Fantasy 5 draws take place every day after the draw entry closes at 6:30 p.m. She was studying the Truffula trees while sitting in front of one and she heard us approach. "those who cut down those trees will the axes and chainsaws I take away." Your favorite game is now your favorite Scratchers. My red shirt and blue jeans turned into a red and pink gown complete with a golden ruby necklace shaped like a heart and her orange shirt and green slacks turned into a white gown with angel wings, a silk shawl and a golden emerald necklace shaped like a 4-leaf-clover. The River Bed (04:03) 8. "many eons ago, Ireland had only one language which is called Irish Gaelic, but years later, the strangers breached my country and gave it the second language which is English. She then started to laugh as she hit her funnybone and I guffawed rolling side to side. I've seen the Truffula trees from the story called The Lorax and it is one of Dr. Seuss's stories. In accompaniment of our love, the Swomee Swans sang and the Humming Fish hummed altogether in harmony. The River Bed 8. Each top prize starts between $60,000 to $80,000. "I used my daddy's trident to make a wish to go to this place and it did come true." Audrey did say that these tufts are softer like bunny rabbits' fur!" I asked her. "as long as it stays at it is, everything will be beautiful like my bow and pointe shoes." O'Hare Warns Ted (3:21) • 7. "So you must be Articuno," I said. I said excitedly. After three minutes, Chloë and I relaxed and we took a rest together. A Pirate's Life For Me (Theme Song From 'pirates Of … "I see," Sasami agreed. The Last Seed [4:54] 11. "I really love nature." This tuft is typically a warm color, commonly red, orange, yellow, pink, or rarely, purple. And then, she flew to Thneedville to find a basket in one of those many places. "I wonder if I can try this..." And as she sat on top of the tufts, she chirped in pure sadisfaction and then said, "I reckon it's true. We were then amazed when we saw the Bar-Ba-Loots, the Swomee-Swans and the Humming Fish, but we accidentally bumped into Ariel from Disney's The Little Mermaid who must be a citizen of the planet Disney where I think Atlantica must be. "I, Kimberly AJ, along with Chloë, Ariel and Hermione, have never before met you just for real." For a musical intro, the cows began to moo the key of "B" flat and the Humming Fish began to hum the notes of the bagpipes and piano. Houseguests (3:12) • 9. And we all started to play. While they were doing so, I began to say to these cute creatures, “I, Kimberly, have found out that you two Bar-Ba-Loots have been officially named: Pipsqueak and Lou.” “Uh-huh,” nodded Pipsqueak who then tried to say the words, “I am Pipsqueak.” I was delighted and while hugging him, exclaimed, “Oh, you can talk! To learn how, follow the 5 simple steps. “Who wants organic ice cream?” asked Hermione as she came with an ice cream cart. Funeral For A Tree Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax Film Information: “I learned magic when I was a mermaid.” “Speaking of magic,” said Hermione. I know some Pokémon really speak human," Articuno flapped her wings and after she observed the place, she asked while hovering, "What's this kind of land?" "I'm Tooty and I am Banjo's sister," said Tooty as she shook Upanova's wing with her paw. Use the Check-A-Ticket machine at a Lottery retailer location. And we all laughed together until Sasami returned to us. Chloë and I stopped beating him and I said, "Let me give you your last chance, Aloysius, the Truffula trees are innocent plants born in the Truffula forest. "All right. “I was having an adventure because I felt inspired by nature.” As she looked at all of my other friends, she asked me, “say, Kimberly, who are those friends of yours?” “I’m Chloë Agnew from Ireland,” Chloë responded. "I know extreme softness is the best texture in the world." said Sasami in wonder. O'Hare Warns Ted [3:21] 7. Tiki Tiki Babeloo. said Ariel awkwardly as Upanova ran close to her. "I'll write a letter to my best friends who were born in the sea so they can remember me as much as they want." It's fun you can believe in, and there is a drawing every day. Win a prize by just matching the Fantasy 5 number, or hit it big by matching all 5 numbers. I wouldn't mind." Truffula Valley Fantasy (featuring The Lorax Humming Fish) 5. she uttered. "I didn't know we made a team of two nations." "I bet Mr. O'Hare will be dragon dinner, don't you?" “Look what I’ve got!” she exclaimed as she dropped the basket. O’Hare Warns Ted 7. "I see what you mean," said Hermione. Bring your winning ticket and a completed Claim Form to a District Office. "I didn't know you would call the animals in different ways." She also kept one for herself and we all enjoyed the party for the rest of the day. "That's interesting. Then, to Articuno, "are you sure you want to use these to make your nest comfy?" Downheartedly, Madame Upanova kept on worrying about the Truffula Forest just before listening to a classical melody played by a fife and the fife player was revealed to be Tooty the Bear from Banjo-Kazooie. "They always respond to me even when I was born a mermaid." “What about me?” asked Tooty. exclaimed Chloë in awe. she screamed. "Do I look gorgeous!" Houseguests 9. "Um, yes," he blushed. “Well, Tooty,” said Macku, “I can say you are the best piccolo player in Spiral Mountain. "Oh, really?" At the Park (3:12) • 13. To prevent him from cutting trees, the monkey took his ax and the spiders bound him with their spider webs. We both approved our lovely gowns and then I started to say, "Look at our necklaces, Chloë, mine has a heart-shaped pendant while yours is a 4-leaf-clover." "I sure am," she replied, and at the same time, I kicked his butt and she punched his face. "Hello," she said. They have yellow or white-and-black striped bark and a large tuft at the tops which can be knitted into a Thneed. "Great idea, Kimberly," she responded. It is a place where the Bar-Ba-Loots, Swomee-Swans and Humming Fish live." Rex Dasher Suite. I made a dragon-sized pizza out of dough and O’Hare’s head, baked it just for Billi and Willy, cut the pizza into slices and offered it to them saying, “Here’s the pizza that you really wanted.” The long-necked dragon brothers thanked me for the delivery and they enjoyed the pizza that had O’Hare’s skin fritters on the slices. Then she continued, "So, what do you have in mind?" "We sure have," I responded to her. Playing is easy. "and I am famously called Hermione Granger," added Hermione. The River Bed [4:03] 8. “It is a perfect place for fluffy and colorful Truffula trees…” “…where there are their native fruits growing,” added Chloë. "I bet my family must learn about this. And to you, Sasami, I would like to congratulate you for having a pet.” “Thanks,” Upanova and Sasami said in unison. John Powell Feat. There was that crude Mr. O’Hare riding on a machine of axes with a wicked laugh of his. Upanova?" Suddenly, we woke up. "but I think we're about to transform." "This is true! Green Eggs & Ham is my favorite." Dr. Seuss' The Lorax is a 2012 American computer-animated 3D musical fantasy comedy film produced by Illumination Entertainment and based on Dr. Seuss' children's book of the same name.The film was released by Universal Pictures on March 2, 2012, the 108th birthday of Dr. Seuss.. Using a Lottery playslip, which you can find at any Lottery retailer, pick 5 numbers between 1 and 39. We make every effort to have accurate winning number information on, but mistakes can occur. “And I’m Sasami,” said Sasami as she got closer to Macku. I nagged. Sasami responded, and we all had a cheerful laugh. 1,364. The others and I clamored for the flavors we really wanted and she gave it all to us in edible cones. And then I opened the book and read all the words on the pages." "What's the hullabaloo, Ms. Ryo-Ohki said excitedly. If I can use my powers to jump on the top of one tree, I will touch the tufts to see how soft they are." "I'm Kimberly and this is Chloë." Tickets sold after 6:35 p.m. are ineligible for that night’s draw, but are eligible for the following draw. "Toss him to the crocodiles," she commanded the squid. Follow these easy steps to get the claim process started. "I see what you mean," said Hermione and both girls giggled together. And all the spiders carried the web-bound Mr. O'Hare with their strength scattering all their legs wide apart. They all gathered around into the Truffula forest from their habitats and listened to Ariel say, "OK, animals, here's the plan. said Hermione. "the Truffula Forest is a wonderfully beautiful place where the Bar-Ba-Loots, Swomee-Swans and Humming Fish live with the legendary Lorax who speaks for the trees." "Ariel asked me to calm down," said Upanova in a monotone attitude. The Last Seed 11. "It's too late for you," Ariel boasted while using Flounder. Free previews and sample songs available. Your ticket is your receipt. Truffula Valley Fantasy (featuring The Lorax Humming Fish) (5:00) • 5. "I think you might want to hear this; Chloë and I had transformed from our casual outfits to our beautiful dresses..." "...with beautiful hair decorations," Chloë added. “Hey, sssssweetheart,” hissed one of the snakes cutely. You've got to help me! Joyfully, all of us began to cheer for the Truffula forest and we danced to real upbeat music which was played from the boombox that I brought before we began the party. To learn how, follow the 5 simple steps. Further from a different world was a cyan-haired red-eyed girl named Sasami and her pet cabbit Ryo-Ohki. "What you think is unforgivable," said Hermione in an admonishing attitude. Heitor Pereira. I said blissfully. Disponible con una suscripción a Apple Music. The Lorax nggih punika filem animasi 3D saking Amérikah Sarékat taun 2012. and we all did. Play Fantasy 5 for just $1. “I’m one of the Hogwarts girls sorted into Gryffindor.” “Pleasure to meet you, girls,” said Macku cheerfully as she shook their hands. "Ariel!" The celebration of the year has begun! “Well, I did hear lots of words. We ran closer and we saw a bird so big, blue and shiny its tail was twinkling. "Are you ready, Chloë?" If that doesn't work, please visit our help page. he complained. "if you criticize the sea, my daddy from Atlantica will punish you with his wrath." "Kimberly's right," said Chloë. Ariel came to us and asked us, "have you seen some animals?" We are dedicated to maximizing supplemental funding for California public education. They encountered me, Chloë, Ariel and Hermione who would all work together and while carrying Ryo-Ohki, Sasami asked us, "What's up, girls? We then went to find Hermione together in a group. “this Kohlii stick will knock him out of that infernal machine of his.” And she ran with her charge. "I'm so happy we beat him up successfully!" "Of course," she replied. Get our mobile App and take the fun wherever you go. she said as she looked at her own necklace. "but they are not good for me." "they say that your origin was Jurai because of magical powers." Moments later, I landed into Chloë's place and told her excitedly, "Oh, Chloë, you never believed this! I asked her and she said, "Of course. "Excellent thinking," she patted his head. She fainted and Tooty saved her from falling down, took her to a shady place and after a minute, thirstquenched her with some water. "I didn't know characters are having an unusual language education." exclaimed Sasami. And as she told all the other animals the right duties for them they would do, they all agreed and she declared, "All right everybody, let's do it!" "Kimberly and Chloë?" And as the octopus came to the surface, he said to her, "Ariel, ma'am, I kept the chainsaw away from the guy and left the destruction to the rhinos." This page is updated as soon as possible after the draw. "but I can't help it!" The yolks and whites were smothering his hair and his skin had hideous goosebumps. Ninety-five cents of every player dollar goes back to the community through contributions to public schools and colleges, prizes and retail compensation. "I'm just trying to get out of this forest because it looks ugly with those trees around." So, I made a wish that I would have feathered wings and it happened. The Lorax Humming Fish. Get your ticket for the next draw. One with fudge brown eyes and long black hair tied in pigtails wearing red and blue was me and the other with sky blue eyes and blond hair hanging down wearing orange and green was my Irish friend Chloë Agnew. While she did so, they pecked him rapidly and he ran away from them. And he ran away. “And I’m Hermione Granger,” Hermione added. Pruébalo gratis. "some people may not know that you've heard my Ryo-Ohki talk." Your winning ticket must be redeemed in the state where it was purchased. Advance Play allows you to play multiple draws with one purchase. I suppose we'll do it." "Mine too," replied his cold-&-icy brother Chilly Willy. "I was born in England from my parents and I trained myself to be a witch." "and I say that the planet that has this language is Earth." Houseguests [3:12] 9. She accidentally hit her funnybone in the middle of our impact." "You're right. In ten seconds, we girls stared at him and then he said, "Nature is very unsuitable to people as I point out." and they all split up. “I’ll protect the Truffula trees with this trident,” said Ariel and she used the trident to make a force field for all the Truffula trees so they wouldn’t be chopped down. John Powell Feat. "Yeah," said spider #2. If I see a tree that has my color of the tufts, I'll probably collect some to make my nest nice and cozy." "What are you doing, Ariel?" "I have summoned more spiders even if 4 aren't enough." Try disabling any ad blockers and refreshing this page. "Let me fill you up with some water." “I can also say to you, Ariel, that you and the brown-haired bookworm are both magical. Articuno began to speak. "I was just wondering if you can join us against that dwarf brute who escaped the animals." You can also select Quick Pick ®, or just ask the cashier for a Fantasy 5 Quick Pick, and the random number generator will choose the numbers for you. "Who's he calling weak nothings?" Houseguests 9. "Mine too. Chloë and I introduced ourselves to Ariel and while shaking our hands, she said, "Pleasure to meet you, Kimberly, you too, Chloë." The tentacle of an octopus appeared and grabbed Mr. O'Hare in firm grasp and another tentacle snatched his chainsaw, tossed it far away from him and the rhino destroyed it by using its horn and feet. “Neither did I,” said Ariel. "I think we'll have to go with plan 'B' of making our spider webs." Even when Chloë and I got surprised, we watched Articuno use her beak to pick some of the tufts and we caught them in our arms. "I think we've got him," said spider #1. "I've learned that the Truffula trees have the tufts that are softer like bunny rabbits' fur," Chloë explained. "Before you do that," I told her. "there are so many everywhere on our planets including bunny rabbits..." "...and panda bears," Chloë added. "Oh, my!" Valley Exodus The Last Seed Thneedville Chase At the Park Let It Grow Funeral for a Tree Let It Grow (Celebrate the World) The rest of the songs on the Interscope Records album are demos that aren't in the movie. 13 canciones. "Yep," said the panda bear. The Last Seed 11. Rex Dasher Suite. From the creators of Despicable Me and the imagination of Dr. Seuss comes the 3D-CG feature Dr. Seuss' The Lorax, an adaptation of the classic tale of a forest creature who shares the enduring power of hope.The animated adventure follows the journey of a 12-year-old as he searches for the one thing that will enable him to win the affection of the girl of his dreams. spider #4 said in frustration. The Crossover Wikia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Would you like to come with me so I can show them to you?" Heitor Pereira. Then she continued, “I came all the way from Mata Nui to find a place where it’s nice and cuddly.” “Really?” I said. Know the draw times. "Because it's part of my plan," she responded. Truffula Valley Fantasy. As Upanova overheard the other animals' plannings, she ran as quickly as she could. "That's a great idea." John Powell - Pandora. Yo Ho, Yo Ho! She saw Ariel patrolling the forest with the magic trident in her hand and came closer to her. The Truffula Valley is ranked 89,126 th in the world and 14 th in The Dominion of United Free Nations for Largest Soda Pop Sector, scoring 1,147.47 on the Addison-Fukk Productivity Rating . The Lorax (also known as Dr. Seuss' The Lorax) is a 2012 American 3D computer-animated musical fantasy comedy film produced by Illumination Entertainment and based on Dr. Seuss' children's book of the same name.The film was released by Universal Pictures on March 2, 2012, on what would have been Seuss's 108th birthday.. "we are the hungry dragons in brotherhood." And then, the magic came around me which forced me to rise a little and I gained a white pair of feathered wings followed by the magic fading. "this world is full of Truffula trees and I know they're so soft." Like angels flying over the earth, Chloë and I approached to the red-haired girl and the talking animals she might understand. Shiny Luminous and the Magical Toy Emporium,, Kimberly Jordan and Chloë Agnew as themselves, Rob Riggle as the voice of Mr. Aloysius O'Hare, Sherry Lynn as the voice of Cuddles the White Bunny, Tim and Chris Stamper as the voices of Chilli Billi and Chilly Willy. and the magic that came out of it whipped him resulting in the ax being dropped. Playing is easy. We both laughed and as we stopped, I said to her, "Say, if I'm talking about the Truffula Forest, how about we can go there?" Have you seen it before?" What is this horrible place?" asked Hermione. "My fellow rhinos and I righteously break what goes against the forest." Fantasy in the Truffula Forest is a crossover story written by Kimberly Jordan (Kimberly AJ). "Thank you so much," she said in relief as she drank the water. The River Bed (4:03) • 8. he said. "OK, calm down," said Ariel soothingly. John Powell Feat. And he chuckled. Draws take place every day, after the draw entry closes at 6:30 p.m. No sales or ticket validations can take place from 6:30 p.m. to 6:35 p.m., which is when a draw break separates sales during draw periods. Then, she got close to the pond to fill him up with fresh water. Kimberly and Chloë are physically punishing O'Hare in their ways and I don't think it's enough for me. While Mr. O'Hare ran with his chainsaw, Ariel handled Flounder and then he said, "Uh, Ariel, why are you going to use me?" "I'll have to say yes to both your questions." Meanwhile, a dwarflike guy named Aloysius O'Hare fell into the forest being ditched by all his folks, even his henchmen, because they realized that Ted Wiggins and his girlfriend Audrey told the truth about nature and I really believe them. Onceler & Lorax Meet 6. “It sure is a beautiful day here.” “I agree,” I said. Then Articuno landed on the ground and said "OK." Chloë and I got onto the beautiful bird's back and we all took off. "I know you were threatening nature because we animals represent nature." “I am one of the magical girls. Tiki Tiki Babeloo. "That, Articuno," I said as I pointed far. Truffula Valley Fantasy This Is the Place Once-ler & Lorax Meet O'Hare Warns Ted The River Bed Houseguests Everybody Needs a Theed How Bad Can I Be? “the name of mine is Upanova.” “And I’m Tooty, Banjo’s little sister,” added Tooty. 367. Pick up the Claim Form at any Lottery District Office or download the Claim Form (PDF). He got up and saw the Truffula trees in horror. “I have learned a lot of spells from the books I took from the library inside the castle of Hogwarts.” “I know you have, Hermione,” Macku giggled. Refresh your page and look for the draw date when you view winning numbers. Will you accept that?" Use any of these ways to see if you’re a Fantasy 5 winner: Lottery funds provide supplemental funding for California public education. "The dwarf guy got away after breaking the spider webs and is about to cut down one of the Truffula trees! “What makes you think so?” “I looked at the sun and made a wish that I would come here. I've heard that you want to protect nature." "We are about to strike Mr. O'Hare once more, Sasami," I replied. The Lorax Humming Fish. Now, I wonder where Ariel is." "Yeah, one person isn't enough," said Chloë. "Hermione," I said to her. "My film?" At one moment, Mr. O'Hare had been tied to one of the Truffula trees and all the animals confronted him. "Oh, Hermione," Ariel cried. It is a story about herself and Irish singer Chloë Agnew on their pleasant Truffula Tree adventures preserving the nature of the Seuss world while meeting some characters from crossover franchises. At the Park 13. Houseguests (03:12) 9. bellowed the rhino. cried spider #3. My Kimberly and I used to have fun together before your film is released." "Me too," I added. Dr. Seuss' The Lorax (Original Motion Picture Score) by John Powell - CD (2012) for $18.10 from Pop / Rock - Order by Phone 1-800-336-4627 "Kimberly and Chloë are going to be surprised about this." View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 2012 CD release of Dr. Seuss' The Lorax on Discogs. It's a great thing that the wall that split this forest and Thneedville has been taken down and I'm sure that they will stay as one place just like the sea and the world above. Today, it is a bilingual place and due to the English language included, some anime shows have been released exactly in this language." Truffula Valley Fantasy (featuring The Lorax Humming Fish) 04: O’Hare Warns Ted: 06: Thneedville Chase: 11: Play All Tracks: From the creators of Despicable Me and the imagination of Dr. Seuss comes the 3D-CG feature Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax, an adaptation of the classic tale of a forest creature who shares the enduring power of hope. You can also select Quick Pick. And as I shook her hand, I introduced myself and then asked her, “What are you doing in the creek?” “Well, Kimberly,” she said in a shy kind of way. "Oh, no!" "Well," Hermione said bashfully, "I don't think I have." Valley Exodus (4:54) • 10. "Well, I don't mind at all," said Hermione in an agreement. Artist name Roles Recordings; Austin Wintory: orchestrator: A Blacksmith's Apprentice, A Glimmer of Hope, An Empire of Stone and Steel, Bound in Stone, Cuthbert, Execution, Horn, Reynes in Ruins, Suddene, The Final Trial, The Great Wise One, The Knighting, The Pygon Curse, The Road Forward, Through the Mountains, Westernesse, Yours to Name But there are 55,693 winning tickets and the top prize just got bigger! "Who's that?" How can I find out if I’ve won a draw game? "I never saw human girls in my life before." I Love You John Powell; The Bourne Identity John Powell; The Bourne Ultimatum John Powell; The Lorax (Official Motion Picture Soundtrack) John Powell The Italian Job (Recording Sessions) John Powell Ice Age 2: The Meltdown John Powell; Bolt John Powell; Ice Age: … Mr. O'Hare cried. How To Train Your Dragon John Powell; Bourne Supremacy (Score) John Powell How to Train Your Dragon 2 John Powell; P.S. It was magic. And she packed her books into her bag, put it on her shoulder and took her wand with her in order to join us against that dawrf lying brute. "My American friend Kimberly wants you to join us and preserve this forest," said Chloë. The animated feature, Dr. Seuss' The Lorax, is based on the classic Dr. Seuss environmentally themed children's book and stars the voices … Let's go get her." "I know what they are," he said. "Speaking of nature," Ariel said. "Ariel," I said. Chloë asked. "my name is Madame Upanova and I am the leader of the ballet Ostrich troupe." "OK," said Ariel kindly. Witness the golden glow of the happy, colorful fairies gathered to dance And then she began to scream joyfully forcing us to roll down the hills. “I’ll get the ax from the workshop,” said Chloë as she ran remembering that the yellow machine driven by Ted Wiggins, his girlfriend Audrey and his grandma Norma had beheaded the golden statue of O’Hare himself. "And Hermione?" Then, I came closer to him in the circle and said what the Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland famously said in my life, “Off with his head.” And while the others held him down when he was trying to get away again, Chloë came closer with the ax and SQUISH! "I bet they are," I said thrillingly. Truffula Valley Fantasy [5:00] 5. I exclaimed. Ten minutes after we got along, we saw the dwarf guy Mr. O’Hare being chased by my other friends and their allies and successfully, the snakes and lizards tied him down. "is the Truffula Forest. In a quick instance, Chloë and I gave a high-five for our efforts and then hugged each other. "I want to ask you to let us ride on you." Crocodile, `` what 's the matter? work, please truffula valley fantasy our help page she! And whites were smothering his hair and his skin had hideous goosebumps community contributions... This draw find everything powerful, prizes and retail compensation are going to play in this forest because it ugly. 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