(j)(3). For purposes of subparagraph (A), the estimated average revenue per piece of each regular-rate subclass shall be calculated on the basis of expected volumes and mix of mail for such subclass at current rates in the test year of the proceeding. 1398, provided that: Pub. POSTAL RATES, CLASSES, AND SERVICES, Subchapter I. (j)(1)(D)(III), and shall stay in effect after that date. Upon request, an organization authorized to mail at the rates for mail under former section. (A) and added subpar. L. 99–272, § 15102(b)(1), amended subsec. (a). Subsec. (i)(2). 39-3606 monitoring and use of reference streams or conditions and beneficial use support assessment. (j). Reimbursement for penalty mail service Prior to amendment, par. Subsec. L. 103–123, § 708(e), redesignated subsec. No person who would have been entitled to mail matter under former section 4359 of this title shall mail such matter at the rates provided under this subsection unless he files annually with the Postal Service a written request for permission to mail matter at such rates.”. Subsec. “(1) the revenues received from rates for mail under former sections 4358, 4452(b) and (c), 4554(b) and (c) shall not, on and after the first day of the sixteenth year following the effective date of the first rate decision applicable to that class or kind, exceed the direct and indirect postal costs attributable to mail of such class or kind (excluding all other costs of the Postal Service); “(2) the rates for mail under former sections 4359, 4421, 4422, and 4554(a) shall be equal, on and after the first day of the eighth year following the effective date of the first rate decision applicable to that class or kind, to the rates that would have been in effect for such mail if this subparagraph had not been enacted; and. (a)(1) to (3). Subsec. 1974—Pub. 86, added item 3629. 1998—Pub. (k) relating to mailing of matter at inapplicable rates. 1998— Pub. 39.0014. Pub. Publication Title: United States Code, 2000 Edition, Supplement 1, Title 39 - POSTAL SERVICE: Category: Bills and Statutes: Collection: United States Code: SuDoc Class Number: Y 1.2/5: Contained Within: Title 39 - POSTAL SERVICE PART IV - MAIL MATTER CHAPTER 36 - POSTAL RATES, CLASSES, AND SERVICES SUBCHAPTER II - PERMANENT RATES AND CLASSES OF MAIL 288, provided that: Except as otherwise provided in this section, rates of postage for a class of mail or kind of mailer under former section, For the purpose of this subsection, the term “, Rates of postage for a class of mail or kind of mailer under former section 4358(a) through (c) of this title shall be established so that postage on each mailing of such mail reflects its preferred status as compared to the postage for the most closely corresponding, Except as specified in subparagraph (B), rates of postage for a class of mail or kind of mailer under former section 4358 (d) or (e) of this title shall be established so that postage on each mailing of such mail shall be as nearly as practicable 5 percent lower than the postage for a corresponding. L. 105–244, set out as a note under section 1001 of Title 20, Education. TITLE 39 . (b)(3). 1272, provided that: Amendment by section 1(a) of Pub. The Judicial Officer shall perform such quasi-judicial duties, not inconsistent with chapter 36 of this title, as the Postmaster General may designate. CHAPTER 36. L. 103–31, § 8(h)(4), May 20, 1993, 107 Stat. WATER QUALITY. 1993—Subsec. Applicability; definitions. HEALTH AND SAFETY. Jump to navigation Jump to search. L. 101–509, title II, § 2, Nov. 5, 1990, 104 Stat. 39.6035 Transition plan. USC most recently checked for updates: Dec 05, 2020 All Titles Title 39 Part IV Chapter 36 Subchapter V § 3661. (a) and added subsecs. Such an appeal shall be considered by an official designated by the Postal Service, other than the postmaster of the office where the mailing was entered, who shall issue a decision as soon as practicable. Reactivation of lapsed certification. Subsec. Pub. (n). (m). Prior to amendment, subpar. Chapter 36, Episode 39 of Flawed in WEBTOON. Pub. In a world of genetically flawed deviants versus genetically pure humans, Levy thinks she has it all figured out. § 3206 - U.S. Code - Unannotated Title 39. (1) to (3). Appellate review U.S. Code; Notes § 3662. GENERAL PROVISIONS § 36.1. Advertisement. L. 105–244 effective Oct. 1, 1998, except as otherwise provided in Pub. (D). §3901. 39 U.S. Code CHAPTER 36 ... 2006—Pub. Idaho Statutes are updated to the web July 1 following the legislative session. L. 109–435, § 1003(1), added pars. 1993—Pub. Pub. (f). L. 99–272, § 15102(c), added subsec. L. 94–421 designated existing provisions as subsec. Pub. 36: Front Matter. 3217, added chapter heading and analysis and struck out former chapter heading “POSTAL RATES, CLASSES, AND SERVICES” and analysis consisting of items for subchapters I to V and items 3601 to 3604, 3621 to 3629, 3641 and 3642, 3661 to 3663, and 3681 to 3685. From Title 39-POSTAL SERVICE PART IV-MAIL MATTER CHAPTER 36-POSTAL RATES, CLASSES, AND SERVICES. CHAPTER 36-POSTAL RATES, CLASSES, AND SERVICES SUBCHAPTER I-PROVISIONS RELATING TO MARKET-DOMINANT PRODUCTS. United States Code/Title 39. L. 106–384, § 1(d), added par. Pub. Section 101 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, referred to in subsec. 496, provided that: Pub. Except as provided in subsection (b) of this section, this section and sections 9 through 13 … (4) generally. Enforcement of orders. Purposes and intent; personnel standards and screening. “(2) Rates of postage for a class of mail or kind of mailer referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection shall be established in accordance with the requirement that the direct and indirect postal costs attributable to such class of mail or kind of mailer (excluding any other costs of the Postal Service) shall be borne by such class of mail or kind of mailer, as the case may be: Provided, however, That with respect to mail under former section 4452(b) and 4452(c) of this title the preceding limitation shall apply only to rates of postage for letter shaped pieces, as such pieces are defined in the associated classification and rate schedules.”. (3) required rates of postage for a class of mail or kind of mailer under former section 4358 of this title to be established in a manner such that the estimated revenues to be received by the Postal Service from such class of mail or kind of mailer were equal to certain calculated amounts. Paragraph (1) of this subsection shall not apply to an issue of a publication if the total paid circulation of such issue is less than 10,000 copies. Pub. L. 103–123, title VII, § 704(a)(3)(A), 39 CFR PART 20 - INTERNATIONAL POSTAL SERVICE, 39 CFR PART 111 - GENERAL INFORMATION ON POSTAL SERVICE, 39 CFR PART 113 - HAZARDOUS, RESTRICTED, AND PERISHABLE MAIL. (1) During the 180-day period after a child reaches 17 years of age, the department and the community-based care provider, in collaboration with the caregiver and any other individual whom the child would like to include, shall assist the child in developing a transition plan. L. 103–123, § 705(a), added subpar. (1) to (3) and struck out former pars. (i). In the administration of this section, the number of copies of a subscription publication mailed to nonsubscribers during a calendar year at rates under subsections (a), (b), and (c) of former, any credit, debit, or charge card, or similar financial instrument or account, provided by or through an arrangement with any person or organization not authorized to mail at the rates for mail under former section, any insurance policy, unless the organization which promotes the purchase of such policy is authorized to mail at the rates for mail under former section, any travel arrangement, unless the organization which promotes the arrangement is authorized to mail at the rates for mail under former section, the sale of such product or the providing of such service is not substantially related (aside from the need, on the part of the organization promoting such product or service, for income or funds or the use it makes of the profits derived) to the exercise or performance by the organization of one or more of the purposes constituting the basis for the organization’s authorization to mail at such rates; or, the mail matter involved is part of a cooperative mailing (as defined under regulations of the Postal Service) with any person or organization not authorized to mail at the rates for mail under former section, any determination under clause (i) that a product or service is not substantially related to a particular purpose shall be made under regulations which shall be prescribed by the Postal Service and which shall be consistent with standards established by the, clause (i) shall not apply if the product involved is a periodical publication described in subsection (m)(2) (including a subscription to receive any such publication); and, clause (i) shall not apply to space advertising in mail matter that otherwise qualifies for rates under former section, such matter contains, but is not primarily devoted to, acknowledgements of organizations or individuals who have made donations to the authorized organization; or. (2) generally. (j)(1)(D)(III), probably means that the provision shall take effect Sept. 30, 1994, the date of enactment of Pub. Prior to amendment, subsec. L. 99–272, title XV, § 15102(b)(2), Apr. Former sections 4351 to 4358, 4452, and 4554 of this title, referred to in text, mean those sections which were classified to former Title 39, The Postal Service, prior to the general revision and reenactment of Title 39 by Pub. “For mail classification purposes under section 3626 of title 39, United States Code, and any regulations of the United States Postal Service for the administration of that section, a weekly second-class periodical publication which— L. 100–323, §13(a)(2), May 20, 1988, 102 Stat. L. 105–244 substituted “section 101” for “section 1201(a)” and struck out “(20 U.S.C. (k) defining “advertising”. In the administration of this section, the term “advertising”, as used in former, were received by the organization as gifts or contributions; or, are low cost articles (as defined by section 513(h)(2) of the. Subsec. (1), substituted “under former sections” for “under sections”, “eighth” for “fifth” year, and “subparagraph” for “subsection” and struck out reference to section “4452(a)” after “4422,” in subpar. (j)(1)(D)(III). Pub. Subsec. Postal Service. L. 109–435, title II, § 206, Dec. 20, 2006, 120 Stat. Pub. L. 103–123, title VII, § 704(a)(3)(B)(ii), Chapter 36. In the case of an issue of a publication, any number of copies of which are mailed at the rates of postage for a class of mail or kind of mailer under former section 4358(a) through (c) of this title, any copies of such issue which are distributed outside the county of publication (excluding any copies subject to paragraph (3)) shall be subject to rates of postage provided for under this paragraph. 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