All Hello, Sign in. Hardcover. As the narrator, another member of the squad also named Jack, begins to investigate, the truth turns out to have a dark, tragic twist. New volunteer (Jack) has an uncanny ability to find survivors in the rubble. We’d love your help. She has won eleven Hugo Awards and seven Nebula Awards, including Hugo Best Novel for Blackout/All Clear in 2010. Jack won't enter a church to rescue a large crucifix above the alter though others saw incendiary bombs fall on the church (Jack denies that happened). The sirens still hadn’t gone by eight o’clock. The sleepless stress of the job is hard on everyone. New York Times bestselling, multiple-award-winning author Connie Willis’s surprising and deftly rendered classic 1991 novella “Jack,” a finalist for the Nebula and the Hugo awards, is a must-have for readers of her beloved works set in World War II, including “Fire Watch,” Blackout, and All Clear. I still like Connie Willis but I don't like this. But how does he do it? This isn’t a very long story, and not my most favorite story that Connie Willis has written, but still I enjoyed it very much. Probably one of her better short stories. Definitely a quick read that everyone should enjoy, fan of SF or not. Willis does such a great job of capturing life in London during the World War II bombings, while also making you reflect on life in Germany at the same time and adding a touch of mystery and unease. So yeah, a good enough quick read. When a new volunteer named Jack shows up, his odd behavior—not eating, disappearing during the day for a mysterious job—isn’t concerning at first. She has won numerous prestigious awards for her particular works, including 7 Nebula Awards and 11 Hugo Awards. It’s a wonderful two-day conference–like a mini-science-fiction convention, with great guests of honor, speeches, readings, panels, great conversations, and wonderful food. Jack by Subterranean Press Ships from US Supplier Other information: Illustrated Related Searches: Connie Willis Books, Jack Science Fiction, Subterranean Press Books Format: Hardcover Dimensions: 21.08 x 13.21 x 1.52 centimeters Weight: 0.23 kg A Conversation with Connie Willis (1988) by Earl G. Ingersoll and Nancy Kress; Connie Willis: Skeptic in the Choir (1989) by uncredited An Interview with Connie Willis (1990) by Steven Paul Olson; Eye to Eye with Connie Willis (1990) by Vance Anderson and Stephen P. Brown and Yep. During the height of the Blitz in London, the air raid rescue squad operating out of Mrs. Lucy’s house is close-knit and ever-watchful. It’s just the Jack in Jack that’s underwhelming somewhat (possibly due to my person indifference to his specific kind of being…to say more would be too much), possibly because he is by far the most interesting character in the story, but somehow not the main one, in fact all we know of him is what is being observed and speculated by his coworker. One of the new volunteers seems to be extraordinarily good at locating. This new Jack has an uncanny ability of finding people still alive underneath the debris, but can only assist them during the night and quickly disappears at daylight. A short novella by the always inventive Connie Willis, who takes us once again to London during the Blitz. Connie Willis is an American science fiction and fantasy writer. It was very well written and very well thought out. Jack by Connie Willis-This is a novella, first published in 1991, in Willis's Blackout story line, following a group of volunteer wardens during the London Blitz of World War Two. And more similar details. Along comes volunteer Jack Harker, who joins Mrs Lucy's rescue team during the evening, only to quickly depart before dawn, to return to his mysterious "regular" job. Set, like. They're being sold in "as is" condition. I am kind of giving up on Connie Willis, alas. New York Times bestselling, multiple-award-winning author Connie Willis’s surprising and deftly rendered classic 1991 novella “Jack,” a finalist for the Nebula and the Hugo awards, is a must-have for readers of her beloved works set in World War II, including “Fire Watch,” Blackout, and All Clear. The Good: WWII, bombs, and an unlikely suspect digging up survivors. : All About Emily (a robot wants to be a Rockette at Radio City Music Hall); and I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land (discovering a repository for otherwise lost books, millions of them, under New York City). The writing is perfectly nice, but the story itself just didn’t really grab me. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Jack: Willis, Connie: Books. but even her minor works are excellent. Recommended for the tight plotting, vivid characters, and intense emotions. $27.84. The many allusions to Dracula make it clear early on what the mystery man's secret is, but Willis goes far beyond the standard vampire tale; her characters are vivid and the depictions of the Blitz are harrowing. I wish I could have discovered it on my own. When a mysterious man, Jack, joins their team, our protagonist, also Jack, grows increasingly suspicious. A novella originally published as part of Impossible Things and later The Winds of Marble Arch and Other Stories before Subterranean published it on its own Jack continues Connie Willis's fascination with WWII London and fantasy. Nominated for both a Hugo and a Nebula, Jack is a novella by the incomparable Connie Willis that Subterranean Press has reissued in a signed, limited edition. "During the height of the Blitz in London, the air raid rescue squad operating out of Mrs. Lucy's house is close-knit and ever-watchful. They watch where German bombs fall then try to find and rescue survivors in the bombing rubble (or remove corpses). Refresh and try again. $31.48. In the story, a man named Jack Harker narrates, another Jack joins the close-knit group to help rescue people buried in the rubble of constant bombings. Free shipping. "Perhaps our Violet's tired of … . Note: These copies are distributor returns, and as such may have various dings and blemishes. It's a lovely and moving and slightly creepy story, and it's a must-have for any fan of the series as a whole. Used for all hardbacks of any size. Originally published in 1991, this novella was nominated for Hugo, Nebula, and Locus awards, and has been reprinted several times since. item 7 Jack by Connie Willis: New 7 - Jack by Connie Willis: New. [Spoiler alert for what follows.] Set during the same time as some of the author’s other longer works, this is a story about rescue workers during WWII in London, England. This time out she explores the plight of the rescue crews during and after each night of bombings. This time we're in amongst the ARP wardens, spotting bombs, putting out fires, and rescuing trapped victims from the rubble. I always enjoy Connie Willis, and this novella is no exception. A slim book which packs a hell of a punch! Prime. Nominated for both a Hugo and a Nebula, Jack is a novella by the incomparable Connie Willis that Subterranean Press has reissued in a signed, limited edition. Connie Willis returns to the well she has drawn from so successfully in the past .... the angst that the English incurred during the World War II Blitz of London .... including the gems: All Clear, Blackout, and Fire Watch. When Jack Settle, a new volunteer, becomes part of the team, it becomes obvious that he has a knack for locating victims, raising the suspicions of another warden. This definitely makes you want to search out the other stories in this setting. In two of those cases the anthology titles would spoil the revelation. - Buy Jack book online at best prices in India on Willis' novels showcase the comedy of manner style of writing and often feature time travel, which are informally referred to as the Time Travel series. Skip to main He is often seen bending over the rescued on their stretchers for no obvious reason (some of whom we learn die after rescue from blood loss). Perhaps Connie Willis' best short story. Is there perhaps a significance to his name ... which invokes remembrance to one of the main protagonist of Bram Stoker's 1897 masterpiece: "Dracula" ??? First published in 1991; published by Subterranean Press on April 30, 2020. Constance Elaine Trimmer Willis is an American science fiction writer. chap: Jon Foster: Impossible Things: date unknown: Connie Willis: Bantam Spectra: 0-553-56436-6: $5.99: xiv+ 461 pb? And you already now know everything you need to know without even having to read the book. $20.00. To see what your friends thought of this book, “Sometimes it takes something dreadful like a war for one to find one’s proper job.”. Other than that, the writing is perfectly decent, there’s a good amount of details to bring the era to life with all its danger and devastation, so on a historical fiction level it certainly works. Check. I love Connie Willis and had never read Jack, which was just reissued. You begin to put yourself in the shoes of the protagonist, evoking rage and fear and helplessness and hopefulness all at once. Connie Willis. Soon, Jack is in high demand, due to an almost uncanny talent for finding buried people still alive under the rubble…. Or so his colleague suspects and tries to figure out. This short novella set in London in WWII with their version of emergency responders has some familiar names that you slowly start recognizing with dawning horror. Welcome back. Connie Willis is one of the established American authors who likes to write her novels based on the fantasy and science fiction genres. Last one +$3.99 shipping. It wasn't until the next day that the implication of the ending and the reference struck me. I am leaving my honest opinion. It a strong level of historical detail and it is quite well written. In two of those cases the anthology titles would spoil the revelation. Dust jacket and full-color interior illustrations by Jon Foster. Ahoy there me mateys! $40.00, Special Price Loved it! When a new volunteer named Jack shows up, his odd behavior—not eating, disappearing during the day for a mysterious job—isn’t concerning at first. by Subterranean. That said, this is Connie Willis-lite at best. Probably not, and it doesn't really matter. I don't think there's anything like a bad Connie Willis's story and this novella confirmed my theory. Subterranean Press is re-releasing this story in a special collector's edition, with the usual high-end quality and illustrations they are famous for. Connie Willis' novella, Jack, first appeared in Asimov's Science Fiction in 1991, and has been reprinted several times since, although I am pretty sure I hadn't read it before.Set during the London Blitz, the first assumption would be it's part of her Oxford Time Travel series, but something different is … : All About Emily (a robot wants to be a Rockette at Radio City Music Hall); and I Met a Traveller in an Antique Land (discovering a repository for otherwise lost books, millions of them, under New York City). Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 8:40AM. Good Minds Suggest: Connie Willis's Favorite "In Over Their Heads" Books. Set during the same time as some of the author’s other longer works, this is a story about rescue workers during WWII in London, England. Connie Willis returns to the well she has drawn from so successfully in the past .... the angst that the English incurred during the World War II Blitz of London .... including the gems: All Clear, Blackout, and Fire Watch. Strange, unsettling, and thoroughly engrossing, this twisted tale will captivate horror and fantasy readers.”. Connie Willis is an American science fiction and fantasy writer. The novella format was perfect for the level of interest and emotional engagement for me. Be the first to ask a question about Jack. This entry was posted in Events, Updates. I received a free copy of this book. Limited: 1250 signed numbered hardcover copies, “This reissue of Nebula and Hugo Award–winner Willis’s stunning WWII-set novella, originally published in 1991, takes readers into the mind of Jack Harker, a member of a London air raid rescue squad… Parallels and allusions to Bram Stoker’s Dracula, the protagonist of which is Harker’s namesake, enhance this dark, genre-bending war story. Jack by Connie Willis-This is a novella, first published in 1991, in Will Thanks to Netgalley for giving me this ARC to review. When a new volunteer named Jack shows up, his odd behavior—not eating, disappearing during the day for a mysterious job—isn’t concerning at first. She lives in Greeley, Colorado with her husband Courtney Willis, a professor of physics at … The sleepless stress of the job is hard on everyone. Jack Connie Willis Nominated for Hugo and Nebula awards for Best Novella in 1992. The characters are all well drawn and each is given his or her own place in the chaos that surrounds them. Prime. Regular Price: The sleepless stress of the job is hard on everyone. So was the Luftwaffe. When a mysterious man, Jack, joins their team, our protagonist, also Jack, grows increasingly suspicious. New York Times bestselling, multiple-award-winning author Connie Willis’s surprising and deftly rendered classic 1991 novella “Jack,” a finalist for the Nebula and the Hugo awards, is a must-have for readers of her beloved works set in World War II, including “Fire Watch ” Blackout, and All Clear. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Free delivery on qualified orders. Books Hello, Sign in. Thanks Netgalley. I missed the allusions to Dracula upon first reading, I just enjoyed this novella for what it was. She is one of the most honored science fiction writers of the 1980s and 1990s. I missed the allusions to Dracula upon first reading, I just enjoyed this novella for what it was. Along comes volunteer Jack Harker, who joins Mrs Lucy's rescue team during the ev. There are no discussion topics on this book yet. This is quite good. Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. A bleak glimpse into the war and th. Dire straits abound in these riveting recs from the Crosstalk author. It follows some other short works that seemed to me little better, e.g. The all pervasive stress and strain of hoping to find survivors, rather than corpses. I went into the book knowing far too much, which is why I have trouble rating it. Jack: Willis, Connie: 9781596069633: Books - I do offer a word of advice for people wanting to read it: don't read reviews. Author Willis is believed to have won more prestigious than any other author. Jack by Connie Willis. Soon, Jack is in high demand, due to an almost uncanny talent for finding buried people still alive under the rubble…. I can't really give this one an honest rating so this is a best guess. The sirens still hadn't gone by eight o'clock. This is my second read by the author and I’m yet to find myself in love, so far it’s just middle level like all the way. Jack has an uncanny and unbelievable knack of finding survivors buried beneath the rubble ... undetectable to any other. When a new volunteer named Jack shows up, his odd behavior - not eating, disappearing during the day for a mysterious job - isn't concerning at first. All rights reserved. About Connie Willis Connie Willis is an established author of many science fiction books, including THE DOOMSDAY BOOK, and winner of both the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award for best sf novel. It's wonderful to see this delightful novella in Willis' Oxford Time Travel series in print again. That said, this is Connie Willis-lite at best. During the height of the Blitz in London, the air raid rescue squad operating out of Mrs. Lucy’s house is close-knit and ever-watchful. The title might lead you to believe one thing about the main character, but you might be wrong. The real title of the story is "What has the war done for us". Error rating book. Unsolicited space travel? Is this paranoia brought on by lack of sleep and stress or something more sinister? Willis' novels showcase the comedy of manner style of writing and often feature time travel, which are informally referred to as the Time Travel series. Hello Select your address Best Sellers Today's Deals New Releases Books Electronics Customer Service Gift Ideas Home Computers Gift Cards Sell This book is not yet featured on Listopia. In the story, a man named Jack Harker narrates, another Jack joins the close-knit group to help rescue people buried in the rubble of constant bombings. I just returned from attending the Jack Williamson Lectureship, which I’ve gone to for over fifteen years. Read Jack book reviews & author details and more at A bleak glimpse into the war and the lives of the folks trapped in it, doing their best. This is my second read by the author and I’m yet to find myself in love, so far it’s just middle level like all the way. ©2020 Subterranean Press. Originally published in 1991, this novella was nominated for Hugo, Nebula, and Locus awards, and has been reprinted several times since. She has won eleven Hugo Awards and seven Nebula Awards, including Hugo Best Novel for Blackout/All Clear in 2010. Jack by Connie Willis. Of course you do. Title: Jack Author(s): Connie Willis ISBN: 1-59606-963-5 / 978-1-59606-963-3 (USA edition) Publisher: Subterranean Availability: Amazon Amazon UK Amazon CA Amazon AU Jack disappears promptly at dawn. The upcoming hardcover edition from Subterranean Press is the only option to select for this, but I just read an e-ARC through Net Galley, and I'll bet official e-books will be released by the end of the month or shortly after. New York Times bestselling, multiple-award-winning author Connie Willis’s surprising and deftly rendered classic 1991 novella “Jack,” a finalist for the Nebula and the Hugo awards, is a must-have for readers of her beloved works set in World War II, including “Fire Watch,” Blackout, and All Clear. . Buy Jack by Willis, Connie online on at best prices. This book is so well written, it feels longer than it is! Account & Lists Account Returns & Orders. I received this historical fantasy eARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review. Is this paranoia brought on by lack of sleep and stress or something more sinister? The title might lead you to believe one thing about the main cha. See where this is heading? Soon, Jack is in high demand, due to an, During the height of the Blitz in London, the air raid rescue squad operating out of Mrs. Lucy’s house is close-knit and ever-watchful. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published Jack Connie Willis The night Jack joined our post, Vi was late. Jack is a classic novella for a reason - Willis does a masterful job of digging deep into the psyche of those living through the Battle of Britain, willing to sacrifice themselves for the common good. She doesn’t give any direct answers to the questions that the reader may have, but she leaves bread crumbs as clues. There is a limit of one copy per person/household. Paperback. Loved it! One of the new volunteers seems to be extraordinarily good at locating victims, almost as if by supernatural means. I am a great fan of Connie Willis: loved Doomsday Book and Passage in particular. New York Times bestselling, multiple-award-winning author Connie Willis’s surprising and deftly rendered classic 1991 novella “Jack,” a finalist for the Nebula and the Hugo awards, is a must-have for readers of her beloved works set in World War II, including “Fire Watch,” Blackout, and All Clear. I love Connie Willis' work. The sleepless stress of the job is hard on everyone. First published in 1991; published by Subterranean Press on April 30, 2020. Wednesday, April 29, 2020 at 8:40AM. Jack: 2020-04-30: Connie Willis: Subterranean Press: 978-1-59606-963-3: $40.00: 108 hc? As always, her ability to convey the time and place about which she writes is uncanny, leading the reader to forget that this is, after all, a masterful product of someone's imagination. Was Jack really a vampire? I know that the most popular Willis work this year is Doomsday Book, for obvious reasons, but in a way the stress of the pandemic is not unlike the stress of the blitz, at least as Willis writes it. Skip to main So was the Luftwaffe. New York Times bestselling, multiple-award-winning author Connie Willis’s surprising and deftly rendered classic 1991 novella “Jack,” a finalist for the Nebula and the Hugo awards, is a must-have for readers of her beloved works set in World … Jack by Connie Willis-This is a novella, first published in 1991, in Willis's Blackout story line, following a group of volunteer wardens during the London Blitz of World War Two. Moody novella follows ARP wardens as they attempt to rescue civilians after the bombings and. Already now know everything you need to know without even having to read it: do like! Being sold in `` as is '' condition to be extraordinarily good at locating victims, almost if! '' books uncanny and unbelievable knack of finding survivors buried beneath the rubble offer a word of advice people... Next day that the reader may have various dings and blemishes in amongst the ARP as... Drawn and each is given his or her own place in the.... 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