Compare Click to add item "Premier Copper Products 19"W x 12-1/2"D Oval Vessel Sink" to the compare list. #oneClickAvailable{margin-bottom:3px}#getItBy div{margin-top:3px!important}#swatches .a-declarative{margin-bottom:0!important}#oneClickAvailable .turbo-checkout-swipe-handle{background:url() center/35% no-repeat #E56B00}#oneClickAvailable .turbo-checkout-swipe-area-text{background:#F2AE5A}#oneClickAvailable .turbo-checkout-swipe-padding{padding:1.6rem 0!important}#oneClickAvailable .oneclick-swipe-preorder .turbo-checkout-swipe-handle{background-color:#808069}#oneClickAvailable .oneclick-swipe-preorder .turbo-checkout-swipe-area-text{background:#d7d5b3}.oneclick-guide{background:#d1f7e7;color:#002F36} The curved oval sink is crafted from vitreous china, and features a single faucet hole and a built-in overflow that adds to the convenience of the luxurious sink. Countertop Wash Basin Ceramic Sink Bowl Gloss White Oval Round Vessel Washbasin Modern 9.9 9.4 10.0 2: Gricol Bathroom Tall Basin Tap Vessel Sink Tap for Bowl Single Handle Lavatory @-webkit-keyframes wiggle{from{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0)}to{-webkit-transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0)}50%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0)}70%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0)}90%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0)}}@keyframes wiggle{from{-webkit-transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(0rem,0,0)}to{-webkit-transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(1.7rem,0,0)}50%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(3.4rem,0,0)}70%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(.85rem,0,0)}90%{-webkit-transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0);transform:translate3d(2.55rem,0,0)}}.turbo-checkout-swipe-area{position:relative}.turbo-checkout-swipe-area-text{margin-left:5.7rem;background:#f7e1a9}.turbo-checkout-swipe-padding{padding:1.9rem 0!important}.turbo-checkout-swipe-handle{position:absolute;left:0;width:5.7rem;height:100%;background:url() center/35% no-repeat #f2c13c}.turbo-checkout-swipe-animate{-webkit-transition:all 150ms ease-out;transition:all 150ms ease-out}.turbo-checkout-status-contents{width:100vw}.turbo-checkout-status{width:100%;position:absolute;background:#ebf9ea}.turbo-checkout-status.turbo-checkout-in-progress{height:100%;max-width:5.7rem;overflow:hidden}.turbo-checkout-status.turbo-checkout-completed{display:none}.turbo-checkout-wiggle{-webkit-animation:wiggle .5s .4s 1 backwards;animation:wiggle .5s .4s 1 backwards}.turbo-checkout-status{color:#008500;box-shadow:0 0 0 1px #89cb84 inset}.turbo-checkout-status-contents{font-style:italic!important} x 13 in. 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