Q. If your computer and/or internet connection do not pass the system test, we do not recommend that you take an online proctored exam. Please review your exam program’s specific processes to ensure you know where to go to locate this information and when it will be available to you. Before scheduling your exam, please take the system test on the computer and internet connection you plan to use for your exam to ensure your system meets the specified requirements. Please reach out to our customer service team via chat if you require assistance. Q. Does your program have specific ID policies? The exam format and time to complete the exam will be the same as exams taken at a test center. Examples of prohibited behaviors include, but are not limited to: failing to follow the proctor’s instructions; looking off the screen; mumbling or speaking aloud; covering your mouth or face; using unauthorized materials (e.g. Is technical software assistance available during the exam? In order to switch your exam appointment from an in-person exam to an online proctored exam, you must first cancel your existing appointment from your PTCB Account and schedule a new online proctored exam appointment. A. "I used UGO Prep's PTCB Test Prep to prepare for my exam and I'm extremely satisfied with the results I got! In order to switch your exam appointment from an in-person exam to an online proctored exam, you must first cancel your existing appointment from your. Military ID (including spouse and dependents), Government-issued identification card (national or local), Registration card (such as green card, permanent resident, visa). A. If testing from home, candidates should ask others in the household to avoid internet use during the testing session. During the check-in process, you will be asked to take photos of your work area, which will be checked by a proctor prior to exam launch. Additional monitors (and, if applicable, systems) must be unplugged and turned off. Test Prep PTCB Pharmacy Technician Certification Board exam dumps & updated practice test questions to study and pass quickly and easily. How do I switch my in-person exam to an online proctored exam? If the proctor questions you about the noise, you can explain that it is your phone ringing. The rescheduling function cannot be used to change the delivery mode for an exam appointment. To maintain PTCB certification, CPhTs must recertify every two years. Please do not read the questions aloud and do not cover your mouth or attempt to hide your face or move it out of view of the webcam. 890+ exam-like questions. If technical issues occur during an exam, you can use the OnVUE chat function to discuss the problem and its remedy with Pearson VUE support staff. A. Pearson VUE employs a virtual lockdown browser system that utilizes secure communications and encryption. Candidates must complete the registration process for OnVUE exams through our Pearson VUE candidate website, where you must accept various policies in order to continue with scheduling. The name on the registration must match the name on the government-issued ID exactly. Important: If the “Begin exam” button is not visible, you are either too early or too late for your exam. Q. Where is my proctor? What does the current system test check for? In-person testing is available on a limited basis at some test centers. Candidates without a face mask will be denied testing services at a test center. Upon closing the application, all of the proctor’s “view-only” access is automatically removed. Before scheduling an OnVUE exam, please review our system requirements to ensure that your computer will be able to run your exam. You may be subject to additional potential inspections, including the following: A proctor may ask you to show your ears if you have hair that covers your ears, for the purpose of verifying that no Bluetooth devices are present. Can I take an online proctored exam from anywhere in the world? A. Is my workspace acceptable for online testing? Once authorized, run a system test to verify your computer allows for online proctored testing. What do I do? Which exams are available for online proctoring? This website uses cookies to store information on your computer to ensure you get the best experience. Locate a test center near you . Please note: Leaving the view of the webcam for any reason or duration can result in your exam session being terminated and exam result invalidated, even if you have already completed the exam. A. Depending on your exam program, you may be able to access your score report after the completion of your exam by logging into your Pearson VUE web account. A. Please visit, Certified Compounded Sterile Preparation Technician (CSPT), Advanced Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT-Adv), Controlled Substances Diversion Prevention Certificate, Technician Product Verification Certificate, Pharmacy Technician Stakeholder Consensus Conference, I want to be a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT), I am a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT), Become a PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program, Discounts on Official PTCB Practice Tools, PTCB-Recognized Education/Training Program Directory. All Linux/Unix based Operating Systems are strictly prohibited. At test centers, a surgical or cloth face mask, including a homemade face mask, is acceptable as long as your nose and mouth are fully covered. If you feel uncertain about the online proctored testing experience, we recommend that you schedule your exam at a traditional test center. The online exam delivery option allows US residents to take their exam online from their own computer under the virtual supervision of a live proctor. You can begin the check in process up to 30 minutes prior to your appointment. Are there specific hours that I am able to schedule an online proctored exam? If you are unable to reschedule your exam, please contact your program-specific customer service team for assistance. If so, what is recorded? Pharmacy Technician Certification Board (PTCB), Use the best internet connection possible, Tips for capturing your photos on first try, Creating a support ticket with Pearson VUE, Additional Policies and Frequently Asked Questions, Do not take your exam in a setting with a corporate firewall (including VPN) or alert your Network Administrator to the. If you already have filed a Case Report with Pearson VUE, you do not need to submit a separate help request to PTCB. Candidates authorized to schedule an exam may schedule their exam appointment within their PTCB Account at PTCB.org or by calling Pearson VUE directly at (866) 902-0593 between 7 AM to 7 PM CT, Monday through Friday. Exam time extensions and enlarged text or color variation are available for online proctored exams. These testing locations are cleaned and disinfected frequently, follow government guidelines for social distancing, may require face masks, and limit the number of individuals in the test center at one time. Our students boast an 85% pass rate! Are there specific hours that I am able to schedule an online proctored exam? ID must include a recent, recognizable photo. What type of identification will I be required to present? Is technical software assistance available during the exam? Instead, if you wish to do so, you must first cancel the original appointment using one delivery method and then schedule a new appointment using the other delivery method. If your system does not meet the requirements and causes a problem during the exam, you will have to reschedule at your own cost. In-person testing is available on a limited basis at some test centers. Both audio and video may be recorded. What is the built-in digital whiteboard available to me and how do I use it? If your workspace does not pass a room scan, you are not permitted to proceed with taking the exam. Your online proctored exam is delivered through Pearson VUE's platform, OnVUE. When the testing computer is locked down during an exam, you may still use CTRL+ and CTRL- to magnify content up to 200%. Need to schedule, reschedule, or cancel? The current hotspot technology is not ideal for maintaining a reliable and consistent connection for candidates’ testing sessions. Preparation is key. Clean off your desk or workspace. A. If you have concerns about a test question or image, make a mental note of the item (question) number, if available, and share that feedback with the proctor. The more PTCB practice exam questions you practice, the better. While you are not allowed to have your phone in your immediate workspace during the exam, you are permitted to use your phone in the event of a technical issue to access technical support. If you are a candidate with other questions about testing during COVID-19, please visit ptcb.org/help for frequently asked questions or to submit a help request. We emphasize the importance of having a good, strong internet connection; meeting all of our system requirements; and successfully passing the system test before registering for an OnVUE exam to avoid this process. Online Proctoring (OP) is a great option if you prefer the convenience of testing from the comfort of your home or work office. Our course has been developed by industry experts, many of whom have been part of the PTCB exam board and have put together a comprehensive range of learning tools and practice questions to help prepare you for the 2021 exam. Provided there is a slot available, candidates are able to schedule and take their exam on the same day. Before March 17, 2018, upgrade your browser to the newest version to avoid any interruption in accessing PearsonVUE.com. A. If a proctor identifies any prohibited behavior, he or she will instruct you to stop. A. *All information and our test prep has been revised to reflect 2020 PTCB® revisions. For example, you might cancel an exam appointment at a test center and then schedule a new appointment for an OnVUE exam. An online proctored exam is delivered online and supervised, or proctored, by a person remotely located through the exam taker’s webcam. Q. As a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT), you can work more effectively to support your pharmacy team and provide superior patient care. What about touchscreens? Pearson VUE also has access to your webcam and audio until you close the online proctoring software application. Q. Are OnVUE testing policies different from test center policies? A. Yes. Instead, if you wish to do so, you must first cancel the original appointment using one delivery method and then schedule a new appointment using the other delivery method. Most candidates will have their exam launched by a proctor within 15 minutes of the exam appointment. If your exam does not include a scheduled break, breaks are not allowed during the exam for any reason. What is the built-in digital whiteboard available to me and how do I use it? Online proctored exams are available to U.S. residents only and are not available to individuals residing outside the U.S. Are exams delivered via online proctoring more difficult than exams delivered at test centers? The proctor cannot answer questions related to exam content. A. This is the same capability that is available in testing centers as well. The exam session is recorded including check-in until completion of the exam. Once your application is approved, you will receive a 90-day authorization period to schedule and take your exam. A. $199 ($149 exam registration fee, $50 application fee), $185 ($135 exam registration fee, $50 application fee). At this time, we require you to run OnVUE exams on desktop and laptop computers running Windows or macOS operating systems that meet these minimum specifications. Due to the unpredictability of test center availability, candidates must confirm appointments with test centers in advance. Candidates receiving extensions will be notified by email. Shut down any non‐essential applications such as email, chat, Facebook, and Skype. Similar to proctors at a testing center, online proctors ensure testing rules are followed, but they also must ensure candidates follow some additional protocols for an online exam. What are the exam rules on personal belongings? Exams are being delivered at certain independent third-party test centers (PVTC and PVTC Selects) operating in the US. If your exam does not include a scheduled break, breaks are not allowed during the exam for any reason. Where is my proctor? May I take the Pharmacy Technician Certification Exam (PTCE)? You will be able to start checking in for your exam 30 minutes ahead of your scheduled appointment time. Customized quizzes. There are several ways online proctored exams are secured to maintain the integrity of the exam. Please ensure that your space is private and secure. Time allowed varies for each PTCB exam. If your exam program has specific policies regarding personal belongings or testing tools like calculators during an exam, you will find that information in that section of this page. Mac users may need to allow OnVUE within their ‘System Preferences: Security & Privacy: Privacy’ settings for Microphone, Camera, Automation and Input Monitoring. Q. This is the same capability that is available in testing centers as well. Disconnect any additional monitors and be sure to close all other open applications. The following items are not allowed in your testing space: Cell phones, hand-held computers/personal digital assistants (PDAs) or other electronic devices, pagers, and watches, Hats (and other non-religious head coverings), bags, coats, jackets, or eyeglass cases, Barrettes or hair clips larger than ¼ inch (½ centimeter) wide and headbands or hairbands larger than ½ inch (1 centimeter), Jewelry that is removable and larger than ¼ inch (½ centimeter), Books or notes unless specifically authorized by the exam program for use during your test. If you leave your computer during your exam the proctor will end your session and you will be unable to continue testing. Please note: Leaving the view of the webcam for any reason or duration can result in your exam session being terminated and exam result invalidated, even if you have already completed the exam. The online exam system uses exam security features, including face-matching technology and ID verification. Master exam topics with intensive practice in the essential areas you'll find on the test. Can I receive any exam assistance during the exam? Learn more. A. Please note that, if you need to use your cell phone during check-in, you may do so. Q. Q. Please be prepared to show one (1) valid form of unexpired, government-issued personal ID. Once you've completed all of your required check-in steps, you will see a page that states, “You are almost done with the check-in process”. Appropriate action will be taken, including the possibility of the exam program taking action against you, if you: Tamper with your computer to modify your testing space in a way that does not meet our requirements. Are there any geographical restrictions for taking an online proctored exam? You will be asked to download OnVUE, the online proctoring software, if you haven’t before. Please verify that your name listed on your confirmation email matches your identification. If you pass the exam, you are not certified until your results are fully processed, verified and made official, and your score report is provided to you through your PTCB Account. Some exam programs allow you to use a built-in digital whiteboard during your OnVUE exam. Learning modules covering PTCE subject areas. PTCB and its vendors who support testing will have access to some or all of candidates' exam sessions. I have not yet graduated from school. Detailed explanations. How far in advance do I need to schedule my exam? To learn more about testing for essential services, visit our Help Center for Testing During COVID-19 FAQs. A proctor may intervene if they suspect the presence or use of prohibited items or if a third-party appears. You will be placed in a queue and connected with the next available proctor to begin your exam. Physical scratch paper or note boards are not allowed when taking an OnVUE exam. I can’t see the ‘Check-in’ button. Are testing accommodations available for online proctored exams? For optimal performance, a reliable and stable connection speed of 3 Mbps down and 2 Mbps up is required. If you are experiencing a longer delay, there may be a problem with your photos or your internet connection. All current or past holders of a PTCB credential received a passing score on a PTCB-approved exam. After my exam has launched, and I am assigned a proctor, how long do I have to complete the exam? As a CPhT, you can work more effectively to support your pharmacy team and provide superior patient care.. How do I check in for my test on exam day? During the exam, you may not access the following types of personal items: mobile phones, headphones or headsets (wired or bluetooth), handheld computers or other electronic devices, pagers, watches, wallets, purses, briefcases, backpacks, bags, hats (or other head coverings), bags, coats/outerwear, books, notes, notebooks, study guides, pens/pencils, contact lens solution and lip balm, food or tobacco products, weapons of any kind, or any other materials not specifically approved. The first and last name on the ID must match the first and last name the candidate used to register for the exam. Why is tethering to a mobile hotspot prohibited? In order to switch your exam appointment from an in-person exam to an online proctored exam, you must first cancel your existing appointment from your PTCB Account and schedule a new online proctored exam appointment. How do I check in for my test on exam day? May I eat, drink, or take a break during the exam? Breaks are not allowed during the exam for any reason. Q. If the proctor questions you about the noise, you can explain that it is your phone ringing. You are held to these policies and other testing expectations. A. Click the “View ID requirements” button on this page to make sure you have proper ID for online testing. Be used for OnVUE exams Agreement or other distractions within 15 minutes for candidates ’ testing sessions continues to,! To administering its certific... coronavirus ( COVID-19 ptcb exam login and a live greeter diligently. Of all PTCB credentials messages for you during the exam will be.! However, prior to your webcam and audio until you close the online proctoring you require assistance advise! And effective patient care as our teams are checking in candidates who are in the level difficulty. Other distractions use of prohibited behaviors will the proctors watch for ptcb exam login the duration your! 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