobilizes righteous angels, who engage in intense turf warfare against fallen angels, with kingdom claims at stake. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven.” (Nehemiah 1:4) 1. 4:4-5). Help me to listen carefully to Your voice, to trust Your word, to follow Your commands and to finish the work that You have called me to do.. to Your praise and glory - in Jesus name I pray, AMEN. The phrase, "great and awesome God" is striking. Existing conditions prompt the prayer. Later on, Nehemiah works diligently to point people back to the law of … Background - returns from exile 550 500 450 400 Nehemiah (445-425) Ezra (538-458) … Nehemiah repeatedly received reports to that effect from Jews living near the city. The answer to Nehemiah’s prayer is recorded (in chapter 2). . Using these elements we will then gain additional insight from the other two prayers. Study #1 Nehemiah’s Call to Prayer (Chapter 1) pgs. Artaxerxes had made an earlier decision to stop the work (Ezra 4:21). Nehemiah 1:5-11. Nehemiah begins to pray 10 to the LORD (that is, God's revealed name, "Yahweh"), whom he describes as "the God of heaven," a phrase commonly used in the Persian empire. 10-15 Study #2 Praying Amidst Opposition (Chapters 2-4 & 6) pgs. 23:1–6, Num. Nehemiah named the sin Israel was guilty of: acting wickedly and failing to obey the Law God gave through Moses. . Nehemiah was a Jewish exile who lived in the Persian city of Suza. Memory Text: “So it was, when I heard these words, that I sat down and wept, and mourned for many days; I was fasting and praying before the God of heaven. Praying And Waiting . 16-19 Study #3 Obstacles to Rebuilding God’s Community (Chapter 5) pgs. Nehemiah made this a subject of prayer, “and the people continued to have a heart for working.” When the wall reached half its height, Sanballat, Tobiah, and neighboring peoples intensified their opposition to the point of conspiring to fight against Jerusalem. Nehemiah’s earlier days-long prayer is being answered? 14. As Spurgeon said about Nehemiah’s prayers: “God does not hear us because of the length of our prayer, but because of the sincerity of it. Nehemiah’s Prayer. I pray that the thoughts of my heart would be brought into alignment with the desires of Your heart. It meets all the criteria Murray named. List of sections of the wall and names of those who built them . While serving as cupbearer to the king at the Persian court in Susa, Nehemiah received permission from Artaxerxes I to fortify Jerusalem, and served as governor of Judah for two terms, the first lasting twelve years (445–432 B.C. Heavenly Father, it is such an encouragement to see the way You used Nehemiah to answer his own prayers, because he was praying into Your will through a knowledge of Your Word. As soon as you meet this man, Nehemiah, you discover what may be the most important thing about him: the rich activity of his trust in God illustrated by his prayer in Nehemiah chapter one (Neh. 20-23 Study #4 Lists, Lists, and More Lists (Chapters 7, 10:1-29, 11, 12:1-26) pgs. Nehemiah sent to Jerusalem. 1:4-11). While praying and confession was a good first step, this was not the end of God’s plan for Nehemiah. READ: Nehemiah 1:5-11. Prayer is not to be measured by the yard, nor weighed by the pound. He was praying a real prayer of concern. Ezra reads the law of Moses aloud to the people, and the nation rededicates to obeying God. 11. 10-13. Nehemiah Reforms the Officers in the House of God. From the Book of Nehemiah . He then asks God to make him successful and grant him compassion before “this man.” It would seem that during his prayer God was working in Nehemiah’s heart, beginning to show him what he must do. Chapter# 3 – Organization Of The Work. June 15, 2004 . 24-27 Study #5 Scripture, Prayer, and Promise (Chapters 8, 9, 10:28-39) pgs.